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Java EE 6 and NoSQL in the Cloud

Java EE 6 and NoSQL in the Cloud

Java EE 6 and NoSQL in the Cloud

Shekhar Gulati

September 01, 2013

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  1. AGENDA ➔ Java EE 6 and NoSQL in Cloud Part

    1 - Getting Started with Java EE 6 ➔ Java EE 6 and NoSQL in Cloud Part 2 - Getting Started with MongoDB ➔ Java EE 6 and NoSQL in Cloud Part 3 - Getting Started with OpenShift Cloud
  2. WHO AM I? • Shekhar Gulati – Works at Red

    Hat • Principal OpenShift Developer Evangelist • Java / Python/ JavaScript / NoSQL / Cloud Guy • Twitter Handle : shekhargulati • Email : shekhargulati84@gmail.com • Github https://github.com/shekhargulati • Slides https://speakerdeck.com/shekhargulati • For anything else just Google “Shekhar Gulati”
  3. • You use web 2.0 applications like Facebook , Twitter

    , LinkedIn , blogs etc. • You know how to write code • You know Java • You want to become Software Engineer ASSUMPTIONS
  4. 1.Idea 2.Choose a programming language 3.Setup local development environment 4.Choose

    a database 5.Write application code 6.Test the application 7.Deploy application to production server STEPS
  5. LocalJobs : Location Aware Job Search App Functionalities or User

    stories or Features 1. As an Employer , I should be able to register my company 2. As an Employer, I should be able to post jobs 3. As a Job seeker , I should be able to register myself with application 4. As a Job seeker , I should be able to search jobs near to my current location. 5. As a Job seeker , I should be able to apply a job 6. Etc... STEP 1 : DEFINE YOUR IDEA
  6. Prioritize the functionalities or user stories or features – As

    an Employer, I should be able to post jobs – As a Job seeker , I should be able to search jobs near to my current location. – As a Job seeker , I should be able to apply a job STEP 1 : PRIORITIZE
  7. Estimate the functionalities or user stories – As an Employer,

    I should be able to post jobs – 1 day – As a Job seeker , I should be able to search jobs near to my current location. - 3 days – As a Job seeker,I should be able to apply a job - 1 day STEP 1 : ESTIMATION
  8. STEP 2 : CHOOSE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE A programming language is

    a computer language programmers use to develop applications, scripts, or other set of instructions for a computer to execute.
  9. • There are thousands of programming languages. • Programming languages

    are classified four classes. STEP 2 : CHOOSE PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Declarative Language Object Oriented Language Functional Language Imperative Language Declarative programming languages describe a problem but they usually do not say how the problem should be solved. Examples are Prolog, XSLT, LISP and SQL Object-oriented programming languages place data and functions that change data into a single unit. This unit is called an object. Most modern programming languages are object- oriented. Examples are Java , C++ , C# etc. Functional programming looks at programming like a function in mathematics. The program receives input, some information, and uses this information to create output. Examples are Scala , Clojure , F# etc You always write what is supposed to happen next. Even if there are more choices, e.g. based on the user's input, it is always: you ask about the input when you want to ask, then you choose what happens next based on the answer you received. For example C , Basic , etc.
  10. • PHP is your teenage sweetheart .. • Perl is

    PHP's older sister ... • Ruby is the cool girl • Python is Ruby's more sensible sister ... • Java is a successful career woman .. • C++ is Java's cousin ... • C is C++'s mom... • Haskell, Clojure, Scheme and their friends are those hipster, artsy, intellectual girls .. http://b.qr.ae/RUc3w7 STEP 2 : PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE IN LAYMAN TERMS

  12. • Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object- oriented computer

    programming language. • Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java virtual machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. • Java was originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems – JDK 1.0 (January 21, 1996) , JDK 1.1 (February 19, 1997) , J2SE 1.2 (December 8, 1998) , J2SE 1.3 (May 8, 2000) , J2SE 1.4 (February 6, 2002) , Java 5.0 (September 30, 2004) , Java SE 6 (December 11, 2006) , Java SE 7 (July 28, 2011) You can also try Java Online http://www.tryjava8.com/ STEP 2 : JAVA FACTS
  13. • The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) provides a

    standards-based platform for developing web and enterprise application. • Java EE extends the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), providing an API for object-relational mapping, distributed and multi-tier architectures, and web services. • Consists of 28 specifications (Thousands of pages) • Convention over configuration • Less boilerplate code • Promotes POJO programming model • Annotations and types over XML STEP 2 : JAVA EE
  14. STEP 2 : 31 JAVA EE 6 SPECS Java EE

    platform defines API for different components in each tier
  15. We will cover only following specifications • Servlet 3.0 •

