artists, collectors, gamers, and more. Our vision is to give creators of all sizes the opportunity to share with their communities in fun, innovative ways. Our first project is 2 The NFT Raffle
way for creators of all sizes to monetize their content: 1. A creator will list their NFT on the NFT Raffle. 2. They will select the % of the ticket proceeds that will go to them as well as the % of the ticket proceeds that will go to the winner along with the NFT. They will then set the time that the raffle will run which could be anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 weeks. 3. They will shill to their community to come purchase cheap tickets for a shot at a jackpot and their unique piece of content. 4. Their community members will purchase tickets for the raffle with Sheesh Tokens. (We will place a tax of BNB and Sheesh on ticket sales to be added to the liquidity pool to further secure the future of Sheesh) 5. After the predetermined time has elapsed, the winner will be randomly selected and then automatically awarded their NFT and the % of the pool that was designated by the seller.
of Crypto Wallets to the site using our Wallet Connect tool in order to engage with The NFT Marketplace/Raffle and other Sheesh Platform Applications. 6
Raffles as well as sort buttons to narrow down your selection of raffles. It will also feature the “Mint Artworks” button to create your NFT for the platform. 7
a more detailed look into the NFT Raffle. Here you can enter the drawing as well as see the contract IDs and a report button. This section will be improved upon throughout alpha. 9
fans who can purchase multiple NFT Raffle tickets, this comes with the added chance of winning a large sum of money. Influencers who partner with Sheesh will have the opportunity to land on the main page in the featured slot which will not only guarantee their NFT more visibility but also the opportunity to earn far greater sums of money which comes along with the increased visibility. Aside from just influencers, artists and collectors will also be able to get featured on the front page from the heart ratings function. Meaning if your NFT is likeable users on the platform will be able to “heart/like” your post and get it featured! 10
partnership with Sheesh is not only beneficial to Sheesh Token, but it is also very beneficial to the creator. The more the partnered influencer tells his/her community to go to Sheesh.Finance to check out their NFT, the greater chance the influencer has to earn more revenue. At the same time, the more influencer community members being told about the product, the more Sheesh is purchased to buy the NFT and more liquidity being added to the pool on each ticket sale. 11
of Sheesh will be very exclusive to get into, and the Beta phase of Sheesh will contain a First Edition Sheesh NFT. If you know anything about trading cards, the first edition exclusives are always the most valuable. THE ONLY WAY TO GET INTO THE BETA: We will be granting access to the beta to every single Sheesh holder with over 1 million tokens or $1,000 in LP as a token of our appreciation for having faith in our project and holding with us. Aside from the million token holders, we will have only 10-15 slots available for smaller holders. We will open applications prior to the beta launch, but space is limited! 12
Promoted NFT section. (charge .XX BNB per day to be on the home page) 3. A % of the total ticket revenue will be charged to the seller as a service fee 4. Merch Store 13