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Clojure 0 2014

Stefan Kanev
February 25, 2014

Clojure 0 2014

The first lecture in the Clojure course in 2014

Stefan Kanev

February 25, 2014

More Decks by Stefan Kanev

Other Decks in Programming


  1. ЦЕЛ ! да разберем нивото ви ФН и име –

    по желание моля не преписвайте ;) 30 минути
  2. Задачите • десет броя (оптимистично) • предават се онлайн •

    проверяват се автоматично • 0-6 точки • имате право да пропуснете три • решенията стават публични след крайния срок
  3. Проекти • на края на семестъра • milestone през семестъра

    • вие измисляте или ние избираме • 60 точки • 30 за функционалност, 30 за стил • да работят е задължително, но не и достатъчно
  4. Участие в час • Snickers? • обикновено на тях има

    кодове, които ви носят 1 точка • насърчават да не спите в час • получавате ги за добро включване • например: въпрос, отговор или коментар • много глупости водят до захарна болест
  5. Помощ с материалите • лекциите са с отворен код •

    оправяне на грешки • примери от лекции • ваши допълнения
  6. Предизвикателства • малки задачи, относително често • малки: 4-10 реда

    решение • често: 1-2 пъти в седмицата • имате по 2 дена за всяка
  7. Хитринки • малки съвети, които публикуваме от време на време

    • ще може да предлагате вашите • добрите ще бъдат възнаградявани с бонус точки
  8. Grok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes

    a part of the observed—to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It means almost everything that we mean by religion, philosophy, and science—and it means as little to us (because of our Earthling assumptions) as color means to a blind man. ! – A Stranger in a Strange Land
  9. функционално програмиране immutable код software transactional memory макроси LISPизми build

    tools дори мъничко Java Накрая ще трябва да разбирате добре:
  10. JVM

  11. Макроси • Много силен инструмент • Нищо общо със C

    preprocessor-а • Голяма част от Clojure са макроси
  12. ClojureScript • Clojure → JavaScript • Млад, но супер интересен

    • Много забавни приложения • Езика на LightTable
  13. Game of Life (defn neighbours [[x y]] (for [dx [-1

    0 1] dy (if (zero? dx) [-1 1] [-1 0 1])] [(+ dx x) (+ dy y)])) (defn step [cells] (set (for [[loc n] (frequencies (mapcat neighbours cells)) :when (or (= n 3) (and (= n 2) (cells loc)))] loc))) (def board #{[1 0] [1 1] [1 2]}) (take 5 (iterate step board))
  14. (defn pipe "Returns a pair: a seq (the read end)

    and a function (the write end). The function can takes either no arguments to close the pipe or one argument which is appended to the seq. Read is blocking." [] (let [promises (atom (repeatedly promise)) p (second @promises)] [(lazy-seq @p) (fn ([] ;close the pipe (let [[a] (swap! promises #(vector (second %)))] (if a (deliver a nil) (throw (Exception. "Pipe already closed"))))) ([x] ;enqueue x (let [[a b] (swap! promises next)] (if (and a b) (do (deliver a (cons x (lazy-seq @b))) x) (throw (Exception. "Pipe already closed"))))))])) ! ! ! ! (let [[q f] (pipe)] (future (doseq [x q] (println x)) (println "that's all folks!")) (doseq [x (range 10)] (f x)) (f)) ;close the pipe
  15. ! 675 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();" 676 sb.append('[');" 677