  16. • Install Oracle JDK 7 • Download and install Eclipse

    • Download and install Maven • Download and install JBoss application server. STEP 3 : GETTING STARTED
  17. • Servlet is a web component hosted in a servlet

    container. • It generates dynamic content • Client interacts using request/response pattern STEP 3 : SERVLET
  18. • JAX-RS: Java API for RESTful Web Services • It

    is a Java programming language API that provides support in creating web services according to the Representational State Transfer (REST) architectural pattern. • POJO based annotation heavy • Everything is a resource STEP 3 : JAX - RS
  19. • Stands for Context and Dependency Injection • Type safe

    dependency injection in Java EE platform. • Provide two main things – Dependency Injection – Manages components in scope • Leads to loose coupling and strong typing using annotations STEP 3 : CDI
  20. 33  Open Source NoSQL document datastore – JSON style

    documents  Schema-less – Each document is heterogeneous, and may have completely unique structure compared to other documents  Fast and horizontally scalable  Rich query language  Rich documents  Easy to get running  Geospatial indexing STEP 4 : WHAT IS MONGODB
  21. 36  What is it for?  Find all the

    MongoDB jobs near me – Proximity Queries  Find all the MongoDB jobs within Bangalore – Bounded Queries  Find all the MongoDB job at this location – Exact Queries • Supports only two dimensional indexes.  You can only have one geospatial index per collection.  By default, 2d geospatial indexes assume longitude and latitude have boundaries of -180 inclusive and 180 non-inclusive (i.e. [-180, 180)) GEOSPATIAL INDEXING BASICS
  22. 37 1) Put your coordinates into an array { loc

    : [ 50 , 30 ] } //SUGGESTED OPTION { loc : { x : 50 , y : 30 } } { loc : { foo : 50 , y : 30 } } 1) { loc : { lon : 40.739037, lat: 73.992964 } } 2) Make a 2d index db.places.ensureIndex( { loc : "2d" } ) 3) If you use latitude and longitude as your coordinate system, always store longitude first. MongoDB’s 2d spherical index operators only recognize [ longitude, latitude] ordering. HOW TO MAKE IT WORK
  23. PaaS == Platform as a Service A Cloud Application Platform

    Code Deploy Enjoy Save Time and Money Code your app Push-button Deploy, and your App is running in the Cloud!
  24. Why PaaS? • Lets developer focus on his job i.e.

    to write code. • You develop “Cloud Aware” applications from the beginning. • Improves developer productivity. • Reduces cost and time to market. • Brings agility to product development. • Gives developers the power to prototype their ideas rapidly.
  25. • Free! No time limit • 3 gears (like servers)

    - each 512 Mb RAM, 1 Gb disk • Auto-scaling • Simple pricing • We are coming out of developer preview this summer BUT WAIT – THERE's MORE
  26. 52 $ rhc app create localjobs jbosseap mongodb-2.2 Lot of

    other tasks you can do with rhc – tail log, app management, cartridge management , ssh management , namespace management, etc. Run rhc -h for details DEMO : LOCALJOBS APP RHC is only required for infrastructure tasks
  27. 53 $ git remote add upstream -m master git://github.com/shekhargulati/localjobs-jee.git $

    git pull -s recursive -X theirs upstream master ITS All GIT Source code is managed using Git Source code https://github.com/shekhargulati/localjobs-jee
  28. 54 $ rhc app show -a localjobs $ scp jobs-data.json

    <ssh url>:app-root/data $ rhc app ssh -a localjobs $ cd app-root/data $ mongoimport -d localjobs -c jobs --file jobs-data.json -u $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_USERNAME -p $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PASSWORD -h $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST -port $OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PORT LOADING DATA IN MONGODB