Hicks Assistant Professor, Biostatistics Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Faculty Member, Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab @stephaniehicks
of law was very technical And students were simply told what the law is. During Langdell’s tenure, he applied the principles of pragmatism to the teaching of law à students were compelled to use their own reasoning powers to understand how the law might apply in a given case.
consists of certain principles or doctrines. To have such a mastery of these … is what constitutes a true lawyer; and hence to acquire that mastery should be the business of every earnest student of law.” – C. C. Langdell C. C. Langdell Dean of Harvard Law School from 1870 to 1895
problem to be solved Problem: a dilemma to be resolved or a decision to be made Supporting information: data, exhibits, interviews, supporting documentation, etc
real problems / based on real events / realistic, complex, and contextually rich situations / contemporary / recent / tells a real story Focused on students engages students / student centered / students make choices / active learning Link between theory and practice application of concepts in practice / bridges the gap between theory and practice / make choices about what theory to apply / highlight connections between academic topics and real-world situations / connects the academy and the workplace Ambiguous complex and ambiguous / present unresolved issues, situations, or questions / ”art of managing uncertainty” / without a detailed script / coping with ambiguities
Report 2016 1. Teach statistical thinking. (Teach statistics as an investigative process of problem-solving and decision making). 2. Focus on conceptual understanding. 3. Integrate real data with a context and purpose. 4. Foster active learning. 5. Use technology to explore concepts and analyze data. 6. Use assessments to improve and evaluate student learning.
undergraduate Public Health Studies majors • modular structure: public health question, data, guided analysis, report • Statistical Methods in Public Health • MPH students and PhD students in Public Health/Nursing • occasional class-length detailed example analyses used to demonstrate statistical methods • Advanced Data Science • graduate students in Biostatistics (and others with interest) • exclusive use of case studies to motivate the concepts/topics
real problems / based on real events / realistic, complex, and contextually rich situations / contemporary / recent / tells a real story Focused on students engages students / student centered / students make choices / active learning Link between theory and practice application of concepts in practice / bridges the gap between theory and practice / make choices about what theory to apply / highlight connections between academic topics and real-world situations / connects the academy and the workplace Ambiguous complex and ambiguous / present unresolved issues, situations, or questions / ”art of managing uncertainty” / without a detailed script / coping with ambiguities
What is the question? What is the context/background for the question? •What is the data? •Data import •Data wrangling •Exploratory data analysis / data visualization •Data analysis •Summary of results
of statistical methods and data science skills • Rich in terms of contextual questions of interest • Easily adaptable/modifiable • Continuously curated • Provide support for statistical software beyond R
(or parts of our case studies) ! • Provide feedback on our case studies • Contribute your own case studies • Contribute ideas for case studies https://opencasestudies.github.io
• Scott Zeger Feel free to send comments/questions: Twitter: @stephaniehicks Email: shicks19@jhu.edu JHU Research Assistants • Alexandra Stephens • Pei-Lun (Perry) Kuo • Hanchao (Ted) Zhang • Kexin (Sheena) Wang