    for (;;) {" 678 E e = p.item;" 679 sb.append(e == this ? "(this Collection)" : e);" 680 p = p.next;" 681 if (p == null)" 682 return sb.append(']').toString();" 683 sb.append(',').append(' ');" 684 }" 685 } finally {" 686 fullyUnlock();" 687 }" 688 }" 689 " 690 /**" 691 * Atomically removes all of the elements from this queue." 692 * The queue will be empty after this call returns." 693 */" 694 public void clear() {" 695 fullyLock();" 696 try {" 697 for (Node<E> p, h = head; (p = h.next) != null; h = p) {" 698 h.next = h;" 699 p.item = null;" 700 }" 701 head = last;" 702 // assert head.item == null && head.next == null;" 703 if (count.getAndSet(0) == capacity)" 704 notFull.signal();" 705 } finally {" 706 fullyUnlock();" 707 }" 708 }" 709 " 710 /**" 711 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}" 712 * @throws ClassCastException {@inheritDoc}" 713 * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}" 714 * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}" 715 */" 716 public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c) {" 717 return drainTo(c, Integer.MAX_VALUE);" 718 }" 719 " 720 /**" 721 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}" 722 * @throws ClassCastException {@inheritDoc}" 723 * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}" 724 * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}" 725 */" 726 public int drainTo(Collection<? super E> c, int maxElements) {" 727 if (c == null)" 728 throw new NullPointerException();" 729 if (c == this)" 730 throw new IllegalArgumentException();" 731 boolean signalNotFull = false;" 732 final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;" 733 takeLock.lock();" 734 try {" 735 int n = Math.min(maxElements, count.get());" 736 // count.get provides visibility to first n Nodes" 737 Node<E> h = head;" 738 int i = 0;" 739 try {" 740 while (i < n) {" 741 Node<E> p = h.next;" 742 c.add(p.item);" 743 p.item = null;" 744 h.next = h;" 745 h = p;" 746 ++i;" 747 }" 748 return n;" 749 } finally {" 750 // Restore invariants even if c.add() threw" 751 if (i > 0) {" 752 // assert h.item == null;" 753 head = h;" 754 signalNotFull = (count.getAndAdd(-i) == capacity);" 755 }" 756 }" 757 } finally {" 758 takeLock.unlock();" 759 if (signalNotFull)" 760 signalNotFull();" 761 }" 762 }" 763 " 764 /**" 765 * Returns an iterator over the elements in this queue in proper sequence." 766 * The elements will be returned in order from first (head) to last (tail)." 767 *" 768 * <p>The returned iterator is a "weakly consistent" iterator that" 769 * will never throw {@link java.util.ConcurrentModificationException" 770 * ConcurrentModificationException}, and guarantees to traverse" 771 * elements as they existed upon construction of the iterator, and" 772 * may (but is not guaranteed to) reflect any modifications" 773 * subsequent to construction." 774 *" 775 * @return an iterator over the elements in this queue in proper sequence" 776 */" 777 public Iterator<E> iterator() {" 778 return new Itr();" 779 }" 780 " 781 private class Itr implements Iterator<E> {" 782 /*" 783 * Basic weakly-consistent iterator. At all times hold the next" 784 * item to hand out so that if hasNext() reports true, we will" 785 * still have it to return even if lost race with a take etc." 786 */" 787 private Node<E> current;" 788 private Node<E> lastRet;" 789 private E currentElement;" 790 " 791 Itr() {" 792 fullyLock();" 793 try {" 794 current = head.next;" 795 if (current != null)" 796 currentElement = current.item;" 797 } finally {" 798 fullyUnlock();" 799 }" 800 }" 801 " 802 public boolean hasNext() {" 803 return current != null;" 804 }" 805 " 806 /**" 807 * Returns the next live successor of p, or null if no such." 808 *" 809 * Unlike other traversal methods, iterators need to handle both:" 810 * - dequeued nodes (p.next == p)" 811 * - (possibly multiple) interior removed nodes (p.item == null)" 812 */" 813 private Node<E> nextNode(Node<E> p) {" 814 for (;;) {" 815 Node<E> s = p.next;" 816 if (s == p)" 817 return head.next;" 818 if (s == null || s.item != null)" 819 return s;" 820 p = s;" 821 }" 