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Windows Kernel Heap: Segment heap in windows ke...

December 07, 2020

Windows Kernel Heap: Segment heap in windows kernel Part 1

Windows Kernel Heap: Segment heap in windows kernel Part 1
Segment heap internals


December 07, 2020

Other Decks in Research


  1. • Angelboy • Researcher at DEVCORE • CTF Player •

    HITCON / 217 • Chroot • Co-founder of pwnable.tw • Speaker • HITB GSEC 2018/AVTokyo 2018/VXCON Whoami
  2. Kernel Pool • Non Paged Pool • Memory that will

    not be page out • Paged Pool • Memory that will be page out • Session Paged Pool • Memory that will be page out • Each session is independent
  3. Memory Allocator in kernel • ExAllocatePoolWithTag/ExFreePoolWithTag • Before 19H1 (1903)

    • Kernel Pool Allocator • From 19H1 ~ Now • Segment heap • Note • Segment heap in kernel is very similar to segment heap in userland • Some size and config are difference • We will focus on kernel in this slide • Windows 10 20H2
  4. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap Overview • Frontend

    Allocation • Low FragmentationHeap • Variable Size Allocation • Backend Allocation • Segment Allocation • Large Block Allocation
  5. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap Overview ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocatePool

    WithTag ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocateHeap Pool LFH RtlpHpLfh ContextAllocate VS Allocation RtlpHpVsContext AllocateInternal Segment Allocation RtlpHpSegAlloc Block Allocation RtlpHpLarge Alloc FrontEnd allocator Backend Allocator
  6. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap Overview ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocatePool

    WithTag ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocateHeap Pool LFH RtlpHpLfh ContextAllocate VS Allocation RtlpHpVsContext AllocateInternal Segment Allocation RtlpHpSegAlloc Block Allocation RtlpHpLarge Alloc FrontEnd allocator Backend Allocator Enable LFH and Size < 0x200
  7. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap Overview ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocatePool

    WithTag ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocateHeap Pool LFH RtlpHpLfh ContextAllocate VS Allocation RtlpHpVsContext AllocateInternal Segment Allocation RtlpHpSegAlloc Block Allocation RtlpHpLarge Alloc FrontEnd allocator Backend Allocator Size <= 0xfe0
 (0xfe0 < Size <= 0x20000 and (size & 0xfff) is not zero )
  8. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap Overview ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocatePool

    WithTag ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocateHeap Pool LFH RtlpHpLfh ContextAllocate VS Allocation RtlpHpVsContext AllocateInternal Segment Allocation RtlpHpSegAlloc Block Allocation RtlpHpLarge Alloc FrontEnd allocator Backend Allocator 0x20000 < Size < SegContexts[1].MaxAllocationSize
  9. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap Overview ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocatePool

    WithTag ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocateHeap Pool LFH RtlpHpLfh ContextAllocate VS Allocation RtlpHpVsContext AllocateInternal Segment Allocation RtlpHpSegAlloc Block Allocation RtlpHpLarge Alloc FrontEnd allocator Backend Allocator Size > 0x7f0000
  10. Memory Allocator in kernel • If FrontEnd's memory is

    it will be allocated
 from BackEnd to
 FrontEnd first ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocatePool WithTag ntoskrnl.exe ExAllocateHeap Pool LFH RtlpHpLfh ContextAllocate VS Allocation RtlpHpVsContext AllocateInternal Segment Allocation RtlpHpSegAlloc Block Allocation RtlpHpLarge Alloc FrontEnd allocator Backend Allocator
  11. Memory Allocator in kernel • nt!ExPoolState (_EX_POOL_HEAP_MANAGER_STATE) • The core

    structure in the Kernel pool memory allocator • Whether it is Page Pool or Non page pool, etc. are managed by this structure
  12. Memory Allocator in kernel • ExPoolState (_EX_POOL_HEAP_MANAGER_STATE) • HeapManager (_RTLP_HP_HEAP_MANAGER

    ) • Store some Global variables, some Metadata, etc. • NumberOfPool • Number of Pool Node • Default 1 NumberOfPool (8bytes) HeapManager (0x38d0bytes) PoolNode[64] (0x20c0*64) … 0x0 0x38d0 0x3900 0x86900
  13. Memory Allocator in kernel • ExPoolState (_EX_POOL_HEAP_MANAGER_STATE) • PoolNode (_EX_HEAP_POOL_NODE)

    • Each node will have four Heaps corresponding to different segment heaps, such as Paged/ Nonpaged pool, etc. NumberOfPool (8bytes) HeapManager (0x38d0bytes) PoolNode[64] (0x20c0*64) … 0x0 0x38d0 0x3900 0x86900
  14. Memory Allocator in kernel • _SEGMENT_HEAP • The core structure

    in the segment heap • Each Pool will have a _SEGMENT_HEAP structure. When allocating memory, it will decide which HEAP to allocate according to the pool type. • In ExPoolState • These are four segment heap will be created and initialized when the system is turned on • ExPoolState.PoolNode[0].Heap[0-4]
  15. Memory Allocator in kernel • _SEGMENT_HEAP • ExPoolState.PoolNode[0].Heap[0] -> NonPagedPool

    • ExPoolState.PoolNode[0].Heap[1] -> NonPagedPoolNx • ExPoolState.PoolNode[0].Heap[2] -> PagedPool
  16. Memory Allocator in kernel • _SEGMENT_HEAP • EnvHandle (RTL_HP_ENV_HANDLE) •

    environment handle of segment heap • Signature • Signature of segment heap • It always 0xddeeddee • AllocatedBase • Point to the end of the entire structure of _SEGMENT_HEAP, used to allocate the structure required by LFH Allocator, after allocation, it will point to the end of the allocated structure … … Signature (4bytes) LargeAllocMetadata (10bytes) _SEGMENT_HEAP LargeReservedPages (8bytes) LargeCommittedPages (8bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes) SegContexts (0x180bytes) VsContext (0xc0bytes) LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0x48 0x58 0x60 0xe8 0x100 0x280 0x340 0x0 EnvHandle (10bytes) … UserContext (8bytes) … … 0x28
  17. Memory Allocator in kernel • _SEGMENT_HEAP • SegContexts (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) •

    The core structure of the back-end manager • Divided into two segcontexts according to size • 0x20000 < Size <= 0x7f000 • 0x7f000 < Size <= 0x7f0000 … … Signature (4bytes) LargeAllocMetadata (10bytes) _SEGMENT_HEAP LargeReservedPages (8bytes) LargeCommittedPages (8bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes) SegContexts (0x180bytes) VsContext (0xc0bytes) LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0x48 0x58 0x60 0xe8 0x100 0x280 0x340 0x0 EnvHandle (10bytes) … UserContext (8bytes) … … 0x28
  18. Memory Allocator in kernel • _SEGMENT_HEAP • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) •

    The core structure of front-end VS Allocator • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • The core structure of the front-end LowFragmentationHeap Allocator … … Signature (4bytes) LargeAllocMetadata (10bytes) _SEGMENT_HEAP LargeReservedPages (8bytes) LargeCommittedPages (8bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes) SegContexts (0x180bytes) VsContext (0xc0bytes) LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0x48 0x58 0x60 0xe8 0x100 0x280 0x340 0x0 EnvHandle (10bytes) … UserContext (8bytes) … … 0x28
  19. Memory Allocator in kernel • nt!RtlpHpHeapGlobals (_RTLP_HP_HEAP_GLOBALS) • In Segment

    Heap, many fields, values, and functions are mostly encoded • This structure will be used to store related key and other information
  20. Memory Allocator in kernel • RtlpHpHeapGlobals (_RTLP_HP_HEAP_GLOBALS) • HeapKey •

    Used for VS Allocator, Segment Allocator • LfhKey • Used for LowFragmentationHeap • Both are 8 byte random value HeapKey (8bytes) LfhKey (8bytes) _RTLP_HP_HEAP_GLOBALS … 0x0 0x8
  21. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap • Frontend Allocation

