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Desarrollo movil para WordPress

Desarrollo movil para WordPress

Comparto las diapositivas, links, codigo en GitHub de mi participacion en el WordPress WordCamp 2019 en San Jose, Costa Rica. Gracias a todos por acompañarnos!

Esteban Solano Granados

September 08, 2019

More Decks by Esteban Solano Granados

Other Decks in Programming


  1. • 1 – Intro • 2 –WordPress / Azure •

    3 – WordPress + Azure + .NET • 4 – PeachPie + .NET + WordPress • 5 – Demos / Q & A Agenda Agenda
  2. Sobre mí Esteban Solano Granados Senior Software Engineer http://stvansolano.github.io/blog [email protected]

     Remote contractor / Instructor  .Net / Mobile / Xamarin / Web Dev Mobile CR Developers Twitter: @stvansolano Esteban Solano Granados Senior Software Engineer Microsoft MVP: Developer Technologies .Net Foundation member Twitter: @stvansolano Email: @[email protected] Meetup: Mobile CR Developers http://stvansolano.github.io/blog [email protected]
  3. • Modelo de suscripción pública de Microsoft para computación en

    la nube. • Anunciado en 2008 y con +30 regiones Azure en todo el mundo. • Ofrece diferentes soluciones en la nube incluyendo SaaS, IaaS y Paas. Azure https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/
  4. Azure App Service Platform Services Infrastructure Services Web Apps Mobile

    Apps API Apps Notification Hubs Hybrid Cloud Backup StorSimple Azure Site Recovery Import/Export SQL Database DocumentDB Redis Cache Azure Search Storage Tables SQL Data Warehouse Azure AD Health Monitoring AD Privileged Identity Management Operational Analytics Cloud Services Batch RemoteApp Service Fabric Visual Studio Application Insights VS Team Services Domain Services HDInsight Machine Learning Stream Analytics Data Factory Event Hubs Data Lake Analytics Service IoT Hub Data Catalog Security & Management Azure Active Directory Multi-Factor Authentication Automation Portal Key Vault Store/ Marketplace VM Image Gallery & VM Depot Azure AD B2C Scheduler Xamarin HockeyApp Power BI Embedded SQL Server Stretch Database Mobile Engagement Functions Cognitive Services Bot Framework Cortana Security Center Container Service VM Scale Sets Data Lake Store BizTalk Services Service Bus Logic Apps API Management Content Delivery Network Media Services Media Analytics
  5. Platform Services Infrastructure Services Web Apps Mobile Apps API Apps

    Notification Hubs Hybrid Cloud Backup StorSimple Azure Site Recovery Import/Export SQL Database DocumentDB Redis Cache Azure Search Storage Tables SQL Data Warehouse Azure AD Health Monitoring AD Privileged Identity Management Operational Analytics Cloud Services Batch RemoteApp Service Fabric Visual Studio Application Insights VS Team Services Domain Services HDInsight Machine Learning Stream Analytics Data Factory Event Hubs Data Lake Analytics Service IoT Hub Data Catalog Security & Management Azure Active Directory Multi-Factor Authentication Automation Portal Key Vault Store/ Marketplace VM Image Gallery & VM Depot Azure AD B2C Scheduler Xamarin HockeyApp Power BI Embedded SQL Server Stretch Database Mobile Engagement Functions Cognitive Services Bot Framework Cortana Security Center Container Service VM Scale Sets Data Lake Store BizTalk Services Service Bus Logic Apps API Management Content Delivery Network Media Services Media Analytics
  6. [Subtilte] [Content goes here] Web, mobile, API, y logic apps

    Cloud Services Service Fabric App Service Functions Aplicaciones multicapas personalizadas Apps nativas basadas la nube y microservicios Serverless / funciones orientadas a eventos Cloud Foundry, OpenShift, Apprenda, Jetlastic, etc. Otros Plataforma de aplicaciones Azure
  7. • Integración a Bases de Datos Azure / Open Source

    (MySQL / PostgreSQL, MariaDB y muchas más). • MongoDB, CosmosDB, PostgreSQL, entre otros. • Escalabilidad, alta disponibilidad, backups y soporte. Muchas posibilidades
  8. PeachPie http://stvansolano.github.io/blog [email protected] Twitter: @stvansolano https://www.peachpie.io/ • Compilador de PHP

    a .NET • "Bridge" de 2 vias • Componentes re- utilizables entre PHP y .NET • => WordPress / .NET Core!