822 }" 823 " 824 public E next() {" 825 fullyLock();" 826 try {" 827 if (current == null)" 828 throw new NoSuchElementException();" 829 E x = currentElement;" 830 lastRet = current;" 831 current = nextNode(current);" 832 currentElement = (current == null) ? null : current.item;" 833 return x;" 834 } finally {" 835 fullyUnlock();" 836 }" 837 }" 838 " 839 public void remove() {" 840 if (lastRet == null)" 841 throw new IllegalStateException();" 842 fullyLock();" 843 try {" 844 Node<E> node = lastRet;" 845 lastRet = null;" 846 for (Node<E> trail = head, p = trail.next;" 847 p != null;" 848 trail = p, p = p.next) {" 849 if (p == node) {" 850 unlink(p, trail);" 851 break;" 852 }" 853 }" 854 } finally {" 855 fullyUnlock();" 856 }" 857 }" 858 }" 859 " 860 /**" 861 * Save the state to a stream (that is, serialize it)." 862 *" 863 * @serialData The capacity is emitted (int), followed by all of" 864 * its elements (each an {@code Object}) in the proper order," 865 * followed by a null" 866 * @param s the stream" 867 */" 868 private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s)" 869 throws java.io.IOException {" 870 " 871 fullyLock();" 872 try {" 873 // Write out any hidden stuff, plus capacity" 874 s.defaultWriteObject();" 875 " 876 // Write out all elements in the proper order." 877 for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)" 878 s.writeObject(p.item);" 879 " 880 // Use trailing null as sentinel" 881 s.writeObject(null);" 882 } finally {" 883 fullyUnlock();" 884 }" 885 }" 886 " 887 /**" 888 * Reconstitute this queue instance from a stream (that is," 889 * deserialize it)." 890 *" 891 * @param s the stream" 892 */" 893 private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s)" 894 throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {" 895 // Read in capacity, and any hidden stuff" 896 s.defaultReadObject();" 897 " 898 count.set(0);" 899 last = head = new Node<E>(null);" 900 " 901 // Read in all elements and place in queue" 902 for (;;) {" 903 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")" 904 E item = (E)s.readObject();" 905 if (item == null)" 906 break;" 907 add(item);" 908 }" 909 }" 910 }" ! Save This Page! Home » openjdk-7 » java » util » concurrent » [javadoc | source]! ! 340 /*" 341 * Note that count is used in wait guard even though it is" 342 * not protected by lock. This works because count can" 343 * only decrease at this point (all other puts are shut" 344 * out by lock), and we (or some other waiting put) are" 345 * signalled if it ever changes from capacity. Similarly" 346 * for all other uses of count in other wait guards." 347 */" 348 while (count.get() == capacity) {" 349 notFull.await();" 350 }" 351 enqueue(node);" 352 c = count.getAndIncrement();" 353 if (c + 1 < capacity)" 354 notFull.signal();" 355 } finally {" 356 putLock.unlock();" 357 }" 358 if (c == 0)" 359 signalNotEmpty();" 360 }" 361 " 362 /**" 363 * Inserts the specified element at the tail of this queue, waiting if" 364 * necessary up to the specified wait time for space to become available." 365 *" 366 * @return {@code true} if successful, or {@code false} if" 367 * the specified waiting time elapses before space is available." 368 * @throws InterruptedException {@inheritDoc}" 369 * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}" 370 */" 371 public boolean offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)" 372 throws InterruptedException {" 373 " 374 if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException();" 375 long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout);" 376 int c = -1;" 377 final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;" 378 final AtomicInteger count = this.count;" 379 putLock.lockInterruptibly();" 380 try {" 381 while (count.get() == capacity) {" 382 if (nanos <= 0)" 383 return false;" 384 nanos = notFull.awaitNanos(nanos);" 385 }" 386 enqueue(new Node<E>(e));" 387 c = count.getAndIncrement();" 388 if (c + 1 < capacity)" 389 notFull.signal();" 390 } finally {" 391 putLock.unlock();" 392 }" 393 if (c == 0)" 394 signalNotEmpty();" 395 return true;" 396 }" 397 " 398 /**" 399 * Inserts the specified element at the tail of this queue if it is" 400 * possible to do so immediately without exceeding the queue's capacity," 401 * returning {@code true} upon success and {@code false} if this queue" 402 * is full." 403 * When using a capacity-restricted queue, this method is generally" 404 * preferable to method {@link BlockingQueue#add add}, which can fail to" 405 * insert an element only by throwing an exception." 