    • Low FragmentationHeap • Variable Size Allocation • Backend Allocation • Segment Allocation • Large Block Allocation
  22. Low FragmentationHeap • Size • In the case of default

    • Size <= 0x200 and LFH is enabled for this size • The activation timing is very similar to that of NtHeap. It will be activated after 18 consecutive allocations of the same size block
  23. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • The core structure of

    the LFH Allocator • Used to manage the memory allocated by LFH, record all the information and structure of LFH in the heap
  24. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • BackendCtx (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) • Point

    to the Backend allocator used by the LFH … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT 0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[129]
  25. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • Callbacks (_HEAP_SUBALLOCATOR_CALLBACKS) • Call

    back function table (use to allocate/ release subsegments) • Allocate • Free • Commit • Decommit • ExtendContext … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT 0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[129]
  26. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • Callbacks (_HEAP_SUBALLOCATOR_CALLBACKS) • Function

    pointer 會被 encode 過 • The value of callbacks will be xored by • RtlpHpHeapGlobals.HeapKey • Address of LfhContext • Function pointer … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT 0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[129]
  27. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • Config (_RTL_HP_LFH_CONFIG) • Used

    to indicate the attributes of the LFH Allocator • It will be used to determine whether the size of allocation is within the scope of LFH allocator … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT 0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[129]
  28. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • Config (_RTL_HP_LFH_CONFIG) • MaxBlockSize

    • The size of the max block in LFH • WitholdPageCrossingBlocks • Are there any cross-page blocks • DisableRandomization • Whether to disable randomization of LFH MaxBlockSize (2bytes) WitholdPageCrossingBlocks (1bit) _RTL_HP_LFH_CONFIG 0x0 0x2 DisableRandomization (1bit) 0x2
  29. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • Bucket

    array, each buckets corresponds to blocks in a specific size range • When LFH is enabled, it will point to the _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET structure … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT 0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[129]
  30. Low FragmentationHeap • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • If

    it is not enabled, it will be used to indicate the number of times the block of the size is allocated. • The last 2 bytes are always 1 • The next 2 byte is the number of allocations • Each allocation will add 0x21 … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT 0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[0] … 0x0021 0x0001 Buckets[0]
  31. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • The bucket and its

    related structure will be allocated only when the LFH is enabled • LFH Allocator is use the structure to manage the block corresponding to the Size
  32. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • State (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OW NER) •

    Used to indicate the status of the Buckets • This structure is used to manage the memory pool of LFH … State (0x38bytes) TotalBlockCount (8bytes) _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET 0x0 0x38 0x40 TotalSubsegmentCount (8bytes) ReciprocalBlockSize (8bytes) … AffinitySlots[] 0x48 0x60
  33. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • State (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OW NER) •

    BucketIndex • The index of the bucket IsBuckets (1bit) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNER 0x0 0x1 BucketIndex (1byte) … 0x8 0x18 … AvailableSubsegmentCount (8B) AvailableSubsegmentList (8B) FullSubsegmentList (8bytes) 0x20
  34. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • State (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OW NER) •

    AvailableSubsegmentCount • Number of available subsegments IsBuckets (1bit) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNER 0x0 0x1 BucketIndex (1byte) … 0x8 0x18 … AvailableSubsegmentCount (8B) AvailableSubsegmentList (8B) FullSubsegmentList (8bytes) 0x20
  35. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • State (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNER) • AvailableSubsegmentList

    (_LIST_ENTRY) • Point to the next available subsegment in the bucket • FullSubsegmentList (_LIST_ENTRY) • Point to the next used up subsegment in the bucket IsBuckets (1bit) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNER 0x0 0x1 BucketIndex (1byte) … 0x8 0x18 … AvailableSubsegmentCount (8B) AvailableSubsegmentList (8B) FullSubsegmentList (8bytes) 0x20
  36. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • AffinitySlots (_HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT) • The

    main structure used to manage the memory pool using by LFH • There is only one by default … State (0x38bytes) TotalBlockCount (8bytes) _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET 0x0 0x38 0x40 TotalSubsegmentCount (8bytes) ReciprocalBlockSize (8bytes) … *AffinitySlots[] 0x48 0x60
  37. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • AffinitySlots (_HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT) • State

    (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_O WNER) • Same structure as State in Bucket, but this one is mainly used to manage subsegment State (0x38bytes) ActiveSubsegment (8bytes) _HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT 0x0 0x38
  38. Low FragmentationHeap • Buckets (_HEAP_LFH_BUCKET) • AffinitySlots (_HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT) • ActiveSubsegment

    (_HEAP_LFH_FAST_REF) • Point to the subsegment being used • The lowest 12 bits indicate how many blocks are available in the subsegment State (0x38bytes) ActiveSubsegment (8bytes) _HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT 0x0 0x38
  39. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • The memory pool

    of LFH is very similar in structure to UserBlock in NtHeap, but each block does not have header and other metadata. • Once there is not enough memory, it will take subsegment from Buckets->State.availableSubsegmentList first, if it has no available subsegment , it will allocate from backend allocator for a new subsegment • Mainly managed by buckets->AffinitySlots
  40. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • ListEntry(_LIST_ENTRY) • Flink

    • Point to the next full/available LFH subsegment • Blink • Point to the previous full/available LFH subsegment ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  41. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • Owner (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWN ER)

    • Point to the structure that manages the subsegment • Point back to the AffinitySlots.State of the bucket to which it belongs ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  42. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • FreeCount • The

    number of times the block is released • Not the number of freed blocks of the subsegment ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  43. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • BlockCount • the

    total number of block in the subsegment • FreeHint • The index of block that the last allocated • If the index of block that the last freed larger than freehint. It will be updated to the index • Used in allocated algorithm ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  44. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • Location • Indicates

    the location of the subsegment • 0 : AvailableSubsegmentList • 1 : FullSubsegmentList • 2 : The entire subsegment will be returned to back-end soon ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  45. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • BlockOffsets (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_ENC ODED_OFFSETS)

    • Used to indicate the block size of the subsegment and the offset of the first block in the subsegment ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  46. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • BlockSize • The

    size of block in the subsegment • The size is the original size • FirstBlockOffset • The offset of the first block • FirstBlock = subsegment + FirstBlockOffset BlockSize (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_ENCODED_OFFSETS 0x0 FirstBlockOffset (2bytes) 0x2
  47. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • BlockOffsets (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_ENC ODED_OFFSETS)

    • The value will be encoded • EncodedData = RtlpHpHeapGlobals.LfhKey^Blo ckOffsets^(subsegment >> 12) ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  48. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • BlockBitmap • Indicates

    the usage status of the block in the subsegment, and every two bits corresponds to a block • bit 0 : is_busy bit • bit 1 : unused bytes ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  49. Low FragmentationHeap • LFH Subsegments (_HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT) • Block • The

    allocated memory return to user. • If the unused byte in the corresponding BlockBitmap is 1, then the last two bytes of the block are used to represent unused bytes • If there is only 1 byte, it will be recorded as 0x8000 ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT 0x0 0x10 0x20 Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … 0x22 0x24 0x26 0x28 0x30
  50. Low FragmentationHeap … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT

    0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[0] Buckets[1] … 0x88 _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET … State (0x38bytes) TotalBlockCount TotalSubsegmentCount ReciprocalBlockSize … AffinitySlots[] State ActiveSubsegment _HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT IsBuckets BucketIndex … … AvailableSubsegmentCount AvailableSubsegmentList FullSubsegmentList _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNE ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT
  51. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • When allocating memory smaller than

    LfhContext- >Config.MaxBlockSize, it will first check whether the corresponding bucket is LFH enabled • bucket index = RtlpLfhBucketIndexMap[needbytes+0xf] • Check : Buckets[index]->State & 1 == 1 (disable) • If it’s not enabled, it will update(RtlpHpLfhBucketUpdateStats) the usage times corresponding bucket.
  52. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • When allocating memory smaller than

