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Tales From Lutesau Runas Rough
Nemo Nase
December 17, 2020
Tales From Lutesau Runas Rough
Storyboard for a future project I want to work on.
Nemo Nase
December 17, 2020
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Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 1 Duration 02:00 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 2 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 3 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 5 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 6 Duration 00:11 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 7 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 8 Duration 02:00 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 9 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 10 Duration 01:03 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 11 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 2 Duration 16:03 Panel 13 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 14 Duration 03:12 Panel 1 Duration 00:10 Pilot Page
Scene 14 Duration 03:12 Panel 2 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 14 Duration 03:12 Panel 3 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 14 Duration 03:12 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 14 Duration 03:12 Panel 5 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 2 Duration 03:15 Dialog HARRISON?S
MOM You can't just sit around on the last day of summer! Go play outside. Pilot Page 20/219
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 3 Duration 01:21 Dialog HARRISON
(muttering) Play outside, what am I five? Pilot Page 21/219
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 4 Duration 02:10 Dialog MERCY
I think your parents just want you to have some fun. Pilot Page 22/219
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 5 Duration 03:15 Dialog HARRISON
Well it's not like there?s much else for us to do, nothing actually happens here. Pilot Page 23/219
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 8 Duration 01:20 Dialog MERCY
Well that's something. Pilot Page 26/219
Scene 15_A Duration 17:09 Panel 9 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 1 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 2 Duration 01:15 Dialog MOM
Here we are! Pilot Page 29/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 3 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 4 Duration 00:11 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 5 Duration 01:06 Dialog MOM
Welcome to your new hom- Pilot Page 32/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 6 Duration 01:05 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 7 Duration 01:00 Dialog WYN
No thank you! Pilot Page 34/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 8 Duration 02:18 Dialog MOM
Wyn you can't hide forever, this place will be good for you. Pilot Page 35/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 9 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 10 Duration 02:00 Dialog Heavy
breathing Pilot Page 37/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 11 Duration 04:08 Dialog WYN
Nah I'm good! You know what this car's pretty nice, I'm just gonna stay here Pilot Page 38/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 12 Duration 01:02 Dialog WYN
where it's normal and safe- Pilot Page 39/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 13 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 15 Duration 01:09 Dialog WYN
(pained) I'm oKaY! Pilot Page 42/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 16 Duration 03:12 Dialog WYN
When's our stuff getting here? I think I just need to lie down for a minute. Pilot Page 43/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 17 Duration 04:06 Dialog MOM
Well lucky for us we're here just in time. They should be arriving in 3, 2, 1 Pilot Page 44/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 18 Duration 01:16 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 19 Duration 00:18 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 20 Duration 02:05 Dialog MOM
You know, I could get used to this magic thing. Pilot Page 47/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 21 Duration 04:20 Dialog WYN
(nervously) Yup nothing but magic, monsters, and trees for miles! Not overwhelming at all. Pilot Page 48/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 22 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 23 Duration 02:06 Dialog MOM
Hey, why don't you bring the car into the garage? Pilot Page 50/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 24 Duration 01:05 Dialog WYN
Me?! Pilot Page 51/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 25 Duration 03:11 Dialog MOM
Yup, no magic or weirdness, just a car. Think you can handle it? Pilot Page 52/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 26 Duration 01:09 Dialog WYN
I think so. Pilot Page 53/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 27 Duration 00:22 Pilot Page
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 28 Duration 02:16 Dialog MOM
Alright, I'll start bringing in some of the boxes. Pilot Page 55/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 29 Duration 04:15 Dialog WYN
Wait, you're not gonna be in the car?! I'm... I'm pretty sure this is illegal! Pilot Page 56/219
Scene 15_B Duration 57:18 Panel 30 Duration 01:10 Dialog MOM
You'll be fine! Pilot Page 57/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:05 Dialog MERCY
Let's go say hi to them. Pilot Page 58/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 2 Duration 04:10 Dialog HARRISON
You mean the person who clearly doesn't want to be here? Yeah sounds like a blast. Pilot Page 59/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 3 Duration 04:19 Dialog MERCY
Maybe they don't want to be here cause they can see us creepily watching their family. Pilot Page 60/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 4 Duration 00:18 Pilot Page
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:05 Pilot Page