406 *" 407 * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null" 408 */" 409 public boolean offer(E e) {" 410 if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException();" 411 final AtomicInteger count = this.count;" 412 if (count.get() == capacity)" 413 return false;" 414 int c = -1;" 415 Node<E> node = new Node(e);" 416 final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;" 417 putLock.lock();" 418 try {" 419 if (count.get() < capacity) {" 420 enqueue(node);" 421 c = count.getAndIncrement();" 422 if (c + 1 < capacity)" 423 notFull.signal();" 424 }" 425 } finally {" 426 putLock.unlock();" 427 }" 428 if (c == 0)" 429 signalNotEmpty();" 430 return c >= 0;" 431 }" 432 " 433 " 434 public E take() throws InterruptedException {" 435 E x;" 436 int c = -1;" 437 final AtomicInteger count = this.count;" 438 final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;" 439 takeLock.lockInterruptibly();" 440 try {" 441 while (count.get() == 0) {" 442 notEmpty.await();" 443 }" 444 x = dequeue();" 445 c = count.getAndDecrement();" 446 if (c > 1)" 447 notEmpty.signal();" 448 } finally {" 449 takeLock.unlock();" 450 }" 451 if (c == capacity)" 452 signalNotFull();" 453 return x;" 454 }" 455 " 456 public E poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {" 457 E x = null;" 458 int c = -1;" 459 long nanos = unit.toNanos(timeout);" 460 final AtomicInteger count = this.count;" 461 final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;" 462 takeLock.lockInterruptibly();" 463 try {" 464 while (count.get() == 0) {" 465 if (nanos <= 0)" 466 return null;" 467 nanos = notEmpty.awaitNanos(nanos);" 468 }" 469 x = dequeue();" 470 c = count.getAndDecrement();" 471 if (c > 1)" 472 notEmpty.signal();" 473 } finally {" 474 takeLock.unlock();" 475 }" 476 if (c == capacity)" 477 signalNotFull();" 478 return x;" 479 }" 480 " 481 public E poll() {" 482 final AtomicInteger count = this.count;" 483 if (count.get() == 0)" 484 return null;" 485 E x = null;" 486 int c = -1;" 487 final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;" 488 takeLock.lock();" 489 try {" 490 if (count.get() > 0) {" 491 x = dequeue();" 492 c = count.getAndDecrement();" 493 if (c > 1)" ! 494 notEmpty.signal();" 495 }" 496 } finally {" 497 takeLock.unlock();" 498 }" 499 if (c == capacity)" 500 signalNotFull();" 501 return x;" 502 }" 503 " 504 public E peek() {" 505 if (count.get() == 0)" 506 return null;" 507 final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;" 508 takeLock.lock();" 509 try {" 510 Node<E> first = head.next;" 511 if (first == null)" 512 return null;" 513 else" 514 return first.item;" 515 } finally {" 516 takeLock.unlock();" 517 }" 518 }" 519 " 520 /**" 521 * Unlinks interior Node p with predecessor trail." 522 */" 523 void unlink(Node<E> p, Node<E> trail) {" 524 // assert isFullyLocked();" 525 // p.next is not changed, to allow iterators that are" 526 // traversing p to maintain their weak-consistency guarantee." 527 p.item = null;" 528 trail.next = p.next;" 529 if (last == p)" 530 last = trail;" 531 if (count.getAndDecrement() == capacity)" 532 notFull.signal();" 533 }" 534 " 535 /**" 536 * Removes a single instance of the specified element from this queue," 537 * if it is present. More formally, removes an element {@code e} such" 538 * that {@code o.equals(e)}, if this queue contains one or more such" 539 * elements." 540 * Returns {@code true} if this queue contained the specified element" 541 * (or equivalently, if this queue changed as a result of the call)." 