    LfhContext->Config.MaxBlockSize, it will first check whether the corresponding bucket is LFH enabled • The buckets[idx] will record the number of times when it is not enabled • When we allocated a chunk : the corresponding buckets[idx] += 0x210000 • Once (buckets[idx] >> 16) & 0x1f> 0x10 or (buckets[idx] >> 16)> 0xff00 it will enable LFH (RtlpHpLfhBucketActivate)
  53. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • About enable LFH (RtlpHpLfhBucketActivate) •

    At the beginning, it will allocate the required structure of the bucket (RtlpHpHeapExtendContext) • Bucket, owner, affinityslot … • The allocation method is directly allocated from _SEGMENG_HEAP- >AllocatedBase (usually pointing to the end of the segment heap structure) • After allocation, the bucket related structure will be initialized by RtlpHpLfhBucketInitialize
  54. Low FragmentationHeap _SEGMENT_HEAP … … Signature (4bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes)

    … LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0xe8 0x340 BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT … … Buckets[0] Buckets[1] …
  55. Low FragmentationHeap _SEGMENT_HEAP … … Signature (4bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes)

    … LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0xe8 0x340 BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT … … Buckets[0] Buckets[1] … State (0x38bytes) **AffinitySlots … State ActiveSubsegment 0x800 0xa40 AffinitySlots[0] 0x8e0 0x860 _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET _HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT *_HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT
  56. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • After LFH is enabled, LFH

    will be used as long as the block of the size is allocated • Implementation function is nt!RtlpHpLfhSlotAllocate • Next, it will check if there is an available block in ActiveSubsegment • The check is to take the lowest 12 bits of ActiveSubsegment (representing the number of blocks that can be allocated), and if there are available block, it will allocate from the subsegment • If not, it will confirm whether the subsegment really has no block that can be allocated
  57. Low FragmentationHeap … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT

    0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[0] Buckets[1] … 0x88 _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET … State (0x38bytes) TotalBlockCount TotalSubsegmentCount ReciprocalBlockSize … AffinitySlots[] State ActiveSubsegment _HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT IsBuckets BucketIndex … … AvailableSubsegmentCount AvailableSubsegmentList FullSubsegmentList _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNE ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT Find AffinitySlots
  58. Low FragmentationHeap … BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT

    0x0 0x8 0x3c … 0x80 … Buckets[0] Buckets[1] … 0x88 _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET … State (0x38bytes) TotalBlockCount TotalSubsegmentCount ReciprocalBlockSize … AffinitySlots[] State ActiveSubsegment _HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT IsBuckets BucketIndex … … AvailableSubsegmentCount AvailableSubsegmentList FullSubsegmentList _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNE ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT Check ActiveSubsegment (ActiveSubsegment & 0xfff) > 0
  59. • Allocate • Which block will be taken? • In

    the case that the subsegment have available blocks, it will be similar to the LFH block in NtHeap, it would take the value of RtlpLowFragHeapRandomData[x] first. • Next time it will retrieve the value from RtlpLowFragHeapRandomData[x+1] • x is 1 byte ,x = rand() % 256 after 256 rounds • RtlpLowFragHeapRandomData is a 256-bytes array filled with random value • The range of random value is 0x0 - 0x7f Low FragmentationHeap
  60. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • Next, it will retrieve value

    of Bitmap[Index] according to the value of subsegment->FreeHint • Index = (2*freehint) >> 6 • After retrieving the value of the Bitmap, it will look for the bit corresponding first allocated block • Then adding the random index, it is the block to be allocated
  61. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • If the block is allocated,

    it will tack the next nearest block • Finally, after updating the bit map and unused byte, it will return the memory block
  62. Low FragmentationHeap • Get an index • Searchwidth = RtlpSearchWidth[Bucketindex];

    • randval = RtlpLowFragHeapRandomData[x] • Bitmap = BlockBitmap[(2*freehint) >> 6] _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[0] Block Block … BlockBitmap[1]
  63. Low FragmentationHeap • Get an index • Firstnotfreeidx = first

    not free block in Bitmap • val = (searchwidth *randval >> 7) & 0x1FFFFFE • blockindex = (firstnotfreeidx + val) & 0x3f _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[0] Block Block … BlockBitmap[1]
  64. Low FragmentationHeap • Check if the BusyBitmap correspond to index

    is 0 • If it is not zero, it will take the next nearest block • If it is zero, it will set the corresponding BlockBitmap, and confirm whether there is unused byte _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[0] Block Block … BlockBitmap[1]
  65. Low FragmentationHeap • If there are unused byte, set unusedbyte

    at the end of the block • Return the block _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[0] Block Block … BlockBitmap[1]
  66. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • If the lowest 12 bit

    of the ActiveSubsegment is 0, it would check whether subsegment->FreeCount is greater than 1 • if the value is greater than 1 (indicating that the subsegment still have allocatable blocks), it will update the lowest 12 bit at the ActiveSubsegment • If the subsegment has no block that can be allocated, it will be filled from Buckets[idx]->State.AvailableSubsegmentList
  67. Low FragmentationHeap • Allocate • In no subsegment available, It

    would allocate a new subsegment from the back-end allocator and initialize the subsegment (RtlpHpLfhSubsegmentCreate) • It will initialize BlockOffsets, BitMap, etc. • After initialization, it will add to AffinitySlots->State.AvailableSubsegmentList, and point subsegment->Owner back to AffinitySlots->State • AffinitySlots->ActiveSubsegment is also set to this subsegment and the lowest 12 bit is initialized
  68. Low FragmentationHeap _SEGMENT_HEAP … … AllocatedBase (8bytes) … LfhContext (0x4c0bytes)

    0xe8 0x340 BackendCtx (8bytes) Callbacks (0x28bytes) Config (4bytes) _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT … … Buckets[0] Buckets[1] … State (0x38bytes) **AffinitySlots … State ActiveSubsegment 0x800 0xa40 AffinitySlots[0] 0x8e0 0x860 _HEAP_LFH_BUCKET _HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT *_HEAP_LFH_AFFINITY_SLOT ListEntry (10bytes) Owner (8bytes) FreeCount (2bytes) BlockCount (2bytes) FreeHint (2bytes) Location (1byte) … BlockOffsets (4bytes) … … BlockBitmap[] Block … IsBuckets BucketIndex … … AvailableSubsegmentCount AvailableSubsegmentList FullSubsegmentList _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT_OWNER _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT SegContexts (0x180bytes) VsContext (0xc0ytes) 0x280 0x100
  69. Low FragmentationHeap • Free • Main implementation function is nt!RtlpHpLfhSubsegmentFreeBlock

    • At the beginning, it will take subsegment.BlockOffsets first and decode it • According to the content of BlockOffsets, it will retrieve block size and firstblockoffset • According to the previous info, the index of block can be calculated • Clear the corresponding bitmap and set FreeCount = FreeCount + 1
  70. Low FragmentationHeap • Free • If FreeCount == BlockCount-1 means

    that all the blocks of the subsegment are released, the subsegment will be removed from the AvaliableSubsegmentList • There will also be double linked list checks when removing here • It will release subsegment to backend Allocator
  71. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap • Frontend Allocation

