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February 12, 2025



February 12, 2025

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  1. トラック3 320x180 トラック2 960x540 動画再生の仕組み 元素材 1920x1080 0 60 尺(秒)

    0 60 尺(秒) トラック1 1920x1080 10 20 30 40 50 解像度別に変換 & 分割
  2. 動画再生の仕組み トラック3 320x180 トラック2 960x540 0 60 尺(秒) トラック1 1920x1080

    10 20 30 40 50 1. 1920x1080 のデータを20秒分貯める(バッファ) 再生位置
  3. 動画再生の仕組み トラック3 320x180 トラック2 960x540 0 60 尺(秒) トラック1 1920x1080

    10 20 30 40 50 1. 1920x1080 のデータを20秒分貯める(バッファ) 再生位置
  4. 動画再生の仕組み トラック3 320x180 トラック2 960x540 0 60 尺(秒) トラック1 1920x1080

    10 20 30 40 50 1. 1920x1080 のデータを20秒分貯める(バッファ) 2. 再生を開始 再生位置
  5. 動画再生の仕組み トラック3 320x180 トラック2 960x540 0 60 尺(秒) トラック1 1920x1080

    10 20 30 40 50 1. 1920x1080 のデータを20秒分貯める(バッファ) 2. 再生を開始 3. 5秒経過 / データを10秒分取得 再生位置
  6. 動画再生の仕組み トラック3 320x180 トラック2 960x540 0 60 尺(秒) トラック1 1920x1080

    10 20 30 40 50 1. 1920x1080 のデータを20秒分貯める(バッファ) 2. 再生を開始 3. 5秒経過 / データを10秒分取得 4. 5秒経過 / 通信速度が悪化したため 960x540 のデータを取得 再生位置
  7. 動画再生の仕組み トラック3 320x180 トラック2 960x540 0 60 尺(秒) トラック1 1920x1080

    10 20 30 40 50 5. 30秒経過 / データの取得失敗 6. データ読み込みの間、再生停止 再生位置
  8. トラック選択ロジック int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs , chunkDurationUs) ; if (newSelectedIndex

    != previousSelectedIndex && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex , nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex) ; Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex) ; long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs , chunkDurationUs) ; if (selectedFormat. bitrate > currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } else if (selectedFormat. bitrate < currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs ) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } } https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/1.5.1/libraries/exoplayer/src/main/java/androidx/media3/exoplayer/trackselection/AdaptiveTrackSelection.java#L461-L480
  9. トラック選択ロジック int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs , chunkDurationUs) ; if (newSelectedIndex

    != previousSelectedIndex && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex, nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex); Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex); long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs, chunkDurationUs); if (selectedFormat.bitrate > currentFormat.bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex; } else if (selectedFormat.bitrate < currentFormat.bitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex; } } https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/1.5.1/libraries/exoplayer/src/main/java/androidx/media3/exoplayer/trackselection/AdaptiveTrackSelection.java#L461-L480
  10. トラック選択ロジック private int determineIdealSelectedIndex (long nowMs, long chunkDurationUs) { long

    effectiveBitrate = getAllocatedBandwidth(chunkDurationUs) ; int lowestBitrateAllowedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (nowMs == Long. MIN_VALUE || !isTrackExcluded(i , nowMs)) { Format format = getFormat(i) ; if (canSelectFormat(format , format.bitrate, effectiveBitrate)) { return i; } else { lowestBitrateAllowedIndex = i ; } } } return lowestBitrateAllowedIndex ; } トラックの情報 ビットレートが高い順 https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/1.5.1/libraries/exoplayer/src/main/java/androidx/media3/exoplayer/trackselection/AdaptiveTrackSelection.java#L599-L613 通信速度の予測結果
  11. トラック選択ロジック int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs , chunkDurationUs) ; if (newSelectedIndex

    != previousSelectedIndex && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex , nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex) ; Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex) ; long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs, chunkDurationUs); if (selectedFormat.bitrate > currentFormat.bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex; } else if (selectedFormat.bitrate < currentFormat.bitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex; } } https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/1.5.1/libraries/exoplayer/src/main/java/androidx/media3/exoplayer/trackselection/AdaptiveTrackSelection.java#L461-L480 トラックが切り替わる時 (解像度が変化する )
  12. トラック選択ロジック int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs, chunkDurationUs); if (newSelectedIndex != previousSelectedIndex

    && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex, nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex); Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex); long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs , chunkDurationUs) ; if (selectedFormat. bitrate > currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } else if (selectedFormat.bitrate < currentFormat.bitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex; } } https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/1.5.1/libraries/exoplayer/src/main/java/androidx/media3/exoplayer/trackselection/AdaptiveTrackSelection.java#L461-L480 ビットレートが上がる場合
  13. トラック選択ロジック int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs, chunkDurationUs); if (newSelectedIndex != previousSelectedIndex

    && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex, nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex); Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex); long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs, chunkDurationUs); if (selectedFormat.bitrate > currentFormat.bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex; } else if (selectedFormat. bitrate < currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs ) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } } https://github.com/androidx/media/blob/1.5.1/libraries/exoplayer/src/main/java/androidx/media3/exoplayer/trackselection/AdaptiveTrackSelection.java#L461-L480 ビットレートが下がる場合
  14. 解像度制限の方法: トラック選択ロジックを独自実装 public class MyTrackSelection extends BaseTrackSelection { public long

    maxBitrate = Long.MAX_VALUE; public void setMaxBitrate (long bitrate) { maxBitrate = bitrate; } }
  15. 解像度制限の方法: トラック選択ロジックを独自実装 int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs , chunkDurationUs) ; if

    (newSelectedIndex != previousSelectedIndex && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex , nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex) ; Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex) ; long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs , chunkDurationUs) ; if (selectedFormat. bitrate > currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } else if (selectedFormat. bitrate < currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs ) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } }
  16. 解像度制限の方法: トラック選択ロジックを独自実装 private int determineIdealSelectedIndex (long nowMs, long chunkDurationUs) {

    long effectiveBitrate = getAllocatedBandwidth(chunkDurationUs) ; int lowestBitrateAllowedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (nowMs == Long. MIN_VALUE || !isTrackExcluded(i , nowMs)) { Format format = getFormat(i) ; if (canSelectFormat(format , format.bitrate, effectiveBitrate)) { return i; } else { lowestBitrateAllowedIndex = i ; } } } return lowestBitrateAllowedIndex ; }
  17. 解像度制限の方法: トラック選択ロジックを独自実装 private int determineIdealSelectedIndex(long nowMs, long chunkDurationUs) { long

    effectiveBitrate = getAllocatedBandwidth(chunkDurationUs); int lowestBitrateAllowedIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (nowMs == Long. MIN_VALUE || !isTrackExcluded(i, nowMs)) { Format format = getFormat(i); if (format.bitrate < maxBitrate && canSelectFormat(format , format.bitrate, effectiveBitrate)) { return i; } else { lowestBitrateAllowedIndex = i; } } } return lowestBitrateAllowedIndex; }
  18. 解像度制限の方法: トラック選択ロジックを独自実装 int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs , chunkDurationUs) ; if

    (newSelectedIndex != previousSelectedIndex && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex , nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex) ; Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex) ; long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs , chunkDurationUs) ; if (selectedFormat. bitrate > currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } else if (selectedFormat. bitrate < currentFormat. bitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs ) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } }
  19. 解像度制限の方法: トラック選択ロジックを独自実装 int newSelectedIndex = determineIdealSelectedIndex(nowMs, chunkDurationUs); if (newSelectedIndex !=

    previousSelectedIndex && !isTrackExcluded(previousSelectedIndex, nowMs)) { Format currentFormat = getFormat(previousSelectedIndex); Format selectedFormat = getFormat(newSelectedIndex); long minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs = minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs(availableDurationUs, chunkDurationUs); if (selectedFormat.bitrate > currentFormat.bitrate && bufferedDurationUs < minDurationForQualityIncreaseUs) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex; } else if (selectedFormat. bitrate < currentFormat. bitrate && currentFormat.bitrate <= maxBitrate && bufferedDurationUs >= maxDurationForQualityDecreaseUs ) { newSelectedIndex = previousSelectedIndex ; } }
  20. 解像度制限の方法: まとめ • TrackSelectionParametersでトラックを無効化 • 再生中のトラックを無効化するとバッファが破棄され て一時的に再生が止まる ライブラリのAPIを使用 トラック選択ロジックを独自実装 •

    AdaptiveTrackSelectionの実装を変更 • バッファの破棄をしないためシームレスな再生が可能 即時にトラックを無効化したい時に有効 再生を止めずにサーバ (CDN)の転送量を削減し たい時に有効