542 *" 543 * @param o element to be removed from this queue, if present" 544 * @return {@code true} if this queue changed as a result of the call" 545 */" 546 public boolean remove(Object o) {" 547 if (o == null) return false;" 548 fullyLock();" 549 try {" 550 for (Node<E> trail = head, p = trail.next;" 551 p != null;" 552 trail = p, p = p.next) {" 553 if (o.equals(p.item)) {" 554 unlink(p, trail);" 555 return true;" 556 }" 557 }" 558 return false;" 559 } finally {" 560 fullyUnlock();" 561 }" 562 }" 563 " 564 /**" 565 * Returns {@code true} if this queue contains the specified element." 566 * More formally, returns {@code true} if and only if this queue contains" 567 * at least one element {@code e} such that {@code o.equals(e)}." 568 *" 569 * @param o object to be checked for containment in this queue" 570 * @return {@code true} if this queue contains the specified element" 571 */" 572 public boolean contains(Object o) {" 573 if (o == null) return false;" 574 fullyLock();" 575 try {" 576 for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)" 577 if (o.equals(p.item))" 578 return true;" 579 return false;" 580 } finally {" 581 fullyUnlock();" 582 }" 583 }" 584 " 585 /**" 586 * Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue, in" 587 * proper sequence." 588 *" 589 * <p>The returned array will be "safe" in that no references to it are" 590 * maintained by this queue. (In other words, this method must allocate" 591 * a new array). The caller is thus free to modify the returned array." 592 *" 593 * <p>This method acts as bridge between array-based and collection-based" 594 * APIs." 595 *" 596 * @return an array containing all of the elements in this queue" 597 */" 598 public Object[] toArray() {" 599 fullyLock();" 600 try {" 601 int size = count.get();" 602 Object[] a = new Object[size];" 603 int k = 0;" 604 for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)" 605 a[k++] = p.item;" 606 return a;" 607 } finally {" 608 fullyUnlock();" 609 }" 610 }" 611 " 612 /**" 613 * Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue, in" 614 * proper sequence; the runtime type of the returned array is that of" 615 * the specified array. If the queue fits in the specified array, it" 616 * is returned therein. Otherwise, a new array is allocated with the" 617 * runtime type of the specified array and the size of this queue." 618 *" 619 * <p>If this queue fits in the specified array with room to spare" 620 * (i.e., the array has more elements than this queue), the element in" 621 * the array immediately following the end of the queue is set to" 622 * {@code null}." 623 *" 624 * <p>Like the {@link #toArray()} method, this method acts as bridge between" 625 * array-based and collection-based APIs. Further, this method allows" 626 * precise control over the runtime type of the output array, and may," 627 * under certain circumstances, be used to save allocation costs." 628 *" 629 * <p>Suppose {@code x} is a queue known to contain only strings." 630 * The following code can be used to dump the queue into a newly" 631 * allocated array of {@code String}:" 632 *" 633 * <pre>" 634 * String[] y = x.toArray(new String[0]);</pre>" 635 *" 636 * Note that {@code toArray(new Object[0])} is identical in function to" 637 * {@code toArray()}." 638 *" 639 * @param a the array into which the elements of the queue are to" 640 * be stored, if it is big enough; otherwise, a new array of the" 641 * same runtime type is allocated for this purpose" 642 * @return an array containing all of the elements in this queue" 643 * @throws ArrayStoreException if the runtime type of the specified array" 644 * is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in" 645 * this queue" 646 * @throws NullPointerException if the specified array is null" 647 */" 648 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")" 649 public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {" 650 fullyLock();" 651 try {" 652 int size = count.get();" 653 if (a.length < size)" 654 a = (T[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance" 655 (a.getClass().getComponentType(), size);" 656 " 657 int k = 0;" 658 for (Node<E> p = head.next; p != null; p = p.next)" 659 a[k++] = (T)p.item;" 660 if (a.length > k)" 661 a[k] = null;" 662 return a;" 663 } finally {" 664 fullyUnlock();" 665 }" 666 }" 667 " 668 public String toString() {" 669 fullyLock();" 670 try {" 671 Node<E> p = head.next;" 672 if (p == null)" 673 return "[]";" 674 Save This Page! Home » openjdk-7 » java » util » concurrent » [javadoc | source]! 