    • Low FragmentationHeap • Variable Size Allocation • Backend Allocation • Segment Allocation • Large Block Allocation
  72. Variable Size Allocation • Size • Size <= 0x200 and

    not enable LFH • 0x200 < Size <= 0xfe0 • 0xfe0 < Size <= 0x20000 and (Size & 0xfff) != 0
  73. Variable Size Allocation • Chunk • The basic structure of

    memory allocator • In front of the chunk in VS allocation, there are some related metadata that record information of the chunk • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_FREE_HEADER • Similar to back-end allocator in NtHeap
  74. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • MemoryCost • Only used

    when freed User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) EncodedSegmentPageOffset (1byte) Inused UnusedBytes (1bit) SkipDuringWalk (1bit) Spare (22 bit)
  75. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • UnsafeSize • The size

    of chunk • The value is right shift by 4 bits • UnasfePrevSize • The size of previous chunk • The value is right shift by 4 bits User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) EncodedSegmentPageOffset (1byte) Inused UnusedBytes (1bit) SkipDuringWalk (1bit) Spare (22 bit)
  76. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • Allocated • Indicates whether

    the chunk is allocated • The value is 1, if it is allocated User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) EncodedSegmentPageOffset (1byte) Inused UnusedBytes (1bit) SkipDuringWalk (1bit) Spare (22 bit)
  77. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • Chunk header will be

    encoded • Encoded header is xor with • Chunk header • Chunk address • RtlpHpHeapGlobals.HeapKey User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) EncodedSegmentPageOffset (1byte) Inused UnusedBytes (1bit) SkipDuringWalk (1bit) Spare (22 bit) Encode
  78. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • EncodedSegmentPageOffset • Indicates the

    index of pages of the chunk in the VS subsegment • It is used to find the VS subsegment • It will also be encoded. User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) EncodedSegmentPageOffset (1byte) Inused UnusedBytes (1bit) SkipDuringWalk (1bit) Spare (22 bit)
  79. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • EncodedSegmentPageOffset is xor with

    • (int8)Chunk address • (int8)RtlpHpHeapGlobals.HeapKe y • SegmentPageOffset User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) EncodedSegmentPageOffset (1byte) Inused UnusedBytes (1bit) SkipDuringWalk (1bit) Spare (22 bit) Encode
  80. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER • UnusedBytes • Indicates whether

    the allocated chunk has unused memory User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) EncodedSegmentPageOffset (1byte) Inused UnusedBytes (1bit) SkipDuringWalk (1bit) Spare (22 bit)
  81. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_FREE_HEADER • MemoryCost • Indicates how

    many pages of memory need to be committed when the chunk is allocated User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) Freed Node (18byte)
  82. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_FREE_HEADER • 8 byte header is

    in the same as allocated chunk • Node (_RTL_BALANCED_NODE) • Node of rbtree and Freed chunk will be stored in a rbtree structure User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) Freed Node (18byte)
  83. Variable Size Allocation • _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_FREE_HEADER • Node (RTL_BALANCED_NODE) • Children

    • Left/Right • The left and right subtrees of the Node • ParentValue • Parent node of this node User Data MemoryCost (2byte) UnsafeSize (2byte) UnsafePrevSize (2byte) Allocated (1byte) Padding (1byte) Freed Left (8byte) Right (8byte) ParentValue (8byte)
  84. Variable Size Allocation • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • The core structure

    of the VS Allocator • Used to manage the memory allocated by VS allocator, and record all the information and structure of VS allocator in the heap
  85. Variable Size Allocation • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • Lock • Just

    for lock • LockType (_RTLP_HP_LOCK_TYPE) • The type of Lock can be divided into • Paged/NonPaged/TypeMax LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0
  86. Variable Size Allocation • FreeChunkTree (_RTL_RB_TREE) • In VS Allocation,

    after free a chunk, the chunk will be placed in the FreeChunkTree of the heap, and the chunk will be inserted in the FreeChunkTree according to the size. • If the size of chunk is larger than the node, it will be placed in right subtree
 otherwise, will be placed in left subtree • If there is no larger chunk than the chunk, the right subtree is NULL, and the other side is also • There will be a node check when taken out of the tree
  87. Variable Size Allocation • FreeChunkTree (_RTL_RB_TREE) • Root • Point

    to the root of the rbtree • Encoded • Indicates whether the root has been encoded (default disable) • About encode : • EncodedRoot = Root ^ FreeChunkTree Encoded Root FreeChunkTree 0x0 0x8
  88. Variable Size Allocation • FreeChunkTree (_RTL_RB_TREE) Left Right Chunk header

    (0x420) Parent (NULL) Left Right Chunk header (0x210) Parent Left Right Chunk header (0x510) Parent Encoded Root FreeChunkTree
  89. Variable Size Allocation • DelayFreeContext (_HEAP_VS_DELAY_FREE_CONTEXT) • When enable delay

    free (default in kernel but disable in usermode) and size of chunk < 0x1000, after Free a chunk, it will not be free immediately, but will be added to a singly linked list called DelayFreeContext, until the number of chunks in the linked list exceeds 0x20, the chunks in the linked list will be freed at one time • Next pointer will be put at the beginning of user data • FILO • If you want to check whether delay free is enable, you can check VsContext- >Config
  90. Variable Size Allocation • DelayFreeContext (_HEAP_VS_DELAY_FREE_CONTEXT) • Depth • The

    number of chunks in the Linked list • NextEntry • Point to next chunk • At this time chunk is still Allocated Depth (2byte) NextEntry (8byte) Sequence (6byte) DelayFreeContext Listhead
  91. Variable Size Allocation • DelayFreeContext (_HEAP_VS_DELAY_FREE_CONTEXT) Depth (2byte) NextEntry (8byte)

    Sequence (6byte) DelayFreeContext Next Chunk header (16 byte) Null Chunk header (16 byte) Listhead
  92. Variable Size Allocation • VS Subsegment (_HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT) • The memory

    pool of VS allocation • Once there is not enough for allocation, it will allocated from the backend allocator for a new subsegment • Each subsegment will be linked in a linked list
  93. … Variable Size Allocation • VS Subsegment (_HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT) • ListEntry(_LIST_ENTRY)

    • Flink • Point to next subsegment • Blink • Point to previous subsegment ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) 0x0 0x10 0x18 0x20 0x22 Chunk header 0x30 Chunk header Chunk header
  94. Variable Size Allocation • VS Subsegment (_HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT) • ListEntry(_LIST_ENTRY) •

    The value would be encoded • Flink/Blink will xor with following value • Address of ListEntry • Address of next/prev subsegment … ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) 0x0 0x10 0x18 0x20 0x22 Chunk header 0x30 Chunk header Chunk header
  95. Variable Size Allocation • VS Subsegment (_HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT) • ListEntry(_LIST_ENTRY) •

    There is also double linked list check here … ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) 0x0 0x10 0x18 0x20 0x22 Chunk header 0x30 Chunk header Chunk header
  96. Variable Size Allocation • VS Subsegment (_HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT) • CommitBitmap •

    Indicates the status of page commit in the subsegment, and the page starts from the beginning of the subsegment • CommitLock • Lock used when Commit … ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) 0x0 0x10 0x18 0x20 0x22 Chunk header 0x30 Chunk header Chunk header
  97. Variable Size Allocation • VS Subsegment (_HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT) • Size •

    Size of VS subsegment • The value is right shift by 4 bits • Signature • Signature for verification, make sure that the subsegment is found when free … ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) 0x0 0x10 0x18 0x20 0x22 Chunk header 0x30 Chunk header Chunk header
  98. Variable Size Allocation • VS Subsegment (_HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT) • Behind the

    VS subsegment header is the memory pool of VS Allocator. At the beginning, the memory pool of subsegment is a large chunk • Split when allocated • Coalesce to-be-freed block with neighbors … ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) 0x0 0x10 0x18 0x20 0x22 Chunk header 0x30 Chunk header Chunk header
  99. Variable Size Allocation • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • BackendCtx • Point

    to the Backend allocator (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) structure used by the VS Allocator LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0
  100. Variable Size Allocation • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • Callbacks (_HEAP_SUBALLOCATOR_CALLBACKS) •

    Call back function table (Use to allocate/free subsegment) • Allocate • Free • Commit • Decommit • ExtendContext LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0
  101. Variable Size Allocation • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • Callbacks (_HEAP_SUBALLOCATOR_CALLBACKS) •

    Function pointer will be encoded • Callbacks will xor with following value • RtlpHpHeapGlobals.HeapKey • VsContext address • Function pointer LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0
  102. Variable Size Allocation • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • Config (_RTL_HP_VS_CONFIG) •

    Used to represent the attributes of the Vs Allocator • PageAlignLargeAllocs (default 1 in kernel) • FullDecommit • EnableDelayFree (default 1 in kernel) LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0
  103. Variable Size Allocation • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • Config (_RTL_HP_VS_CONFIG) •

