*everything in as few commands as possible • Generate custom CF • Use stack outputs to update local kubectl • Install k8s resources (yaml template munging)
JSON to: 'formation.json' .. Now use the CloudFormation web console to create a stack from this json https://eu-west-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?re gion=eu-west-1#/stacks?filter=active $ spinup kubeconfig mybrandnewstack ... $ spinup finish_setup mybrandnewstack ...
infrastructure for GRID • Convenient for new devs to get up and running • Still need to edit CM's with IAM -> k8s user mapping • Adding new features possible but … • Infrastructure is full of messy details!
another deprecated tool) • There are better, more mature tools out there (eksctl, I'm looking at you!) • Don't force everything into a single CF stack. Just don't. • Feel free to check out the repo and troposphere is cool, you might learn something: github.com/steinnes/spinup