Advertising can be an event Advertising can be a game Advertising can be a community Advertising can be so many things that the rule book has gone out of the window
our clients Work within a creative platform - the BIG idea and take it into a new space Collaborate with art director / copywriter to form multidisciplinary teams See interesting bits of technology to form new ideas around Be a filter on emerging trends in technology and share this to hopefully inspire new ideas
process, it unlocks a deeper understanding of the idea When you give a client a prototype, it gives them an idea they can play with, it somehow feels tangible and buyable A prototype can be coded and then a film
Kinect and initially sent the lawyers after them Then they changed their tack when they saw the amazing things people were making with the Kinect Sadly most of the things demonstrated in the Kinect Effect ad are fiction... Eventually Microsoft embraced the community and provided them with help & tools