    Used to represent the attributes of the Vs Allocator • PageAlignLargeAllocs (default 0 in user mode) • FullDecommit • EnableDelayFree (default 0 in usermode) LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0
  104. Variable Size Allocation LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext

    … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0 Encoded Root VS Subsegment ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) Free Chunk header (0x300) Node Chunk header Chunk (0x230) Node Chunk (0x430) Node NextEntry
  105. Variable Size Allocation LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext

    … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0 Blink Flink VS Subsegment ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) Free Chunk header (0x300) Node Chunk header ListEntry Subsegm ent NextEntry
  106. Variable Size Allocation LockType VsContext Lock FreeChunkTree SubsegmentList … DelayFreeContext

    … BackendCtx Callbacks Config 0x0 0x8 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x88 0xb0 NextEntry Depth VS Subsegment ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) Free Chunk header (0x300) Node Chunk header NextEntry
  107. Variable Size Allocation • Allocate • Main implementation function is

    nt!RtlpHpVsContextAllocateInternal • It will calculate the required chunk size at the beginning • Then it will find a suitable chunk from FreeChunkTree in VsContext • Start searching from the root, when the required chunk is larger than the node, continue searching from the right subtree until it is found or is NULL
  108. Variable Size Allocation • Allocate • If the chunk that

    can be allocated is not found, a subsegment will be allocated and the subsegment will be added to the VsContext, and then start searching from FreeChunkTree again • It will create a large chunk when it initialize the subsegment. • RtlpHpVsSubsegmentCreate • Request memory (RtlpHpSegVsAllocate) from backend, and create a new subsegment, the minimum size is (0x10000)
  109. Variable Size Allocation • Allocate • RtlpHpVsContextAddSubsegment • Add subsegment

    to VsContext • It will determinate how to split the subsegment according to whether to enable PageAlignLargeAllocs • If PageAlignLargeAllocs is set, the subsegment will be split into two chunks, one is the first chunk behind the subsegment structure, and the second is the page alignment, the user data of the chunk is aligned, and both chunks are added to FreeChunkTree • If not, the entire subsegment will be treated as a large chunk and added to FreeChunkTree
  110. Variable Size Allocation … ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS

    Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) Chunk header (size:0xffd0) … ListEntry CommitBitmap CommitLock Size (2byte) VS Subsegment Signature (15bit) FullCommit (1bit) Chunk header (size:0xfb0) Chunk header (size:0xf020) 0xffff..2030 0xffff..2030 0xffff..2fe0 Split Page alignment
  111. Variable Size Allocation • Allocate • If the found size

    of chunk size larger then request size, the chunk will be split, and the remaining chunks will be re-added to FreeChunkTree • RtlpHpVsChunkSplit • It will remove the chunk out of FreeChunkTree, and split the chunk, and re-added re-added FreeChunkTree as a new Freed chunk. • This will also be split according to whether the page alignment is or not. If the size of the chunk to be split exceeds 1 page, it split remainder chunk into two pieces according to the page • If request size < chunk size, unused byte will be recorded at the last 2 bytes of chunk
  112. Variable Size Allocation … Chunk header (size:0x11020) … Chunk header

    (size:0x3920) 0xffff..3fe0 0xffff..3fe0 Split allocate 0x3920 Chunk header (size:0x6e0) 0xffff..7900 0xffff..8fe0 Chunk header (size:0xd020) Remainder
  113. Variable Size Allocation • Free • Main implementation function is

    nt!RtlpHpVsContextFree • The signature and Allocated bytes of the subsegment will be verified at first • Subsegment->Size ^ Subsegment->Signature ^ 0x2BED == 0 • BSOD if verification fails
  114. Variable Size Allocation • Free • Next, it will check

    if the number of chunks in VsContext- >DelayFreeContext is greater than 0x20 • VsContext->DelayFreeContext.Depth > 0x20 • If it is less than 0x20, the chunk will be inserted at the beginning of the linked list and then return • VsContext->DelayFreeContext.NextEntry
  115. Variable Size Allocation • Free • If DelayFreeContext> 0x20, then

    the chunks in the linked list will be freed one by one • When it free a chunk, EncodedSegmentPageOffset will be used to find the VS subsegment of the chunk, and verify the Allocated byte and segment signature
  116. Variable Size Allocation • Free • Next, it will check

    whether the front and next chunks can be merged. If VsContext->Config.flag has enable PageAlignLargeAllocs, then one more chunk will be check.
 The merged chunk will be moved out of FreeChunkTree first. There is a tree structure check. After the merge, update prev_size and Size • RtlpHpVsChunkCoalesce • After merging, if address of chunk+0x20 is the beginning of page, the chunk will be page aligned and split into two pieces
  117. Variable Size Allocation • FreeChunkTree check Left Right Chunk header

    (0x420) Parent Left Right Chunk header (0x210) Parent Left Right Chunk header (0x510) Parent P L R R->Parent->Right == R L->Parent->Left == L P->Left->Parent == P P->Right->Parent == P
  118. Variable Size Allocation • Free • If the size of

    the merged chunk is exactly equal to the size of the subsegment, the entire subsegment will be moved out of the linked list. • There is also a double linked list check here and it will release the subsegment to the backend allocator • If it is not equal, it will calculate MemoryCost and Segmentpageoffset of the chunk and then encode it. • Finally, look for a suitable position in FreeChunkTree to insert
  119. Pool Header • When the size of allocation <= 0xfe0

    • Both LFH and VS Allocator will allocate additional 0x10 byte (64bit) • It is used to store the Pool Header. Pool Header is used for Pool Allocator before 19H1 . • Now it is basically used in a few cases such as CacheAligned, PoolQuota and PoolTrack • The header contains • Size • PreviousSize • Pool type • PoolIndex
  120. Pool Header • When the size of allocation <= 0xfe0

    Chunk header (16 byte) _POOL_HEADER (16 byte) _POOL_HEADER (16 byte) LFH VS Return ptr
  121. Pool Header • Pool Header (_POOL_HEADER) • PreviousSize • Used

    in the CacheAligned case, indicating the offset between the previous Pool header and the header • Pool Index • Useless in Segment Heap PoolIndex (1byte) PreviousSize (1byte) PoolType (1byte) BlockSize (1byte) PoolTag (4 bytes) ProcessBilled (8 bytes) 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x8 Pool header
  122. Pool Header • Pool Header (_POOL_HEADER) • BlockSize • The

    size of the block • The value is right shift by 4 bits • PoolType • The pooltype of the block PoolIndex (1byte) PreviousSize (1byte) PoolType (1byte) BlockSize (1byte) PoolTag (4 bytes) ProcessBilled (8 bytes) 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x8 Pool header
  123. Pool Header • Pool Header (_POOL_HEADER) • PoolTag • The

    tag string is filled in when the block is allocated • When you use ExAllocatePoolWithTag, you can specify the pooltag • ProcessBilled • Used for PoolQuota and CacheAligned PoolIndex (1byte) PreviousSize (1byte) PoolType (1byte) BlockSize (1byte) PoolTag (4 bytes) ProcessBilled (8 bytes) 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x8 Pool header
  124. Dynamic Lookaside • If the size of allocation 0x201 <Size

