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Tribute to Mantle

Tribute to Mantle

As Swift getting matured and Mantle will not be maintained for Swift, I put this presentation as a tribute for one library that I use quite often when producing MVP.

Sergio Utama

November 23, 2015

More Decks by Sergio Utama

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Mantle - Pros It simplify JSON parsing and mapping Fully

    support NSCoding & NSCopying Extensible Archivable (NSKeyedArchiever or NSManagedObject)
  2. JSON MAPPING @interface GHIssue : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing> // your .m

    file . . . + (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey { return @{ @"propertyName": @"key_from_api" }; } . . .
  3. JSON MAPPING - CUSTOM // your .m file . .

    . + (NSValueTransformer *)propertyNameJSONTransformer { return [NSValueTransformer valueTransformerForName:MTLURLValueTransformerName]; } . . .
  4. EXTEND YOUR CLASS // your class which extend from class

    that implement MTLJSONSerializing // your .m file . . . + (NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey { return [super.JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey mtl_dictionaryByAddingEntriesFromDictionary: @{ @"propertyName": @“key_from_api" } ]; } . . .
  5. ARCHIVE - NSManagedObject @interface GHIssue : MTLModel < MTLManagedObjectSerializing >

    // your .m file . . . + (NSString *)managedObjectEntityName { return @"YourEntityName"; } + (NSDictionary *)managedObjectKeysByPropertyKey { return @{ @"managedObjectProperty" : @"yourProperty" }; } . . .
  6. ARCHIVE - NSManagedObject @interface GHIssue : MTLModel < MTLManagedObjectSerializing >

    // your .m file . . . + (NSSet *)propertyKeysForManagedObjectUniquing { return [NSSet setWithObject:@"uniqueProperty"]; } + (NSDictionary *)relationshipModelClassesByPropertyKey { return @{ @"propertyThatContainOtherObject": Song.class, }; } . . .
  7. Mantle - Cons It fetch all - No partial fetch

    It use lot of memory (if you have large data set and fetch it all at once)