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Sublime Text and Grunt for Titanium Development

Koji Ishimoto
January 25, 2013

Sublime Text and Grunt for Titanium Development

grunt-scandium, sublime text2, build tool

Koji Ishimoto

January 25, 2013

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  1. sass compass less stylus markdown haml jade co eescript Ant

    make rake cake bash Image compression tools Minification & concat tooling JSHint JSLint codekit livereload web-build handlebars mustache zen coding selenium browserstack mogotest require sprockets jQuery Mobile Sencha jQuery UI Sproutcore Selenium Jenkins QUnit Jasmine jstestdriver from: Talk: Tooling & The Webapp Development Stack « Paul Irish
  2. Build Tool - Live Reload - Local Server - Sass

    + Compass - Minify CSS - Minify JavaScript - Concat - Lint - Watch - Styleguide
  3. g // your home directory // ~/.codeintel/config { "JavaScript": {

    "javascriptExtraPaths":["add_your_path_here"] } }
  4. Ti Command-Line Interface The Titanium Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a

    Node.js-based command-line tool for managing, building, and deploying Titanium projects. It is designed to replace the legacy Python CLI scripts used in previous releases, including titanium.py and the platform-specific builder.py scripts. Titanium Command-Line Interface Reference - Titanium 3.0
  5. $ brew install node $ npm install -g titanium $

    npm install -g grunt-cli $ cd /your_porject_path $ npm install grunt@0.4.0rc7
  6. scandium: { iphone: { platform : 'ios', project_dir : '/path/to/your_project',

    force: true, build_only: false, options: { device_family: 'iphone', sim_version: '6.0' } }, ipad: { platform : 'ios', project_dir : '/path/to/your_project', force: false, build_only: false, options: { device_family: 'ipad', sim_version: '5.1' } }, android: { platform : 'android', project_dir : '/path/to/your_project', options: { android_sdk: '/path/to/android-sdk', target: 'emulator', avd_skin: 'HVGA' } } }