    <0xfe0. • It will not be freed immediately after free. The block will be added to a Dynamic Lookaside • Depending on the size of the block, it will be added to different linked lists • The size is taken from Pool Header • When it allocate, it will first take block from Dynamic Lookaside first • It will enter the normal allocation if it is not found
  125. Dynamic Lookaside • _SEGMENT_HEAP • UserContext (_RTL_DYNAMIC_LOOKASIDE) • The core

    structure of the dynamic lookaside … … Signature (4bytes) LargeAllocMetadata (10bytes) _SEGMENT_HEAP LargeReservedPages (8bytes) LargeCommittedPages (8bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes) SegContexts (0x180bytes) VsContext (0xc0bytes) LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0x48 0x58 0x60 0xe8 0x100 0x280 0x340 0x0 EnvHandle (10bytes) … UserContext (8bytes) … … 0x28
  126. Dynamic Lookaside • UserContext (_RTL_DYNAMIC_LOOKASIDE) • EnabledBucketBitmap • A bitmap

    is used to indicate which buckets have enable lookaside • BucketCount • The total number of buckets in lookaside EnabledBucketBitmap (8bytes) BucketCount (4bytes) ActiveBucketCount (4bytes) Buckets[64] (0x40bytes) 0x0 0x8 0xc 0x40 _RTL_DYNAMIC_LOOKASIDE
  127. Dynamic Lookaside • UserContext (_RTL_DYNAMIC_LOOKASIDE) • ActiveBucketCount • The number

    of buckets with enable lookaside • Buckets (_RTL_LOOKASIDE) • Used to manage the structure of different sizes of lookaside, which is where the lookaside are EnabledBucketBitmap (8bytes) BucketCount (4bytes) ActiveBucketCount (4bytes) Buckets[64] (0x40bytes) 0x0 0x8 0xc 0x40 _RTL_DYNAMIC_LOOKASIDE
  128. Dynamic Lookaside • Buckets (_RTL_LOOKASIDE) • ListHead (_SLIST_HEADER) • The

    structure of the head of the Singly linked list contains the length of the linked list, and the linked list itself, which is common in windows kernel • Depth • The number of chunks that can be stored in the bucket ListHead (16bytes) Depth (2bytes) … 0x0 0x10 _RTL_LOOKASIDE
  129. Dynamic Lookaside • _SLIST_HEADER • Depth • The number of

    nodes in the linked list • NextEntry • Point to next node • In the Dynamic Lookaside, it points to the Userdata of the freed chunk, behind the pool header Depth (2bytes) … NextEntry (8 byte) 0x0 0x8 _SLIST_HEADER
  130. Dynamic Lookaside … … Signature (4bytes) LargeAllocMetadata (10bytes) _SEGMENT_HEAP LargeReservedPages

    (8bytes) LargeCommittedPages (8bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes) SegContexts (0x180bytes) VsContext (0xc0bytes) LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0x48 0x58 0x60 0xe8 0x100 0x280 0x340 0x0 EnvHandle (10bytes) … UserContext (8bytes) … … 0x28 EnabledBucketBitmap (8bytes) BucketCount (4bytes) ActiveBucketCount (4bytes) Buckets[0] (0x40bytes) _RTL_DYNAMIC_LOOKASIDE Depth (2bytes) … _RTL_LOOKASIDE Depth (2bytes) … NextEntry (8 byte) Chunk header (16 byte) _POOL_HEADER (16 byte) VS chunk … Buckets[1] (0x40bytes)
  131. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap • Frontend Allocation

    • Low FragmentationHeap • Variable Size Allocation • Backend Allocation • Segment Allocation • Large Block Allocation
  132. Segment Allocation • Size (in the kernel) • Size is

    a multiple of page • Size <= 0x7f0000 • Size is not a multiple of page • 0x20000 < Size <= 0x7f0000 • It’s a bit different in userland.
  133. Segment Allocation • it can be divided into two categories.

    The difference between the two is that the block units are different. • 0x20000 < Size <= 0x7f000 • 0x1000 as the unit of block • 0x7f000 < Size <= 0x7f0000 • 0x10000 as the unit of block • Both unit are called page here
  134. Segment Allocation • Page • In the case of size

    <= 0x7f000, the allocation unit of Segment Allocation • For example, if you allocate 0x1450 bytes, it would allocate 2 page • 0x7f000 < Size <= 0x7f0000 • It will use 0x10000 as the allocation unit • In the following slides, I will use 0x1000 as an example Page Page Page Page 0x1000 0x10000 Pages
  135. Segment Allocation • Block (chunk) • Consists of single or

    multiple pages • The memory block allocated by Segment Allocatior • As shown in the figure, the block is composed of 3 pages Page Page Page Page 0x1000 Block
  136. Segment Allocation • Page Segment (_HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT) • memory pool of

    segment allocation • Once there is no available page segment, a new page segment will be allocated from the system(MmAllocatePoolMemory) , but only the required structure will be allocated at the beginning • Each page segment will be inserted into a double linked list
  137. Segment Allocation • _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT • ListEntry (_LIST_ENTRY) • Flink •

    Point to the next page segment in the Linked list • Blink • Point to the previous page segment in the Linked list … ListEntry Signature _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT … … DescArray[256] 0x0 0x10 0x40 Pages 0x2000 
  138. Segment Allocation • _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT • Signature • The signature of

    the page segment is used to verify the page segment • Signature will xor with following value • Address of page segment • Address of Segcontext • RtlpHpHeapGlobals • 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD … ListEntry Signature _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT … … DescArray[256] 0x0 0x10 0x40 Pages 0x2000 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD
  139. • _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT • DescArray (_HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR) • Page range descriptor array

    • Each element corresponds to each page one by one • Pages • Memory pool of segment allocator Segment Allocation … ListEntry Signature _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT … … DescArray[256] 0x0 0x10 0x40 Pages 0x2000 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD
  140. Segment Allocation • Page range descriptor (_HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR) • Descriptor for

    page • Indicates the status (Allocated or Freed) and information of each page in the page segment (whether the page is the beginning of a block, size of block, etc.) • It can be divided into allocated and freed • The page range descriptor in the freed state will be stored in FreePageRanges which is a rbtree structure
  141. Segment Allocation … ListEntry Signature _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT … … DescArray[0x02] 0x0

    0x10 0x20 0x2000 DescArray[0x03] … Page Page … 0x3000 … 0x40
  142. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • TreeSignature • Signature of page range descriptor

    • The values is always 0xccddccdd • Only at the beginning of Block • UnusedBytes • Unusedbytes in an allocated block Segment Allocation TreeSignature UnusedBytes Allocated … RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0x4 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 Key (4 bytes) 0x1c …
  143. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • RangeFlag • Used to indicate the page

    status • Bit 1 : allocated bit • Bit 2 : block header bit • Bit 3 : Committed • LFH : RangeFlag & 0xc = 8 • VS : RangeFlag & 0xc = 0xc Segment Allocation TreeSignature UnusedBytes Allocated … RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0x4 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 Key (4 bytes) 0x1c …
  144. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • CommitedPageCount • Indicates the number of pages

    committed in the corresponding page Segment Allocation TreeSignature UnusedBytes Allocated … RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0x4 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 Key (4 bytes) 0x1c …
  145. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • Key(_HEAP_DESCRIPTOR_KEY) • Store the size of the

    page corresponding to the page descriptor and the number of committed pages Segment Allocation TreeSignature UnusedBytes Allocated … RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0x4 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 Key (4 bytes) 0x1c …
  146. • _HEAP_DESCRIPTOR_KEY • EncodedCommittedPageCount • ~EncodedCommittedPageCount is the number of

    pages committed in the block • Only used in block header • UniCount • The size of Block • Value is page count Segment Allocation EncodedCommittedPageCount (2bytes) _HEAP_DESCRIPTOR_KEY 0x0 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD LargePageCost (1bytes) 0x2 UnitCount (1bytes) 0x3
  147. Segment Allocation TreeSignature UnusedBytes Allocated … RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0x4

    0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 Key (4 bytes) 0x1c … EncodedCommittedPageCount (2bytes) _HEAP_DESCRIPTOR_KEY LargePageCost (1bytes) UnitCount (1bytes) 0x1c 0x1f
  148. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • UnitOffset • If page is not block

    header • The UnitCount field will be called UnitOffset • Indicates the offset of the page in the block Segment Allocation TreeSignature UnusedBytes Allocated and not header … RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0x4 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 … 0x1c … … UnitOffset (1byte) 0x1f
  149. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • TreeNode (_RTL_BALANCED_NODE) • The node in the