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:00 Dialog MERCY
Hi there!!! Pilot Page 63/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 7 Duration 01:20 Dialog HARRISON
A little too intense there Mercy. Pilot Page 64/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 8 Duration 03:19 Dialog MERCY
Oops, sorry! I'm Mercy, we just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. Pilot Page 65/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 9 Duration 01:23 Dialog WYN
Oh ... um ... hi I'm Wyn Pilot Page 66/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 10 Duration 03:13 Dialog MERCY
Nice car, must've been hard to get the permit for it. Pilot Page 67/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 11 Duration 03:13 Dialog WYN
Permit? Pilot Page 68/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 12 Duration 01:21 Dialog MERCY
Well yeah, you need to kee- Pilot Page 69/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 13 Duration 01:15 Dialog HARRISON
Eh it's nothing really. Pilot Page 70/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 14 Duration 06:15 Dialog WYN
oh, well I should really get back to helping my Mom with the car and our stuff Pilot Page 71/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 15 Duration 03:17 Dialog WYN
... cause it's sort of all over the yard. Pilot Page 72/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 16 Duration 01:05 Dialog MERCY
Do you need any help? Pilot Page 73/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 17 Duration 03:03 Dialog WYN
You don't have to- Pilot Page 74/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 18 Duration 03:03 Dialog Mercy
It's no problem we'd love to help! Right Harrison? Pilot Page 75/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 19 Duration 01:10 Dialog HARRISON
No Pilot Page 76/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 20 Duration 01:05 Dialog HARRISON
Ok, sure. Pilot Page 77/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 21 Duration 01:10 Dialog WYN
Ok then? Pilot Page 78/219
Scene 17 Duration 57:00 Panel 22 Duration 03:15 Dialog (crashing
noise) WYN Be careful! Oh no that one?s got fragile on it! Pilot Page 79/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 1 Duration 03:00 Pilot Page
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 3 Duration 02:08 Dialog MOM
See, I told you everything would be fine. Pilot Page 83/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 4 Duration 02:00 Pilot Page
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 5 Duration 01:05 Pilot Page
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 6 Duration 04:11 Dialog WYN
They're just being nice... I think. They kinda seem a bit weird. Pilot Page 86/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 7 Duration 02:10 Dialog MOM
Well then you'll fit in perfectly Pilot Page 87/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 8 Duration 03:04 Dialog WYN
What? No, I'm not weird. I'm perfectly normal. Pilot Page 88/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 9 Duration 04:09 Dialog MOM
Sweetie this place will never be home if you don?t give it the chance. Pilot Page 89/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 10 Duration 04:09 Dialog WYN
I guess Pilot Page 90/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 11 Duration 05:14 Dialog MOM
Hey you've got this and you're already off to a great start. Pilot Page 91/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 12 Duration 05:14 Dialog MOM
I mean you took care of the car all by yourself. Pilot Page 92/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 13 Duration 04:02 Dialog WYN
Right... of course! Um I'm gonna go get more boxes, be right back! Pilot Page 93/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 14 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 15 Duration 04:00 Dialog MERCY
Harri I feel bad! Why didn't we just tell them about the car permit?! Pilot Page 95/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 16 Duration 02:22 Dialog HARRISON
I don't know, I was bored! I wanted to see what would happen. Pilot Page 96/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 17 Duration 02:19 Dialog MERCY
But what if something bad happens, won't you feel bad too?! Pilot Page 97/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 18 Duration 01:05 Dialog HARRISON
I'm sure it'll be fine. Pilot Page 98/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 19 Duration 02:19 Dialog WYN
No no no no no! Pilot Page 99/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 20 Duration 02:19 Dialog HARRISON
Or not Pilot Page 100/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 21 Duration 02:12 Dialog WYN
I just... it's... the car is? IT'S GONE! Pilot Page 101/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 22 Duration 01:13 Pilot Page
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 23 Duration 02:09 Dialog MERCY
See! I knew something like this would happen! Pilot Page 103/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 24 Duration 02:17 Dialog WYN
What do you mean?! Who would someone steal our car??!! Pilot Page 104/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 25 Duration 01:10 Dialog HARRISON
Trees probably Pilot Page 105/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 26 Duration 07:16 Dialog WYN
How and why would trees take our car?!! Oh god this is a mess! My Mom's gonna freak out! Pilot Page 106/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 27 Duration 07:16 Dialog WYN
We just got here, we don't have time for a disaster!! Pilot Page 107/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 28 Duration 03:21 Dialog HARRISON
Ok ok calm down. If we help you get it back will you stop rambling? Pilot Page 108/219
Scene 19 Duration 01:32:13 Panel 29 Duration 01:21 Dialog WYN
yes? Pilot Page 109/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 1 Duration 02:11 Dialog HARRISON
Then we better get looking. Pilot Page 110/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 3 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 4 Duration 05:02 Dialog MERCY
