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Nick Chan
November 03, 2013


* Normalize.css
Download: http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/

Put the CSS file on the website's

* Modernizr
Download: http://modernizr.com/

Put the JavaScript file on the website's

If you want to use multiple background, your CSS may look like this:

#nice {
background: url(background-one.png) top left repeat-x,
url(background-two.png) bottom left repeat-x;

But some old browsers don't support, your CSS may change to this:

/* For old browsers */
#nice {
    background: url(background-one.png) top left repeat-x;
/* Use the class provided by Modernizr*/
.multiplebgs #nice {
    background: url(background-one.png) top left repeat-x,
    url(background-two.png) bottom left repeat-x;

* Adobe Edge Code CC
Download: http://html.adobe.com/edge/code/

* Brackets.io
Download: http://brackets.io/

Nick Chan

November 03, 2013


  1. HTML DOCTYPE? <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">

    HTML DOCTYPE XHTML DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" > HTML5 DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <body> SAMPLE CODE <style type="text/css"> .text-layer { font-family: Monaco, "Courier

    New", monospace; font-size: 12px; cursor: text; } .bg-red { background-color: red; } </style> <body> <h1 style="color:red">Juhu Kinners</h1> <div id="elem_id"></div> <div class="text-layer bg-red"></div> </body>
  3. attr id Attribute id <div id="elem_id"></div> Identity of HTML Element

    • It is the only • Always use in JavaScript
  4. attr class Attribute class <div class="text-layer bg-red"></div> Styling the HTML

    Element • It can be many • Each class match with their css in stylesheet .text-layer { font-family: Monaco, "Courier New", monospace; font-size: 12px; cursor: text; } .bg-red { background-color: red; }
  5. <table> VS <div> <table> Base usage <table> <tr> <td>row1 column1</td>

    <td>row1 column2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row2 column1</td> <td>row2 column2</td> </tr> </table> row1 column1 row1 column2 row2 column1 row2 column2
  6. <table> VS <div> <table> colspan <table> <tr> <td colspan=”2”> row1

    column1 + row1 column2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>row2 column1</td> <td>row2 column2</td> </tr> </table> row1 column1 + row1 column2 row2 column1 row2 column2
  7. <table> VS <div> <table> rowspan <table> <tr> <td rowspan=”2”> row1

    column1 + row2 column1 </td> <td>row1 column2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row2 column2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row3 column1</td> <td>row3 column2</td> </tr> </table> row1 column1 + row2 column1 row1 column2 row2 column2 row3 column1 row3 column2
  8. <table> VS <div> Tips for using <table> • When the

    container has margin or padding, do not set table in 100% width • Do not try to set the height, if you want to make it flexible <table width=”100%”> padding <table width=”auto”> padding
  9. <table> VS <div> Why <div> ? • Easy to control

    • No any extra css • Default display “Block” <div id=”1” style=”position: absolute”> <div id=”4” style=”position: absolute”> <div id=”2” style=” position: absolute”> <div id=”3” style=” position: absolute”> <div id=”1” style=” position: relative”> <div id=”2” style=” position: relative”> <div id=”3” style=” position: relative”> <div id=”4” style=” position: relative”> <div id=”5” style=” position: relative”> <div id=”6” style=” position: relative”>
  10. <table> VS <div> So... • Not too much customize •

    Seems simple • Have a some format <table> • Lots of customize • Complex layout • Not in same format <div>
  11. About transparent Cross browser /* IE 8 */ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=50)";

    /* IE 5-7 */ filter: alpha(opacity=50); /* Good browsers */ opacity: 0.5;