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OptiCon-2017-"Pushing the boundaries of experimentation with Optimizely APIs"

October 18, 2017

OptiCon-2017-"Pushing the boundaries of experimentation with Optimizely APIs"

Talk about using Optimizely JS + REST APIs to support our experimentation programs, from the perspective of:
- Dev Manager
- Experimenters
- Marketers

Talk link: https://www.optimizely.com/opticon/2017/sessions/pushing-the-boundaries-of-experimentation-with-optimizely-s-apis-and-extensions/


October 18, 2017

More Decks by Shreyas

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Dev Manager Experimenters Marketers “Is the bug caused by an

    experiment?” “when will I have my results?” “biz impact of experimentation” “how can I not be repetitive”
  2. > optimizely.activeExperiments Debugging > optimizely.data.experiments['3721640680'].variation_ids.length > optimizely.data.variations['3702600931'].code // Experiment Jira

    Id: WAT-244 // Optimizely Experiment Id: 3518000728 // Experiment Name: "(WAT-244) Summit Banner on WAC"; // Experiment URL: ["https://www.atlassian.com/*"] // ------------ // VARIATION:: Banner // ------------ // Author: Shreyas // Email: [email protected] /* _optimizely_evaluate=force */ console.log("DEV LOG:: with white background"); Dev Manager
  3. { "experiment_metrics": [{ "db_nickname": "socrates_presto", "query_name": "dai_day0_raw", "query_location": "query/dai_day0_raw.sql", "query_params":

    { "{{experiment_id}}": "experiment_id", "{{start_timestamp}}": "start_timestamp", "{{end_timestamp}}": "end_timestamp" }, "metric_count_type": "raw", "metric_test": ["bayesian", "chi-squared"] }], "statistical_tests": { "t-test": { "confidence_interval": "0.95" }, "chi-squared": { "confidence_interval": "0.95" }, "bayesian": { "alpha": "0.05", "sample": "500", "cores": "1" } } } Alfred