1 /*" 2 * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER." 3 *" 4 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it" 5 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as" 6 * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this" 7 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided" 8 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code." 9 *" 10 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT" 11 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or" 12 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License" 13 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that" 14 * accompanied this code)." 15 *" 16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version" 17 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation," 18 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA." 19 *" 20 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA" 21 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any" 22 * questions." 23 */" 24 " 25 /*" 26 * This file is available under and governed by the GNU General Public" 27 * License version 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation." 28 * However, the following notice accompanied the original version of this" 29 * file:" 30 *" 31 * Written by Doug Lea with assistance from members of JCP JSR-166" 32 * Expert Group and released to the public domain, as explained at" 33 * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/" 34 */" 35 " 36 package java.util.concurrent;" 37 " 38 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;" 39 import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;" 40 import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;" 41 import java.util.AbstractQueue;" 42 import java.util.Collection;" 43 import java.util.Iterator;" 44 import java.util.NoSuchElementException;" 45 " 46 /**" 47 * An optionally-bounded {@linkplain BlockingQueue blocking queue} based on" 48 * linked nodes." 49 * This queue orders elements FIFO (first-in-first-out)." 50 * The <em>head</em> of the queue is that element that has been on the" 51 * queue the longest time." 52 * The <em>tail</em> of the queue is that element that has been on the" 53 * queue the shortest time. New elements" 54 * are inserted at the tail of the queue, and the queue retrieval" 55 * operations obtain elements at the head of the queue." 56 * Linked queues typically have higher throughput than array-based queues but" 57 * less predictable performance in most concurrent applications." 58 *" 59 * <p> The optional capacity bound constructor argument serves as a" 60 * way to prevent excessive queue expansion. The capacity, if unspecified," 61 * is equal to {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. Linked nodes are" 62 * dynamically created upon each insertion unless this would bring the" 63 * queue above capacity." 64 *" 65 * <p>This class and its iterator implement all of the" 66 * <em>optional</em> methods of the {@link Collection} and {@link" 67 * Iterator} interfaces." 68 *" 69 * <p>This class is a member of the" 70 * <a href="{@docRoot}/../technotes/guides/collections/index.html">" 71 * Java Collections Framework</a>." 72 *" 73 * @since 1.5" 74 * @author Doug Lea" 75 * @param <E> the type of elements held in this collection" 76 *" 77 */" 78 public class LinkedBlockingQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E>" 79 implements BlockingQueue<E>, java.io.Serializable {" 80 private static final long serialVersionUID = -6903933977591709194L;" 81 " 82 /*" 83 * A variant of the "two lock queue" algorithm. The putLock gates" 84 * entry to put (and offer), and has an associated condition for" 85 * waiting puts. Similarly for the takeLock. The "count" field" 86 * that they both rely on is maintained as an atomic to avoid" 87 * needing to get both locks in most cases. Also, to minimize need" 88 * for puts to get takeLock and vice-versa, cascading notifies are" 89 * used. When a put notices that it has enabled at least one take," 90 * it signals taker. That taker in turn signals others if more" 91 * items have been entered since the signal. And symmetrically for" 92 * takes signalling puts. Operations such as remove(Object) and" 93 * iterators acquire both locks." 