Speaker Workshops 11:20 12:00 1:00 Google Cloud IoT for Developers [1] Sobhy Ahmed 12:00 12:30 0:30 Technology Trends, ML & communities Salim Abid Google Cloud IoT Workshop [2] 12:30 13:00 0:30 GDG/WTM Oman introduction + Q/A Alya AlShanfari 13:00 13:45 0:45 Non-Google Session Non-Google Session 14:00 15:00 1:00 Google Cloud for Developers [1] Omran Abdelrahman 15:00 15:45 0:45 The Magic of Flutter [1] Ahmed Abu ElDahab Google Cloud Workshop [2] 15:45 16:00 0:15 Special Google I/O Announcement Alya AlShanfari 16:00 17:00 1:00 Build your actions using Google Assistant Omran Abdelrahman Flutter Workshop [2] 17:00 18:00 1:00 Empowerment with Google Startup's & Community Salim Abid x:45 x+1:00 0:15 Network with Google DevRel Ecosystem Google Team Talks