    FreePageRanges Segment Allocation TreeNode (0x18 bytes) Freed RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 … 0x1c Key (4 bytes)
  150. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • TreeNode (_RTL_BALANCED_NODE) • Left • Point to

    a page descriptor that block size is smaller than its. • Right • Point to a page descriptor that block size is greater than its. • ParentValue • Point to parent node • The lowest 1 bit will determine whether to encode Parent Segment Allocation TreeNode Freed RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 … Left Right ParentValue 0x8 0x10 Key (4 bytes)
  151. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • Key(_HEAP_DESCRIPTOR_KEY) • Same as the case of

    allocated Segment Allocation TreeNode (0x18 bytes) Freed RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 … Key (4 bytes)
  152. • _HEAP_PAGE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR • UnitOffset • If page is not block

    header • The UnitCount field will be called UnitOffset • Indicates the offset of the page in the block Segment Allocation TreeNode (0x18 bytes) Freed and not header RangeFlag (1byte) 0x0 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x18 CommittedPageCount (1byte) 0x19 … … 0x1c … UnitOffset (1byte) 0x1f
  153. Segment Allocation • SegContexts (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) • The core structure of

    the Segment allocation • Used to manage the memory allocated by segment allocator, and record all the information and structure of segment allocator in the heap • There are two SegContexts in each Heap • Size <= 0x7f000 • 0x7f000 < Size < 0x7f0000
  154. • SegContexts (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) • SegmentMask • A mask used to

    find Page Segment • Page segment = block ptr & SegmentMask • UnitShift • Used to calculate the index of the page descriptor • Index = block ptr >> UnitShit Segment Allocation SegmentMask (8bytes) UnitShift (1bytes) SegContext PagesPerUnitShift (1byte) FirstDescriptorIndex (1byte) 0x0 0x8 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x9 … 0xa VsContext (8bytes) 0x18 LfhContext (8bytes) … Heap (8bytes) 0x38 0x20 SegmentListHead (10bytes) … 0x48 … FreePageRanges (10bytes) 0x60
  155. • SegContexts (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) • PagePerUnitShift • (0x1 << PagePerUnitShift) indicates

    the size of a page in the SegContext • The size of page unit is (0x1 << PagePerUnitShift)*0x1000 • If the value is zero • Page unit is 0x1000 • FirstDescriptorIndex • The index of the first Page Descriptor in the SegContext Segment Allocation SegmentMask (8bytes) UnitShift (1bytes) SegContext PagesPerUnitShift (1byte) FirstDescriptorIndex (1byte) 0x0 0x8 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x9 … 0xa VsContext (8bytes) 0x18 LfhContext (8bytes) … Heap (8bytes) 0x38 0x20 SegmentListHead (10bytes) … 0x48 … FreePageRanges (10bytes) 0x60
  156. • SegContexts (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) • LfhContext (_HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT) • Point to the

    LFH allocator in the segment heap • VsContext (_HEAP_VS_CONTEXT) • Point to the VS allocator in the segment heap Segment Allocation SegmentMask (8bytes) UnitShift (1bytes) SegContext PagesPerUnitShift (1byte) FirstDescriptorIndex (1byte) 0x0 0x8 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x9 … 0xa VsContext (8bytes) 0x18 LfhContext (8bytes) … Heap (8bytes) 0x38 0x20 SegmentListHead (10bytes) … 0x48 … FreePageRanges (10bytes) 0x60
  157. • SegContexts (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) • Heap(_SEGMENT_HEAP) • Point to the segment

    heap to which it belongs • SegmentListHead (_LIST_ENTRY) • Point to the page segment in the segment allocator • The linked list is a double linked list with integrity check Segment Allocation SegmentMask (8bytes) UnitShift (1bytes) SegContext PagesPerUnitShift (1byte) FirstDescriptorIndex (1byte) 0x0 0x8 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD 0x9 … 0xa VsContext (8bytes) 0x18 LfhContext (8bytes) … Heap (8bytes) 0x38 0x20 SegmentListHead (10bytes) … 0x48 … FreePageRanges (10bytes) 0x60
  158. Segment Allocation • FreePageRanges (_RTL_RB_TREE) • In Segment Allocation, after

    releasing a block, the page descriptor of the block will be inserted into the FreePageRanges of the SegContext according to the size • If the block size is greater than the node, the page descriptor will be inserted into the right subtree, otherwise will be will be inserted into left subtree. • If there is no greater than the page descriptor, the right subtree is NULL and the other side is also • There will be a node check when the node is taken out of the tree
  159. • SegContexts (_HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT) • FreePageRanges (_RTL_RB_TREE) • Root • Point

    to the root of the rbtree • Encoded • Indicates whether the root has been encoded (default disable) • About encode • EncodedRoot = Root ^ FreeChunkTree Segment Allocation 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD Encoded Root FreePageRanges 0x0 0x8
  160. Segment Allocation 0x0 0x8 0x9 0xa 0x18 0x38 0x20 0x48

    SegmentMask UnitShift (0xc) SegContext PagesPerUnitShift (0x0) FirstDescriptorIndex (0x2) … VsContext LfhContext … Heap SegmentListHead … … FreePageRanges 0x60 Page Segment … ListEntry Signature … … DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 0x2 Page 0x3 … Freed Block Blink Flink Encoded Root TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitCount (0x2) 0x2000 Page Descriptor
  161. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT 0x0 0x40 Block 0x2000 DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03]

    0x60 … _HEAP_VS_SUBSEGMENT Chunk header Chunk header Chunk header … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT 0x0 0x40 Block 0x2000 DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] 0x60 … _HEAP_LFH_SUBSEGMENT LFH Block LFH Block
  162. Segment Allocation • Allocate • The allocation is based on

    page as the unit to allocate, and divided into • Size <= 0x7f000 • Page uses 0x1000 bytes as a unit • 0x7f000 < Size < 0x7f0000 • Page uses 0x10000 bytes as a unit
  163. Segment Allocation • Allocate • The allocation is based on

    page as the unit to allocate • For example, if it allocate 0x1337 bytes, segment allocation will allocate 0x2000, which is 2 page units, and the extra memory 0x2000-0x1337 will be recorded in unused byte
  164. Segment Allocation • Allocate • Main implementation function is nt!RtlpHpSegAlloc

    • It will use RtlpHpSegPageRangeAllocate to get freed page descriptor or create a new page descriptor • First, it will search from FreePageRanges. • Start searching from the root, when the required block is larger than the node, continue searching from the right subtree until it is found or is NULL
  165. Segment Allocation • Allocate • If no suitable page descriptor

    is found, a new page segment will be allocated and the first page descriptor of the page segment will be initialized, and then this page descriptor will be used for allocated. The page segment will be inserted into the SegmentListHead. • In fact, it only allocated the memory required for the page segment and page descriptor structure, and the block part is not allocated at first • RtlpHpSegSegmentAllocate : Allocate page segment • RtlpHpSegSegmentInitialize : Initialize the first page descriptor • RtlpHpSegHeapAddSegment : insert into SegmentListHead
  166. Segment Allocation • Allocate • If it found a suitable

    or created a page descriptor, the page descriptor will be removed from FreePageRanges • When the required number of pages is smaller than the block, splitting will be done. • The page descriptor corresponding to the remainder block will be inserted into FreePageRanges
  167. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x2) First
  168. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x2) First Found node Allocate 0x1337
  169. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block NULL RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x2) First Remove node Allocate 0x1337
  170. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block NULL RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x2) First Request size
 < block size Allocate 0x1337
  171. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block NULL RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x2) First Allocate 0x1337 Split Block
 and update
 page descriptor 
 of next
  172. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block NULL RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) Unused RangeFlag (0x2) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x0) First Split Block
 and update
 page descriptor 
 of next
 block Allocate 0x1337 Block First
  173. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block NULL RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) Unused RangeFlag (0x2) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x0) First Insert 
 page descriptor
 of next block 
 FreePageRange Allocate 0x1337 Block First
  174. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block NULL RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x0) First Update 
 of allocated
 block Allocate 0x1337 Block First
  175. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Block TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (1) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x0) First | Allocated Allocate 0x1337 Block First Allocated
  176. Segment Allocation • Allocate • After setting the page descriptor,

    it will check whether all pages in the block are committed • It will add up the CommittedPageCount of all page descriptors in the block • If the block needs committed, it will commit memory to the specified VA • RtlpHpSegMgrCommit ->RtlpHpAllocVA->MmAllocatePoolMemory • Then update the CommittedPagecount of all page descriptors corresponding to the block
  177. Segment Allocation • Allocate • Finally, it will return the

    block that correspond to the page descriptor. • Block = (Page descriptor & SegmentMask) + ((index of Page descriptor) << SegContext->Unitshift)
  178. Segment Allocation • Free • At the beginning, it will

    verify whether the page segment where the ptr is located is legal • RtlpHpSegDescriptorValidate • Verify: Page segment->signature • 0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD == Page segment^SegContext^ RtlpHpHeapGlobals^signature • Verify that the page descriptor of the page where the ptr is located is Allocated • Double Free check
  179. Segment Allocation • Free • Remark • from free pointer

    to page segment • Free pointer & segment mask • Page descriptor = 
 page_segment + 0x20 * ((free pointer - page segment) >> segcontext->UnitShift) • _HEAP_SEG_CONTEXT =
 (page segment)^(page segment- >Signature)^0xA2E64EADA2E64EAD^RtlpHpHeapGlobals.HeapKey