I think I know where they would've taken the car. Pilot Page 113/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 5 Duration 05:02 Dialog MERCY
I've seen some old mechanical parts near a big tree close to here. Pilot Page 114/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 6 Duration 02:23 Dialog WYN
I still don't get it though... why would trees take my car? Pilot Page 115/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 7 Duration 02:09 Dialog HARRISON
I don't know something about air pollution. Pilot Page 116/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 8 Duration 02:09 Dialog MERCY
Harri haven't you been paying attention in history class? Pilot Page 117/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 9 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 10 Duration 01:18 Dialog MERCY
The trees have been protecting this town for Pilot Page 119/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 11 Duration 03:17 Dialog Mercy
(cont.) hundreds of years! The least we can do is try to keep the town clean for them and not Pilot Page 120/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 12 Duration 02:07 Dialog Mercy
(cont.) having cars is part of the deal. Pilot Page 121/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 13 Duration 03:10 Dialog HARRISON
Usually new people have to get a permit to bring a car temporarily Pilot Page 122/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 14 Duration 01:00 Dialog WYN
Wait Pilot Page 123/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 15 Duration 03:21 Dialog WYN
That was the permit you guys were talking about?!! Why didn?t you guys warn me about that?! Pilot Page 124/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 16 Duration 01:21 Dialog HARRISON
I said I was sorry Pilot Page 125/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 17 Duration 01:03 Dialog WYN
No you didn?t Pilot Page 126/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 18 Duration 01:15 Dialog HARRISON
No I guess I didn't Pilot Page 127/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 19 Duration 02:11 Dialog MERCY
Are you sure we shouldn't have told your Mom? Pilot Page 128/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 20 Duration 04:03 Dialog WYN
I just don't want to worry her plus my sisters should be able to keep her busy. Pilot Page 129/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 21 Duration 01:05 Dialog HARRISON
Seems smart Pilot Page 130/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 22 Duration 01:00 Dialog WYN
Thanks Pilot Page 131/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 23 Duration 03:05 Dialog HARRISON
(sarcastically) Yup just three teens walking in a magical forest at night. Pilot Page 132/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 24 Duration 02:16 Dialog HARRISON
(sarcastically) (cont.) Definitely not something a parent should know about. Pilot Page 133/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 25 Duration 01:15 Dialog MERCY
Well... I think we've found it. Pilot Page 134/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 26 Duration 01:03 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 27 Duration 02:19 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 28 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 29 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 30 Duration 02:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 31 Duration 02:00 Dialog WYN
Come on! Pilot Page 140/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 32 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 33 Duration 01:05 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 34 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 35 Duration 01:15 Dialog HARRISON
Yikes Pilot Page 144/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 36 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 37 Duration 02:15 Dialog HARRISON
You're probably gonna need some sort of shot now. Pilot Page 146/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 38 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 39 Duration 02:02 Dialog MERCY
Great trees please understand when I say Pilot Page 148/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 40 Duration 02:05 Dialog MERCY
(cont.) that my friend here is very sorry Pilot Page 149/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 41 Duration 02:14 Dialog MERCY
(cont.) for bringing an unauthorized vehicle into your woods Pilot Page 150/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 42 Duration 02:04 Dialog MERCY
(cont.) and well clearly disturbing your animals. Pilot Page 151/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 43 Duration 04:14 Dialog MERCY
(cont.) Please find it in your ... heart? I guess you're made of wood so I'm not totally sure what you have Pilot Page 152/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 44 Duration 08:16 Dialog MERCY
(cont.) but please find a way to forgive them and return the car. Pilot Page 153/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 45 Duration 08:16 Dialog MERCY
(cont.) They'll be able to sell it after they finish moving in and your woods will be car free once again. Pilot Page 154/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 46 Duration 01:15 Dialog MERCY
(cont.) So... what do ya say? Pilot Page 155/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 47 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 48 Duration 02:00 Dialog rustling
leaves Pilot Page 157/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 49 Duration 01:10 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 50 Duration 01:20 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 51 Duration 01:10 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 52 Duration 02:03 Dialog WYN
My Mom's gonna kill me. Pilot Page 161/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 53 Duration 01:16 Dialog HARRISON
I'm sorry Wyn Pilot Page 162/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 54 Duration 04:00 Dialog WYN
