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Bringing Good Type to a New Medium

Sean McBride
October 22, 2013

Bringing Good Type to a New Medium

This talk was given at Pocket Gems on 22 Oct 2013. It covers examples of using typography on the web, the differences between using type there vs. in print, the troubles with translating historic examples of design directly to new mediums, and some advice on how to do it better.

Sean McBride

October 22, 2013

More Decks by Sean McBride

Other Decks in Design


  1. ?

  2. No

  3. If my poor Flatland friend retained the vigour of mind

    which he enjoyed when he began to compose these Memoirs, I should not now need to represent him in this preface, in which he desires, rstly, to return his thanks to his readers and critics in Spaceland, whose appreciation has, with unexpected celerity, required a second edition of his work; secondly, to apologize forcertain errors and misprints (for which, however, he is not entirely responsible); and, thirdly, to explain one or two misconceptions. But he is not the Square he once was. If my poor Flatland friend retained the vigour of mind which he enjoyed when he began to compose these Memoirs, I should not now need to represent him in this preface, in which he desires, rstly, to return his thanks to his readers and critics in Spaceland, whose appreciation has, with unexpected celerity, required a second edition of his work; secondly, to apologize forcertain errors and misprints (for which, however, he is not entirely responsible); and, thirdly, to explain one or two misconceptions. But he is not the Square he once was.
  4. Flatland friend retained the vigour of mind which he enjoyed

    whe ompose these Memoirs, I should not now need to represent him i which he desires, rstly, to return his thanks to his readers and cri whose appreciation has, with unexpected celerity, required a sec his work; secondly, to apologize forcertain errors and misprints (fo e is not entirely responsible); and, thirdly, to explain one or two tions. But he is not the Square he once was.
  5. Elegance High-contrast type Photos / color Full use of page

  6. Responsive design “The control which designers know in the print

    medium, and often desire in the web medium, is simply a function of the limitation of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn’t have the same constraints, and design for this exibility.” John Allsopp, “A Dao of Web Design”
  7. Fluid layout The layout should adjust to the width of

    the canvas. At a basic level, this means using relative units (like percentages) instead of relying exclusively on absolute units, like pixels.