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Namespace on read

Namespace on read

Ruby Association Grant Project "Namespace on read" Report at Ruby Association Activity Report 2024

Satoshi Tagomori

July 21, 2024

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  1. ϓϩδΣΫτৄࡉ͓Αͼ೔ఔ 2023/10 ʙ 2024/03 • 2023/10/25ɿ ϓϩδΣΫτ࠾୒௨஌
 ϝϯλʔܾఆ(·ͭ΋ͱΏ͖ͻΖ͞Μ) • 2023/10/26

    ʙ 2023/03/20ɿϓϩδΣΫτਐߦ • ػೳৄࡉͷݕ౼ • ֦ுϥΠϒϥϦͷγϯϘϧղܾ༻ C API ௥Ճ (Ruby 3.3) • ࣮૷ํ๏ͷݕ౼͓Αͼ࣮૷ • 2024/01/11ɿ தؒใࠂఏग़ • 2024/03/20ɿ ࠷ऴใࠂఏग़
  2. Namespace Separating apps/libs into isolated spaces • Load apps/libs in

    a space • Hide changes from apps/libs in a namespace to other spaces • Run methods de fi ned in a space with de fi nitions in the space
  3. Before Namespace: Global Only All classes/modules are shared in the

    entire Ruby process Ruby Process Application Code App::Func User Library Code DB::Client (v2) Library Code ActiveSupport (v7)
  4. Collision: 2 versions of 1 library cause errors Ruby Process

    Library Code DB::Client (v3) 😵 Application Code App::Func User Library Code DB::Client (v2) Library Code ActiveSupport (v7) Before Namespace: Global Only
  5. Ruby Process Namespace Load apps/libs in a space Namespace Application

    Code App::Func User Library Code DB::Client (v2) Library Code ActiveSupport (v7)
  6. Ruby Process Namespace Hide changes from apps/libs in a namespace

    to other spaces Namespace Application Code App::Func User Library Code DB::Client (v2) Library Code ActiveSupport (v7) Library Code DB::Client (v3) 😀
  7. Ruby Process Namespace Run methods de fi ned in a

    space with de fi nitions in the space Namespace Application Code App::Func User Library Code DB::Client (v2) Library Code ActiveSupport (v7) Namespace Library Code DB::Client (v3) Namespace Application Code App::Func2 User Library Code ActiveSupport (v6) Application Code call call call
  8. ػೳৄࡉͷݕ౼ ݴޠػೳͱͯ͠ͷNamespaceͷઃܭ • ϝϯλʔ(·ͭ΋ͱ͞Μ)ͱٞ࿦ • Namespaceͱ͸Կ͔? ԿͰ͋Δ΂͖͔? ԿͳΒ࣮ݱՄೳ͔? • ҆қʹͰ͖ͦ͏ͳ࣮૷ҊʹҾ͖ͣΒΕͳ͍Α͏ʹ஫ҙ͢Δඞཁ͕͋ͬͨ

    • ػೳɿ Մೳੑͱ࣮ͯ͠૷Ͱ͖ͦ͏ͳػೳΛ࠷େݶϦετΞοϓ • ࣮ݱՄೳੑ͸ͦͷޙͰ୳Δ • είʔϓͱAPIɿ ࣮༻έʔεΛ૝ఆͯ͠Ͳ͏͋Δ΂͖͔Λߟ͑Δ
  9. ػೳৄࡉͷݕ౼ ࣮૷͢΂͖ػೳ • require/load .rb • require/load .so • autoload

    • eval • proc, lambda • Ϋϥε΍Ϟδϡʔϧͷఆٛ • ૊ࠐΈΫϥεͷมߋ • include/prepend • τοϓϨϕϧϝιουఆٛ • άϩʔόϧม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ఆ਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ΫϥεΠϯελϯεม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • Ϋϥεม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ಛҟϝιουͷ௥Ճ
  10. ػೳৄࡉͷݕ౼ είʔϓͱAPI • NamespaceఆٛͱಡΈࠐΈͷൣғ • ϑΝΠϧ୯ҐͰͷఆٛ? ϒϩοΫͳͲଞͷέʔε΋? • ݱࡏͷNamespace͸ϨΩγΧϧʹܾఆ? ΋ͬͱಈతʹ?