I was supposed to bring it into the garage, if I had just done that this wouldn?t have happened! Pilot Page 163/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 55 Duration 01:14 Dialog MERCY
It'll be ok Pilot Page 164/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 56 Duration 02:03 Dialog WYN
(tearing up) This was all for nothing Pilot Page 165/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 57 Duration 03:23 Dialog WYN
(tearing up) just like this stupid move. I always find a way to mess everything up. Pilot Page 166/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 58 Duration 03:00 Dialog MERCY
You can't blame yourself for not knowing, you just got here. Pilot Page 167/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 59 Duration 04:12 Dialog HARRISON
Plus you know, you would have had to get rid of it sooner or later and Pilot Page 168/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 60 Duration 04:12 Dialog HARRISON
this just happened to be sooner. Pilot Page 169/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 61 Duration 01:04 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 62 Duration 03:13 Dialog WYN
Magical trees and ... rabbit monsters. It?s just all so much. Pilot Page 171/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 63 Duration 02:00 Dialog HARRISON
Well... you'll learn. Pilot Page 172/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 64 Duration 00:21 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 65 Duration 01:05 Dialog HARRISON
Here Pilot Page 174/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 66 Duration 02:11 Dialog HARRISON
Watch the horn and lightly stroke its back Pilot Page 175/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 67 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 68 Duration 00:21 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 69 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 70 Duration 03:01 Dialog HARRISON
Consider this your first lesson in weird magical stuff. Pilot Page 179/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 71 Duration 02:04 Dialog MERCY
Not for nothing after all huh Pilot Page 180/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 72 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 73 Duration 01:05 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 74 Duration 01:05 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 75 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 76 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 77 Duration 01:15 Dialog rustling
leaves Pilot Page 186/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 78 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 79 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 80 Duration 02:13 Dialog WYN
Wait did they steal my stuff too?! Pilot Page 189/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 81 Duration 03:20 Dialog MERCY
Wow, never heard of that before. Pilot Page 190/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 82 Duration 03:20 Dialog HARRISON
I think the forest just hates you Pilot Page 191/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 83 Duration 00:22 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 84 Duration 00:19 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 85 Duration 03:01 Dialog WYN
Well... at least I'll have something to bring back to my Mom. Pilot Page 194/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 86 Duration 02:11 Dialog MERCY
We'll help you talk to your Mom about everything. Pilot Page 195/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 87 Duration 02:20 Dialog WYN
That's ok, I don?t want to get you guys in trouble. Pilot Page 196/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 88 Duration 03:16 Dialog HARRISON
Eh, I think my parents will just be excited I did something today. Pilot Page 197/219
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 89 Duration 01:05 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 90 Duration 00:23 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 91 Duration 00:13 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 92 Duration 00:20 Pilot Page
Scene 25 Duration 03:25:10 Panel 93 Duration 01:18 Dialog MERCY
Don't worry we got you. Pilot Page 202/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 1 Duration 01:10 Pilot Page
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 2 Duration 01:15 Pilot Page
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 4 Duration 01:10 Pilot Page
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 5 Duration 03:03 Dialog WYN
Am I crazy or was that wayyy shorter than before? Pilot Page 207/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 6 Duration 03:12 Dialog HARRISON
Perks of a magical forest. If they like you they?ll help you out. Pilot Page 208/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 7 Duration 02:12 Dialog MERCY
I guess the forest forgives you after all Pilot Page 209/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 8 Duration 01:00 Dialog MOM
Wyn!!! Pilot Page 210/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 9 Duration 02:00 Dialog WYN
Or they want to see me die quicker. Pilot Page 211/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 10 Duration 04:02 Dialog HARRISON
I'm sure it'll be fine. Plus if you die you can just come back as a ghost. Pilot Page 212/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 11 Duration 02:00 Dialog WYN
Thanks for the reassurance. Pilot Page 213/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 12 Duration 01:00 Dialog WYN
Alright Pilot Page 214/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 13 Duration 01:10 Dialog WYN
let's do this. Pilot Page 215/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 14 Duration 03:00 Dialog MERCY
If you think this was weird Wyn just wait till school tomorrow. Pilot Page 216/219
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 15 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 16 Duration 00:15 Pilot Page
Scene 37 Duration 31:08 Panel 17 Duration 01:00 Pilot Page