94 *" 95 * Visibility between writers and readers is provided as follows:" 96 *" 97 * Whenever an element is enqueued, the putLock is acquired and" 98 * count updated. A subsequent reader guarantees visibility to the" 99 * enqueued Node by either acquiring the putLock (via fullyLock)" 100 * or by acquiring the takeLock, and then reading n = count.get();" 101 * this gives visibility to the first n items." 102 *" 103 * To implement weakly consistent iterators, it appears we need to" 104 * keep all Nodes GC-reachable from a predecessor dequeued Node." 105 * That would cause two problems:" 106 * - allow a rogue Iterator to cause unbounded memory retention" 107 * - cause cross-generational linking of old Nodes to new Nodes if" 108 * a Node was tenured while live, which generational GCs have a" 109 * hard time dealing with, causing repeated major collections." 110 * However, only non-deleted Nodes need to be reachable from" 111 * dequeued Nodes, and reachability does not necessarily have to" 112 * be of the kind understood by the GC. We use the trick of" 113 * linking a Node that has just been dequeued to itself. Such a" 114 * self-link implicitly means to advance to head.next." 115 */" 116 " 117 /**" 118 * Linked list node class" 119 */" 120 static class Node<E> {" 121 E item;" 122 " 123 /**" 124 * One of:" 125 * - the real successor Node" 126 * - this Node, meaning the successor is head.next" 127 * - null, meaning there is no successor (this is the last node)" 128 */" 129 Node<E> next;" 130 " 131 Node(E x) { item = x; }" 132 }" 133 " 134 /** The capacity bound, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if none */" 135 private final int capacity;" 136 " 137 /** Current number of elements */" 138 private final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);" 139 " 140 /**" 141 * Head of linked list." 142 * Invariant: head.item == null" 143 */" 144 private transient Node<E> head;" 145 " 146 /**" 147 * Tail of linked list." 148 * Invariant: last.next == null" 149 */" 150 private transient Node<E> last;" 151 " 152 /** Lock held by take, poll, etc */" 153 private final ReentrantLock takeLock = new ReentrantLock();" 154 " 155 /** Wait queue for waiting takes */" 156 private final Condition notEmpty = takeLock.newCondition();" 157 " 158 /** Lock held by put, offer, etc */" 159 private final ReentrantLock putLock = new ReentrantLock();" 160 " 161 /** Wait queue for waiting puts */" 162 private final Condition notFull = putLock.newCondition();" 163 " 164 /**" 165 * Signals a waiting take. Called only from put/offer (which do not" 166 * otherwise ordinarily lock takeLock.)" 167 */" 168 private void signalNotEmpty() {" 169 final ReentrantLock takeLock = this.takeLock;" 170 takeLock.lock();" 171 try {" 172 notEmpty.signal();" 173 } finally {" 174 takeLock.unlock();" 175 }" 176 }" 177 " 178 /**" 179 * Signals a waiting put. Called only from take/poll." 180 */" 181 private void signalNotFull() {" 182 final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;" 183 putLock.lock();" 184 try {" 185 notFull.signal();" 186 } finally {" 187 putLock.unlock();" 188 }" 189 }" 190 " 191 /**" 192 * Links node at end of queue." 193 *" 194 * @param node the node" 195 */" 196 private void enqueue(Node<E> node) {" 197 // assert putLock.isHeldByCurrentThread();" 198 // assert last.next == null;" 199 last = last.next = node;" 200 }" 201 " 202 /**" 203 * Removes a node from head of queue." 204 *" 205 * @return the node" 206 */" 207 private E dequeue() {" 208 // assert takeLock.isHeldByCurrentThread();" 209 // assert head.item == null;" 210 Node<E> h = head;" 211 Node<E> first = h.next;" 212 h.next = h; // help GC" 213 head = first;" 214 E x = first.item;" 215 first.item = null;" 216 return x;" 217 }" 218 " 219 /**" 220 * Lock to prevent both puts and takes." 