    • Namespaceͷఆٛํ๏ͱӅṭείʔϓ • Namespace͸਌ࢠؔ܎Λ࡞Δ? ਌ࢠؔ܎ͷؒͰ͸಺෦ఆ͕ٛࢀরͰ͖Δ? • Namespaceͷ࡞੒ͱಡΈࠐΈͷAPI • Namespace.newɺNamespace#requireɿ ௿ϨϕϧAPI? • Ϣʔβ޲͚ͷߴϨϕϧAPI͸ͲͷΑ͏ͳ΋ͷ͔?
  11. ػೳৄࡉͷݕ౼ ߴϨϕϧΠϯλʔϑΣΠεͷఏҊɿPackage API • Namespace on readΛϕʔεʹͨ͠ΑΓ޿͍Ϣʔβ޲͚API • ΑΓ୯७ͳAPIͰϝϦοτΛड͚ΒΕΔΑ͏ʹ͢Δ pkg

    = require_package('my-awesome-gem') MyAwesomeGem = pkg.export(:MyAwesomeGem) MyAwesomeGem.call_method() • Namespace on read͕Ϛʔδ͞ΕͨΒݕ౼Λܧଓ
  12. • ֦ுϥΠϒϥϦͷγϯϘϧղܾ • ಉ໊γϯϘϧΛ࣋ͭϥΠϒϥϦ͕͋Γ͏Δ • ಉϥΠϒϥϦͷҟόʔδϣϯಡΈࠐΈ • ಉҰ .so Λෳ਺ճಡΈࠐΈ

    • dlopen࣌ͷRTLD_LOCALϑϥάࢦఆ • ैདྷͱҧ͏ํ๏ͰγϯϘϧղܾ • ଞͷ֦ுϥΠϒϥϦʹ௚઀ґଘ͢Δ৔߹ͷΈ • rb_ext_resolve_symbol(fname, symname) Ruby w/ Namespace ֦ுϥΠϒϥϦͷγϯϘϧղܾ γϯϘϧղܾ༻ C API ͷ௥Ճ (Ruby 3.3) Ruby w/o Namespace db_driver_v1.so db_conn_server() query_client.so db_conn_server() db_driver_v1.so db_conn_server() query_client.so db_conn_server() db_driver_v2.so db_conn_server() ❌ rb_ext_resolve_symbol(“db_driver_v2”, “db_conn_server”)
  13. Namespaceͷ࣮૷ Namespaceͷσʔλߏ଄: Namespace ͱ rb_namespace_t • Namespace • ModuleͷαϒΫϥε •

    Namespace#require ΍ Namespace#load • rb_namespace_t (಺෦࣮૷ɺstruct) • LOAD_PATH, LOADED_FEATURES, etc ns = Namespace.new ns.require(‘my_awesome’) ns::MyAwesome.call()
  14. Namespaceͷ࣮૷ ྫ1: Class/Moduleͷఆٛ • Namespace಺ͰͷClassఆٛ • MyAwesomeΛns::MyAwesomeʹ • .rbͷ৔߹ •

    load_wrapper() ͕ղܾ • .soͷ৔߹ # my_awesome.rb class MyAwesome; end # my_awesome.c void Init_my_awesome(void) { rb_define_class(“MyAwesome”, rb_cObject) } # app.rb ns = Namespace.new ns.require(‘my_awesome’) ns::MyAwesome.call()
  15. (no NS) Namespaceͷ࣮૷ ྫ1: Class/Moduleͷఆٛ • Namespace಺ͰͷClassఆٛ • MyAwesomeΛns::MyAwesomeʹ •

    .rbͷ৔߹ • load_wrapper() ͕ղܾ (1) • .soͷ৔߹ (2) require(“my_awesome.rb”) class MyAwesome; end defineclass .rb C func ISeq vm_find_or_create_class_by_id() rb_define_class_id() declare_under() vm_define_class() vm_declare_class() (1) ns.require(“my_awesome.rb”) class MyAwesome; end load_wrapper() defineclass vm_find_or_create_class_by_id() rb_define_class_id() declare_under() vm_define_class() vm_declare_class() ns:: ns:: ns:: ns::
  16. Namespaceͷ࣮૷ ྫ1: Class/Moduleͷఆٛ • Namespace಺ͰͷClassఆٛ • MyAwesomeΛns::MyAwesomeʹ • .rbͷ৔߹ •

    load_wrapper() ͕ղܾ (1) • .soͷ৔߹ (2) .rb C func ISeq (2) ns.require(“my_awesome.rb”) rb_define_class() rb_define_class_id_under() (no NS) require(“my_awesome.rb”) rb_define_class() ns::
  17. ػೳৄࡉͷݕ౼ ࣮૷͢΂͖ػೳ (revisit) • require/load .rb • require/load .so •

    autoload • eval • proc, lambda • Ϋϥε΍Ϟδϡʔϧͷఆٛ • ૊ࠐΈΫϥεͷมߋ • include/prepend • τοϓϨϕϧϝιουఆٛ • άϩʔόϧม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ఆ਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ΫϥεΠϯελϯεม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • Ϋϥεม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ಛҟϝιουͷ௥Ճ
  18. Namespaceͷఆٛ ྫ2: ૊ࠐΈΫϥεఆٛͷมߋ • class String ʹΑΔӨڹൣғͷݶఆ • Namespace಺ͰͷΈ༗ޮʹ͍ͨ͠ •

