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Dynamic query composition with Ecto

Dynamic query composition with Ecto

Presentation discusses dynamic query composition with Ecto in Elixir. While describing the Ecto Query types in the process of query composition.

The fields of Ecto.Query struct are presented along the way as intermediary steps in the composition process.

Kolawole O. Gabriel

December 13, 2018

Other Decks in Programming


  1. About me • Off work I teach and blog @

    http://blog.gabrielo.tech/ • Actively working on Hub88 (Integration Hub) • A Recreational basketball player
  2. Why dynamic queries? One of the key quality every application

    should possess is the ability to query its own data and make sense of it, in different forms and shapes.
  3. It will be nice to query our data in this

    form; [ %{field: "operator_id", value: [1,2], operator: "in"} %{field: "amount", value: "1000", operator: "<"}, %{field: "session.user", value: "15", operator: "="}, %{field: "session.supplier_game.game.product.name", value: "TGC", operator: "="}, %{field: "session.operator_game.operator.name", value: "Bender", operator: "="}, %{field: "session.currency.code", operator: "in", value: "BTC, EUR"} ]
  4. The models • Transaction • Session • Supplier_game • Game

    • Product • Operator_game • Operator
  5. Example [ %{field: "amount", value: "1000", operator: ">"}, %{field: "status",

    operator: "in", value: "value: "TS_SUCCESS, TS_DECLINED"}, %{field: "session.supplier_game.game.product.name", operator: "=", value: "value: "TGC"} ]
  6. Composer Function def compose_query(queryable, expression_list, base_query) do expression_list |> Enum.reduce_while(base_query,

    fn exp, acc -> queryable |> compose_query(exp, acc) |> case do {:ok, query} -> {:cont, query} {:error, reason} -> {:halt, reason} end end) |> adjust_bindings() end
  7. Composer Function def compose_query(queryable, filter, query) do if has_joins(filter.field) do

    process_nested(filter, queryable, query) else process_simple(filter, queryable, query) end end
  8. Simple Queries (Cont) def process_simple(%{field: field, operator: operator, value: value},

    queryable, query) do %{field => value} |> cast_filter(queryable) |> compose_filter(field_value_turple, operator, query) end end
  9. Simple Queries (Cont) def compose_filter({field, value}, operator, query) do case

    operator do "=" -> where(query, [q], field(q, ^field) == ^value) ">" -> where(query, [q], field(q, ^field) > ^value) "<" -> where(query, [q], field(q, ^field) < ^value) "in" -> where(query, [q], field(q, ^field) in ^value) end end
  10. Nested Queries Processing def process_nested(filter, queryable, query) do filter.field |>

    make_assoc_field_binary() # striping field names away from nested field |> build_assoc_query(queryable, query) # append associations to the query |> finalize_assoc_query(query, new_filter) end
  11. Nested Queries (Cont) - build_assoc_query Using : # Ecto.Query.join/5 join(query,

    :inner, [a, ..., z], u in ^right_queryable, field(z, ^field) == u.id)