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The Secrets of Cooperation

The Secrets of Cooperation

[GDG Seoul X P-typer] D.light Meetup에서 발표한 [협업의 비밀] 발표 자료입니다.

Sunghyun Hwang

July 28, 2018

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  1. ࠙স = (‘਋ܻ’੄) ഈস? 1. ࣗ೐౟ਝয ѐߊ਷ ഛपೣ[੿ഋച] ࠁ׮ח ࠛഛपೣ੉

    ؊ ௼׮. 2. ࠙স਷ (ഈস੉ ؊ ੜغӝ ਤೠ) ݫఋ੸ੋ ࣘࢿਸ ֬஘׮. 3. ࣗ೐౟ਝয ѐߊ਷ (঱ઁա) ബਯ݅ਸ ݾ಴۽ ࢖૑ח ঋח׮.
  2. ࣗ೐౟ਝয ѐߊ਷ ഛपೣ[੿ഋച] ࠁ׮ח ࠛഛपೣ੉ ؊ ௼׮. 1. ࢎਊ੗[௿ۄ੉঱౟]੄ ਃҳ

    ࢎ೦਷ ঱ઁա [਋ܻীѱח] ࠛഛपࢿ੉ ௼׮. 2. ઁಿਸ ݅٘ח ੌীח ౱ ղࠗ/৻ࠗ੄ ߸ࣻо ބद ݆׮. 3. ӓب۽ ബਯ੸ੋ ઑ૒਷ ߸ചী ؀਽੉ (ࠛоמೞѢա) ݒ਋ וܻ׮.
  3. ࣗ೐౟ਝয ѐߊ਷ ഛपೣ[੿ഋച] ࠁ׮ח ࠛഛपೣ੉ ؊ ௼׮. 1. ࢎਊ੗[௿ۄ੉঱౟]੄ ਃҳ

    ࢎ೦਷ ঱ઁա [਋ܻীѱח] ࠛഛपࢿ੉ ௼׮. 2. ઁಿਸ ݅٘ח ੌীח ౱ ղࠗ/৻ࠗ੄ ߸ࣻо ބद ݆׮. 3. ӓب۽ ബਯ੸ੋ ઑ૒਷ ߸ചী ؀਽੉ (ࠛоמೞѢա) ݒ਋ וܻ׮.
  4. ࣗ೐౟ਝয ѐߊ਷ ഛपೣ[੿ഋച] ࠁ׮ח ࠛഛपೣ੉ ؊ ௼׮. 1. ࢎਊ੗[௿ۄ੉঱౟]੄ ਃҳ

    ࢎ೦਷ ঱ઁա [਋ܻীѱח] ࠛഛपࢿ੉ ௼׮. 2. ઁಿਸ ݅٘ח ੌীח ౱ ղࠗ/৻ࠗ੄ ߸ࣻо ބद ݆׮. 3. ӓب۽ ബਯ੸ੋ ઑ૒਷ ߸ചী ؀਽੉ (ࠛоמೞѢա) ݒ਋ וܻ׮.
  5. ഈসco-operation an act or instance of working or acting together

    for a common purpose or benefit; joint action.* * from dictionary.com
  6. *+ When people work together to build a house, will

    the job probably (a) get done faster, (b) take longer to finish, or (c) not get done?* * J. Richard Hackman, <Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances>
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  11. 2 6 “ࣁݽ۽ ݅٘חؘ Xੌ੉ Ѧܻחؘ, ੉Ѧ ֎ݽդ زӒۄ޷۽ ٜ݅ݶ

    زӒۄ޷ܳ ݅٘ח ݾ಴ܳ ୽࠙൤ ׳ࢿೞݶࢲ Yੌ੉ Ѧ݀פ׮.”
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