    Namespaceͷ֎Ͱ͸ແޮʹ͍ͨ͠ • ಛఆͷൣғͰͷΈ༗ޮͳϝιου
 → Re fi nementsͰ͸? # my_awesome.rb class String def blank?; false; end end class MyAwesome def self.call; “yay”.blank?; end end # app.rb ns = Namespace.new ns.require(‘my_awesome’) ns::MyAwesome.call() #=> false “yay”.blank? # NoMethodError
  19. Namespaceͷఆٛ ྫ2: ૊ࠐΈΫϥεఆٛͷมߋ: Implicit Re fi nements # app.rb ns

    = Namespace.new ns.require(‘my_awesome’) ns::MyAwesome.call() “yay”.blank? # NoMethodError # my_awesome.rb class String def blank?; false; end end class MyAwesome def self.call = “yay”.blank? end # my_awesome.rb using ns.refiner class String def blank?; false; end end class MyAwesome def self.call = “yay”.blank? end • Namespace͸಺෦ʹϞδϡʔϧ(re fi ner)Λ΋ͬͯImplicit Re fi nementsʹ༻͍Δ • Namespace಺ͰධՁ͞ΕΔ .rb ͸·ͣ
 ҉໧ʹusing͞ΕΔ ಈ࡞͕ಁաతʹ ॻ͖׵͑ΒΕΔ෦෼
  20. Namespaceͷఆٛ ྫ2: ૊ࠐΈΫϥεఆٛͷมߋ: Implicit Re fi nements # app.rb ns

    = Namespace.new ns.require(‘my_awesome’) ns::MyAwesome.call() “yay”.blank? # NoMethodError rb false; end me ll = “yay”.blank? # my_awesome.rb using ns.refiner module ns.refiner refine String do def blank?; false; end end end class MyAwesome def self.call = “yay”.blank? end # my_awesome.rb using ns.refiner class String def blank?; false; end end class MyAwesome def self.call = “yay”.blank? end • class StringΛ
 module re fi ner; re fi ne String ʹॻ͖׵͑ͯ
 Re fi nementʹͳΔΑ͏ಡΈସ͑Δ ಈ࡞͕ಁաతʹ ॻ͖׵͑ΒΕΔ෦෼
  21. Namespaceͷఆٛ ྫ2: ૊ࠐΈΫϥεఆٛͷมߋ: Implicit Re fi nements # app.rb ns

    = Namespace.new ns.require(‘my_awesome’) ns::MyAwesome.call() “yay”.blank? # NoMethodError # my_awesome.rb using ns.refiner module ns.refiner refine String do def blank?; false; end end end using ns.refiner class MyAwesome def self.call = “yay”.blank? end # my_awesome.rb using ns.refiner module ns.refiner refine String do def blank?; false; end end end class MyAwesome def self.call = “yay”.blank? end y_awesome.rb ng ns.refiner ss String ef blank?; false; end ss MyAwesome ef self.call = “yay”.blank? • ߋ৽͞ΕͨRe fi nementΛ༗ޮʹ͢ΔͨΊ
 ΋͏͍ͪͲusing͢Δ ಈ࡞͕ಁաతʹ ॻ͖׵͑ΒΕΔ෦෼
  22. Namespaceͷ࣮૷ Implicit Re fi nementsʹΑΔ࣮ߦ࣌ఆٛߋ৽ • ϝιου௥Ճ → Implicit Re

    fi nementsͰ࣮ݱ • ఆ਺௥Ճ → re fi nerϞδϡʔϧʹఆ਺Λ௥Ճͯ͠ࢀরՄೳʹ • τοϓϨϕϧϝιουఆٛ → ObjectΛre fi ne͢Δ͜ͱͰରԠՄೳ
  23. ػೳৄࡉͷݕ౼ ࣮૷͢΂͖ػೳ (re-revisit) • require/load .rb • require/load .so •

    autoload • eval • proc, lambda • Ϋϥε΍Ϟδϡʔϧͷఆٛ • ૊ࠐΈΫϥεͷมߋ • include/prepend • τοϓϨϕϧϝιουఆٛ • άϩʔόϧม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ఆ਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ΫϥεΠϯελϯεม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • Ϋϥεม਺ͷมߋɺ௥Ճ • ಛҟϝιουͷ௥Ճ ϓϩδΣΫτ಺Ͱ࣮ݱ͞Εͨػೳ
  24. Namespaceͷ࣮૷ 4݄Ҏ߱ɺRubyKaigi 2024Λӽ͑ͯ • https://speakerdeck.com/tagomoris/namespace-what-and-why • Re fi nementsϕʔεͷ࣮૷Λഁغ •

    classext copyͱ͍͏ख๏Ͱͷ࣮૷ʹํ਑Λస׵
 (RubyKaigi 2024ͷτʔΫ಺༰Λࢀর) • test-all ͕׬૸ɺ10 failures/errors ͱ͍͏͋ͨΓ·Ͱ࣮૷͞Εͭͭ͋Δ
 (2024/07/18) • Implicit Re fi nements ෦෼తʹ෮׆ͷػӡߴ·Δ
  25. Special Thanks to Matz Thank you for listening! The Ruby

    Designer & The Mentor of this project