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NoSql presentation from Clarence Tauro

August 20, 2015

NoSql presentation from Clarence Tauro

Presented by Clarence Tauro at the Singapore Spring User Group on August 20th


August 20, 2015

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  1. About the Speaker •  Clarence J M Tauro – clarence@couchbase.com

    –  Senior Instructor, Couchbase –  ~11 Years Professional Teaching and Consulting Experience –  Worked at Pivotal – Instructor/Consultant for Spring/Spring Security/Spring Web/Enterprise Integration with Spring/Spring JMS/Spring Web/Spring Batch, Pivotal Hadoop/Cloud Foundry –  PhD in Computer Science from Christ University [thesis accepted] –  Hard-core Dog lover
  2. Disclaimer •  Disclaimer: The views expressed in this presentation are

    our own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Couchbase
  3. Objectives •  Introduction to NoSQL •  Are ACID Properties always

    desirable? •  Basically available, Soft state, Eventually consistent (BASE) •  The CAP Theorem •  Introducing Couchbase •  Couchbase Operations
  4. Introduction RDBMS - predominant technology for storing structured data in

    web and business applications “one size fits all” - thinking concerning data-stores has been questioned Apply NoSQL databases for the persistence layer/Polyglot Programming
  5. Are ACID Properties always desirable? •  … But what about:

    –  Latency –  Partition Tolerance –  High Availability –  Scalability
  6. the system is available, but not necessarily all items in

    it at any given point in time after a certain time all nodes are consistent, but at any given time this might not be the case information (state) the user put into the system that will go away if the user doesn't maintain it BASE
  7. The CAP Theorem •  Consistency – can all nodes see

    identical data, at all times? •  Availability – can all nodes be read from and written to, at all times? •  Partition Tolerance – will nodes function normally, even when the cluster breaks? Consistency Partition Tolerance Availability CHOOSE ANY TWO
  8. The CAP Theorem •  CP: Consistency and Partition Tolerance - 

    Immediately consistent data across a horizontally scaled cluster, even with network problems -  Couchbase •  AP: Availability and Partition Tolerance -  Always services requests, across multiple data centers, even with network problems, data eventually consistent -  Apache HBase or Cassandra, Couchbase (XDCR) •  CA: Consistency and Availability -  Always services requests with immediately consistent data, in a vertically scaled system -  MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server
  9. What do you do with the Data? Operational Use • 

    Real time intelligence •  Focus on data flows and processes •  Extremely fast (in- memory) reads •  Extremely fast (log append) writes •  Improve the current outcome Analytical Use •  Batched workloads •  Vast data aggregations •  Retrospective analyses •  Focus on data pools •  Improve future outcomes
  10. Hadoop vs. NoSQL Operational Velocity Analytical Volume Real-time operational database

    systems improve current outcomes Batch-oriented analytical database systems improve future outcomes Hadoop NoSQL
  11. Types of NoSQL •  Key-value stores •  Wide Column stores

    •  Document stores •  Graph databases
  12. Key-Value Stores •  The most common; not-necessarily the most popular

    •  Key and a simple value -  Speed -  Scale -  Simplicity •  Find simple values by key extremely fast Clarence user::1234 Melisa user::1235 Michael user::1236
  13. Document Stores •  Key and a structured value (document) - 

    Speed -  Scale -  Flexibility •  Read/write ever-changing data about people, places, and things, at cloud-scale user::1234 { name: 'Frank', age: 37, kids: ['Sue', 'Ann', 'Bob'] } user::1235 { name: 'Carolyn', age: 56, kids: ['Tina'] } user::1236 { name: 'Tessa', age: 24}
  14. Wide Column Stores •  Key and nested set of tuples

    -  Write vast volumes of data, with eventually consistent read access user::1234 name: text Frank age: number 37 kid: text Sue Ann Bob user::1235 name: text Carolyn age: number 56 kid: text Tina
  15. Graph Databases •  Linked list of keyed objects -  Relationships

    •  Monitor complex, dynamically networked connections user:: 1234 Frank 37 Sue Ann Bob user:: 1235 Carolyn 56 Tina user:: 1236 Tessa 24
  16. Polyglot Programming •  Enterprise will have a variety of different

    data storage technologies for different kinds of data •  We need to ask how we want to manipulate the data. This will help us figure out which persistence technologies are appropriate -  User Sessions: Couchbase (Memcached)/Redis -  Financial Data: RDBMS -  Shopping Cart: Riak/Couchbase (Memcached) -  Recommendation Systems: Neo4J -  Product Catalog: Couchbase/MongoDB -  Reporting: RDBMS/Couchbase Views -  Analytics: Couchbase/Cassandra
  17. History of Couchbase NorthScale developed a key-value storage engine Apache