221 */" 222 void fullyLock() {" 223 putLock.lock();" 224 takeLock.lock();" 225 }" 226 " 227 /**" 228 * Unlock to allow both puts and takes." 229 */" 230 void fullyUnlock() {" 231 takeLock.unlock();" 232 putLock.unlock();" 233 }" 234 " 235 // /**" 236 // * Tells whether both locks are held by current thread." 237 // */" 238 // boolean isFullyLocked() {" 239 // return (putLock.isHeldByCurrentThread() &&" 240 // takeLock.isHeldByCurrentThread());" 241 // }" 242 " 243 /**" 244 * Creates a {@code LinkedBlockingQueue} with a capacity of" 245 * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}." 246 */" 247 public LinkedBlockingQueue() {" 248 this(Integer.MAX_VALUE);" 249 }" 250 " 251 /**" 252 * Creates a {@code LinkedBlockingQueue} with the given (fixed) capacity." 253 *" 254 * @param capacity the capacity of this queue" 255 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code capacity} is not greater" 256 * than zero" 257 */" 258 public LinkedBlockingQueue(int capacity) {" 259 if (capacity <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();" 260 this.capacity = capacity;" 261 last = head = new Node<E>(null);" 262 }" 263 " 264 /**" 265 * Creates a {@code LinkedBlockingQueue} with a capacity of" 266 * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}, initially containing the elements of the" 267 * given collection," 268 * added in traversal order of the collection's iterator." 269 *" 270 * @param c the collection of elements to initially contain" 271 * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection or any" 272 * of its elements are null" 273 */" 274 public LinkedBlockingQueue(Collection<? extends E> c) {" 275 this(Integer.MAX_VALUE);" 276 final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;" 277 putLock.lock(); // Never contended, but necessary for visibility" 278 try {" 279 int n = 0;" 280 for (E e : c) {" 281 if (e == null)" 282 throw new NullPointerException();" 283 if (n == capacity)" 284 throw new IllegalStateException("Queue full");" 285 enqueue(new Node<E>(e));" 286 ++n;" 287 }" 288 count.set(n);" 289 } finally {" 290 putLock.unlock();" 291 }" 292 }" 293 " 294 " 295 // this doc comment is overridden to remove the reference to collections" 296 // greater in size than Integer.MAX_VALUE" 297 /**" 298 * Returns the number of elements in this queue." 299 *" 300 * @return the number of elements in this queue" 301 */" 302 public int size() {" 303 return count.get();" 304 }" 305 " 306 // this doc comment is a modified copy of the inherited doc comment," 307 // without the reference to unlimited queues." 308 /**" 309 * Returns the number of additional elements that this queue can ideally" 310 * (in the absence of memory or resource constraints) accept without" 311 * blocking. This is always equal to the initial capacity of this queue" 312 * less the current {@code size} of this queue." 313 *" 314 * <p>Note that you <em>cannot</em> always tell if an attempt to insert" 315 * an element will succeed by inspecting {@code remainingCapacity}" 316 * because it may be the case that another thread is about to" 317 * insert or remove an element." 318 */" 319 public int remainingCapacity() {" 320 return capacity - count.get();" 321 }" 322 " 323 /**" 324 * Inserts the specified element at the tail of this queue, waiting if" 325 * necessary for space to become available." 326 *" 327 * @throws InterruptedException {@inheritDoc}" 328 * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}" 329 */" 330 public void put(E e) throws InterruptedException {" 331 if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException();" 332 // Note: convention in all put/take/etc is to preset local var" 333 // holding count negative to indicate failure unless set." 334 int c = -1;" 335 Node<E> node = new Node(e);" 336 final ReentrantLock putLock = this.putLock;" 337 final AtomicInteger count = this.count;" 338 putLock.lockInterruptibly();" 339 try {
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