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Sumaúma Institute - Institutional Presentation ...

Sumaúma Institute - Institutional Presentation - 2025

Institutional Presentation - 2025

Instituto Sumaúma

January 10, 2025

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  1. Who we are The Sumaúma Institute is a non-profit civil

    society organization. We operate as a training, documentation and research center. When executing projects and hiring service providers, our priority audience is afro, indigenous and/or peripheral people. sumauma.org @sumauma_org @sumaumaorg @sumaumaorg @sumauma @sumauma-org.bsky.social
  2. Sustainable Development Goals The Sumaúma Institute works in an interdisciplinary

    and intersectoral manner in line with the following SDGs:
  3. Taís Oliveira (she/her) is the founder and Executive Director of

    the Sumaúma Institute. She holds a degree in Public Relations (FAPCOM), and holds a Master's and PhDing in Human and Social Sciences from the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). She researches science, technology and society with intersections of race and gender. She has worked for 15 years in the field of public relations in strategic planning, digital communication, communication of causes, metrics and monitoring. People Services: we are technical experts and have a network of researchers and professionals who are experts in various subjects. A team is invited to collaborate based on the needs and objectives of each demand. Projects: we contribute to the inclusion and academic development of afro, indigenous and/or peripheral people, so this group is our priority.
  4. Areas, Programs and Projects AREA PROGRAM PROJECT Training Paths of

    Knowledge Preparatory Course for Postgraduate Selections Technical Training for the Research Field Sumaúma Research Group Documentation Resistance Scientific Communication Sumaúma Repository Digital Communication (Blog, Social Media, Audiovisual, Newsletter, Curatorship) Events Research Sumaúma Lab - Interdisciplinary Laboratory os Science, Technology and Society Political Advocacy Commnication Technology Education
  5. Project Funders The Sumaúma Institute was selected in the 4th

    Elas Periféricas call for proposals (2022), which aims to promote the strengthening of organizations led by black women. The Sumaúma Institute was selected in the public call “The role of science in tomorrow's Brazil” (2022) with the project “Series '10 years later'” – a podcast about the 10 years of the quota law in educational institutions. The Sumaúma Institute was selected in the “Training Cycle in Digital Care” (2024) notice with the project “Digital Care and Well-being on the Internet for Traditional Communities of Terreiro Peoples”.
  6. Services The area aims to provide services to organizations of

    various sectors, segments and sizes. We provide services related to the field of knowledge such as: ❖ Research ❖ Knowledge curation ❖ Systematic review / State of the art ❖ Courses, workshops and lectures ❖ Consulting and advisory services ❖ In-company projects ❖ Reports ❖ Text preparation ❖ Event organization ❖ Press relations
  7. Recognitions Sumaúma Institute composes the AKOBEN booklet as an Inspiring

    Initiative. Taís Oliveira, Executive Director of Instituto Sumaúma, received the Public Relations Professional of the Year award in the Third Sector category by the Regional Council of Public Relations Professionals, in 2023. Click on the Images
  8. In the media: ➔ Organizações alertam sobre uso de ChatGPT

    pelo governo Tarcísio nas escolas de SP | Midia Ninja ➔ Organizações alertam sobre uso de ChatGPT nas escolas de SP | Educa Brasil ➔ 12 mulheres compartilham suas jornadas rumo à liderança na indústria de data centers | Data Center Dynamics ➔ A Inteligência Artificial vai roubar os empregos das mulheres? | Revista Gama ➔ Como está o cenário de divulgação científica no mundo pós-Covid? | Agência Escola UFPR ➔ “A SBPC é a marca de que o Brasil acredita e produz ciência da mais alta qualidade”, diz ministra do MCTI | UFPR ➔ Intelectual americana Patricia Hill Collins visita terreiro de Candomblé em evento na zona leste de São Paulo | Mundo Negro ➔ 4 indicações que debatem o uso de cotas em universidades | Guia do Estudante ➔ Do racismo nos algoritmos ao desemprego: os desafios da mulher negra em tecnologia | Terra ➔ Mulheres e Meninas nas Tech | Canal Preto ➔ Série de podcasts "10 anos depois" leva ao público debates sobre os avanças da Lei de Cotas no Brasil | Jornal do Rap ➔ “10 anos depois”: podcast leva ao público análise sobre os avanços da Lei de Cotas no Brasil | Notícia Preta ➔ “10 anos depois”: podcast leva ao público análise sobre os avanços da Lei de Cotas no Brasil | Blog do Negro Nicolau ➔ “10 anos depois”: podcast analisa Lei de Cotas no Brasil | Observatório do Terceiro Setor ➔ Série de Podcasts ‘“10 anos depois” leva ao público debates e análises sobre os avanços da Lei de Cotas no Brasil | TNM ➔ 8 em cada 10 mulheres negras consideram seus cabelos como uma ferramenta fundamental de expressão, revela estudo | Notícia Preta ➔ Pesquisa: 8 em cada 10 mulheres negras consideram o cabelo uma ferramenta de expressão | Alma Preta Jornalismo ➔ Estudo revela que 95% das mulheres negras estão insatisfeitas com produtos para cabelos naturais | Mundo Negro ➔ 8 em cada 10 mulheres negras consideram seus cabelos como uma ferramenta fundamental de expressão, revela estudo | Pretessências ➔ 70% das mulheres negras brasileiras se sentem pressionadas a alisar o cabelo, aponta pesquisa | Estadão ➔ Pressão social para alisar o cabelo afeta 70% das crespas e cacheadas brasileiras | Marie Claire ➔ Seda Boom lança campanha sobre as infinitas possibilidades dos cabelos crespos e cacheados | Marcas pelo Mundo ➔ As mulheres negras e a pressão social para alisar os cabelos | TVE Notícias ➔ Como é que é? | Por que os cabelos são tão importantes para as mulheres negras? | Folha de São Paulo