    CouchDB database project Membase and CouchOne joined forces in February 2011 to create Couchbase, the first and only provider of a comprehensive, end-to-end family of NoSQL database products
  18. What is Couchbase Server? •  Couchbase Server •  Is a

    “document” database solution •  Has key/value based orientation •  Is geared for JSON •  Has no tables and no fixed schema •  Runs on a networked cluster of nodes •  Is highly scalable •  Is lightning fast read/write •  Has caching and persistence layers •  Automatically fails-over •  Couchbase Server is best suited for fast-changing data items of relatively small size
  19. JavaScript Object Notation {            "firstName":

     "Clarence",            "lastName":  "Tauro",            "age":  25,            "address":            {                    "streetAddress":  "21  2nd  Street",                    "city":  "Bangalore",                    "state":  "KA",                    "postalCode":  "560059"            },            "phoneNumber":            [                    {                        "type":  "home",                        "number":  "988  621-­‐7674"                    }            ]   }   JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format easy for humans to read and write
  20. What is a Couchbase Document? {      "visibility":  "PRIVATE",

         "name":  "Eclectic  Summer  Mix",      "userName":  "suzyqrocks",      "type":  "org.couchmusic.domain.Playlist",      "created":  1422138028037,      "updated":  1422138028072,      "tracks":  []   }   {      "id":  "playlist:12345",      "rev":  "1-­‐0004ebc0000000000",      "flags":  0,      "expiration":  0,      "type":  "json"   }   Document Content (Most recent in RAM and persisted to disk) Document Metadata (All keys unique and kept in RAM)
  21. •  Technology Stack for Data Manager: ­  Couchbase Client SDK

    (“Smart Client”) ­  Client Query API1 and Query Engine (Views) ­  Cache Layer: RAM Cache ­  Persistence Layer: Couchbase Couchbase Server Architecture
  22. •  Technology Stack for Cluster Manager: ­  Node Level –

    multiple vBuckets •  Default 1024 vBuckets/number of nodes ­  Cluster Level – multiple nodes (with 1 .. * buckets)1 ­  Datacenter Level – multiple clusters (optional XDCR)2 ­  Erlang (cluster management and process supervision)3 Couchbase Server Architecture
  23. Anatomy of a Couchbase Application Couchbase Client Software Cluster Map

    NS Server EP Engine NS Server EP Engine NS Server EP Engine {Server List} 1. REST request 8091 5. Create, Read, Update and Delete Documents Becomes a Smart Client
  24. 3 3 2 Managed Cache Disk Queue Disk Replication Queue

    App Server Doc 1 Doc 1 Doc 1 To other node Single Node – Couchbase Write Operation Couchbase Server Node
  25. 3 3 2 Managed Cache Disk Queue Replication Queue App

    Server Doc 1’ Doc 1 Doc 1’ Doc 1 Doc 1’ Disk To other node Single Node – Couchbase Update Operation Couchbase Server Node
  26. GET Doc 1 3 3 2 Disk Queue Replication Queue

    App Server Doc 1 Doc 1 Doc 1 Managed Cache Disk To other node Single Node – Couchbase Read Operation Couchbase Server Node
  27. 3 3 2 2 Disk Queue Replication Queue App Server

    Couchbase Server Node Doc 1 Doc 6 Doc 5 Doc 4 Doc 3 Doc 2 Doc 1 Doc 6 Doc 5 Doc 4 Doc 3 Doc 2 Managed Cache Disk To other node Single Node – Couchbase Cache Eviction
  28. 3 3 2 2 Disk Queue Replication Queue App Server

    Couchbase Server Node Doc 1 Doc 3 Doc 5 Doc 2 Doc 4 Doc 6 Doc 5 Doc 4 Doc 3 Doc 2 Doc 4 GET Doc 1 Doc 1 Doc 1 Managed Cache Disk To other node Single Node – Couchbase Cache Miss
  29. Training Get Started with Couchbase Server 4.0: www.couchbase.com/beta Get Trained

    on Couchbase: http://training.couchbase.com CD220: Developing Couchbase NoSQL Applications Oct 20 – Oct 23 2015 CS300: Couchbase NoSQL Server Administration Nov 17 – Nov 20 Enroll Today!