  180. Segment Allocation • Free • Next, we will see if

    the free pointer is at the beginning of block • If free pointer is not at the beginning of the block, it will check the RangeFlag of the Page descriptor to determine whether to use VS Allocator or Lfh Allocator to release the memory • If free pointer is not at the beginning of the block, it means that the free pointer is managed by segment allocation, and RtlpHpSegPageRangeShrink will be used
  181. Segment Allocation • Free • Then the Allocated bit of

    page descriptor correspond to block will be cleared, and it will check whether the previous and following blocks are Freed. If it is Freed, it will be merged • RtlpHpSegPageRangeCoalesce • The way to find the previous block is to check whether the page descriptor of previous page is at the beginning of the block. If it is not the beginning, it will use the UnitOffset of the page descriptor of previous page to calculate the page descriptor of the previous block. • The following is calculated using the UnitCount of the current page descriptor • Determine whether the RangeFlag of the Page descriptor at the beginning of the block is Allocated • It use page descriptor of the block at the beginning to check whether the block is allocated.
  182. Segment Allocation • Free • If the previous block is

    Free • Remove the Page descriptor of the previous block from FreePageRanges • Clear the first bit of the RangeFlag of the Page descriptor of the Block which we want to free • Update the UnitCount of the Page descriptor of the previous block • Update UnitOffset of the last page descriptor of Block after merge
  183. Segment Allocation • Free • If the following block is

    Free • Remove the page descriptor of following block from FreePageRanges • Clear the first bit of the RangeFlag of the Page descriptor of the following block • Update the UnitCount of the Page descriptor of the block which we want to free • Update UnitOffset of the last page descriptor of Block after merge
  184. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated
  185. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated Check 
 of Page
  186. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated Check 
  187. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated Check allocated and first bit of 
 Prev page
  188. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated Use UnitOffset 
 to find the first
 page descriptor
 of prev block
  189. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated Check Allocated
 bit of prev block
  190. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated Remove node
  191. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x2) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Block First | Allocated Update
 size of prev
  192. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x3) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 First | Allocated Clean Allcated
 and first bit 
 of page 
  193. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitSize (0x1) First Free 0x4000 Set the last
 page descriptor
 of the free block
  194. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x2) First Free 0x4000 Insert
 the page 
 descriptor to
  195. Segment Allocation … _HEAP_PAGE_SEGMENT DescArray[0x02] DescArray[0x03] … Page 2 Page

    3 Page 4 Page segment DescArray[0x04] 0x0 0x40 0x60 0x80 0x2000 0x3000 0x4000 … Free Block TreeNode RangeFlag (0x2) … UnitSize (0x3) Unused RangeFlag (0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x1) TreeSignature RangeFlag (0x0) CommittedPageCount (1) UnitOffset (0x2) First Free 0x4000
  196. Memory Allocator in kernel • Segment Heap • Frontend Allocation

    • Low FragmentationHeap • Variable Size Allocation • Backend Allocation • Segment Allocation • Large Block Allocation
  197. Large Block Allocation • Only use rbtree to manage. Compared

    to other Allocations, it is much simpler. In fact, it almost directly allocate for a large block of memory from the system and stores it with rbtree. • Release is also removed from rbtree and returned to the system directly.
  198. Large Block Allocation • _SEGMENT_HEAP • LargeAllocMetadata (_RTL_RB_TREE) • Used

    to manage the allocated memory by Large Allocation • It is also a rbree structure, and the address of allocated memory is used as KEY … … Dfa … Signature (4bytes) LargeAllocMetadata (10bytes) _SEGMENT_HEAP … LargeReservedPages (8bytes) LargeCommittedPages (8bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes) SegContexts (0x180bytes) … VsContext (0xc0bytes) LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0x48 0x58 0x60 0xe8 0x100 0x280 0x340 EnvHandle (10bytes) 0x0
  199. Large Block Allocation • _SEGMENT_HEAP • LargeReservedPages • Number of

    pages reserved for Large Block Allocation • LargeCommittedPages • Number of committed pages for Large Allocation … … Dfa … Signature (4bytes) LargeAllocMetadata (10bytes) _SEGMENT_HEAP … LargeReservedPages (8bytes) LargeCommittedPages (8bytes) … AllocatedBase (8bytes) SegContexts (0x180bytes) … VsContext (0xc0bytes) LfhContext (0x4c0bytes) 0x10 0x48 0x58 0x60 0xe8 0x100 0x280 0x340 EnvHandle (10bytes) 0x0
  200. Large Block Allocation • _HEAP_LARGE_ALLOC_DATA • TreeNode (_RTL_BALANCED_NODE) • Left

    • Point to a node whose VirtualAddress is smaller than the node • Right • Point to a Node whose VirtualAddress is greater than the Node • ParentValue is pointed to parent node • The lowest 1 bit will determine whether to encode Parent node VirtualAddress (8 bytes) … _HEAP_LARGE_ALLOC_DATA 0x0 0x18 AllocatedPages (52 bit) 0x20:12 Left Right ParentValue
  201. Large Block Allocation • _HEAP_LARGE_ALLOC_DATA • VirtualAddress • The lowest

    16 bits as Unusedbytes • Address of large block VirtualAddress (8 bytes) … _HEAP_LARGE_ALLOC_DATA 0x0 0x18 AllocatedPages (52 bit) 0x20:12 TreeNode (0x18 bytes)
  202. Large Block Allocation • _HEAP_LARGE_ALLOC_DATA • AllocatedPages • The number

    of allocated pages VirtualAddress (8 bytes) … _HEAP_LARGE_ALLOC_DATA 0x0 0x18 AllocatedPages (52 bit) 0x20:12 TreeNode (0x18 bytes)
  203. Large Block Allocation • Allocate • The allocation is based

    on page as the unit. • Main implementation function is nt!RtlpHpMetadataAlloc • At the beginning, it will allocate memory for storing Large block Metadata (_HEAP_LARGE_ALLOC_DATA) • RtlpHpMetadataHeapCtxGet & RtlpHpMetadataHeapStart • It will determine which Heap to allocate from according to the value of Segment heap->EnvHandle • ExPoolState->HeapManager.MetadataHeaps[idx]
  204. Large Block Allocation • Allocate • The allocation is based

    on page as the unit. • Main implementation function is nt!RtlpHpMetadataAlloc • Next, it will use RtlpHpAllocVA to allocated memory, and then store the VirtualAddress in Metadata • Finally, insert the Metadtata into Segment heap->LargeAllocMetadata
  205. Large Block Allocation • Free • Main implementation function is

    (RtlpHpLargeFree) • First find the node correspond to the free ptr from Segment heap- >LargeAllocMetadata, and remove the node • Use RtlpHpFreeVA to release memory • Finally release the memory storing Metadata (RtlpHpMetadataFree) of the released memory
  206. About Part 2 • We will talk about window kernel

    pool exploit • Way to spray and defragment in different heap • Metadata corruption in segment heap • …etc