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September 26, 2019



September 26, 2019

More Decks by skanehira

Other Decks in Programming


  1. About me Job
 Guardian of Ueno Zoo Hobby
 Developing OSS

    (vim plugins, Go tools) Favorite
 Vim,Go,Docker Authors
  2. About me Job
 Guardian of Ueno Zoo Hobby
 Developing OSS

    (vim plugins, Go tools) Favorite
 Vim,Go,Docker Authors
  3. Features Images
 ɹ- image list(10 record)
 ɹ- delete
 ɹ- pull

    ɹ- push
 ɹ- search
 ɹ- tag
 ɹ- build
 ɹ- open an image repository on browser (Docker Hub)
 ɹ- save an image to tarball
  4. Features Containers
 ɹ- display containers(10 record)
 ɹ- start
 ɹ- stop

    ɹ- restart
 ɹ- kill
 ɹ- delete
 ɹ- attach
 ɹ- run
 ɹ- copy file/folders
 ɹ- monitoring container logs
 ɹ- monitoring container CPU/MEM usage
  5. :DockerContainers ! $ curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock \ -X GET \

    --dump-header {header_file} \ --output {response_body_file} \ http://localhost/containers/json
  6. Plugin package • docker/api
 execute curl or cli to call

    docker api • docker/
 defined popup window filter function and parse inputs, call docker/apis • window/
 management popup windows
  7. What you can do with docker cli can also do

    with docker.vim Can operate Docker in parallel with coding That is convenient