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Service-oriented architecture

Service-oriented architecture

A modular style to software development is based on the use of distributed, loosely coupled, replaceable components.

Shalva Usubov

April 07, 2013

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  1. Issues monolithic applications • Complexity • Hard deploy • Hard

    use new tools (DB, languages, etc.) • Scale team size • Changes are typically expensive
  2. What is it SOA? • A modular style to software

    development is based on the use of distributed, loosely coupled, replaceable components. • The fundamental concept of an SOA is that each component of the system is broken up into network-accessible services, which are integrated to make a functioning application.
  3. Rails application with multiple services End user High level domain

    logic Service 1 Domain logic Database Service 2 Domain logic Database Service N Domain logic Database
  4. SOA advantages over monolithic application • Isolation • Robustness •

    Scalability • Agility • Interoperability • Reuse
  5. Robustness • Implementation can be changed without the API consumer’s

    knowledge. • Example: Changing libraries, database or even languages.
  6. Scalability • Easy to scale portions of application individually. •

    Can be handled on a case-by-case instead of requiring optimization of a single database for all cases. • Easier to scale team size.
  7. Agility • New services can be implemented outside the full

    architecture. • Service interface should be versioned. “/api/v1/users/:id” • Design includes the ability to run multiple versions of a service simultaneously. “/api/v1/users/:id” and “/api/v2/users/:id”
  8. Interoperability • Prevents being tied to a specific implementation. •

    Services ease interoperation with internal and external systems and with systems written in languages other than Ruby.
  9. Reuse • Service-oriented design enables reuse of components across multiple

    applications or clients. • If services are created for internal use, they can be exposed later to the public.
  10. Converting to Services • Partitioning on Iteration Speed • Partitioning

    on Logical Function • Partitioning on Read/Write Frequencies • Partitioning on Join Frequency
  11. What we need to learn • RESTful-Oriented Architecture • HTTP

    Methods • HTTP Caching • MIME types • I/O, Threading, and Parallelism • Amazon AWS • Create clients • Testing and Mocking Service Calls • Load Balancing • Security • Web Hooks • Chef • Typhoeus
  12. Debug • Efficiency 2.0 Ops Middleware - track distributed transactions

    across its Ruby- based service oriented architecture • Monitoring tool.
  13. Development • Use stub mode in clients in development environment.

    • Disable stub mode when develop service.
  14. Tests • Test client with service • Test application with

    stubbed service • Test the full stack