クラウドサービス開発、Platform Engineering、Reliability Engineeringに携わってきました。2023年6月より株式会社フライルに所属。


- アプリケーションのCI/CDパイプラインの構築
- アプリケーションのコンテナ化
- Terraformを使ったインフラの管理基盤構築(Public CloudだとAWSが触れる)
- TerraformのCI/CD
- Terraformを使ったインフラの実装
- AWSの管理全般、アドバイス
- SiteReliabilityEngineeringにおけるSLI・SLO作成のアドバイス
- なにかしらのツール開発


tfclean - The tool to remove applied moved block, import block.

terraform-j2md - The tool to create readable terraform plan as markdown text from json plan output.


Software Engineer, OSS Developer, Podcaster.
Experienced in cloud service development, Platform Engineering, and Reliability Engineering. Since June 2023, I have been working at Flyle, Inc.

Areas of Expertise

- Building CI/CD pipelines for applications
- Containerizing applications
- Building infrastructure management platforms using Terraform (experienced with AWS in public cloud environments)
- CI/CD for Terraform
- Implementing infrastructure using Terraform
- Overall AWS management and providing advice
- Advising on SLI/SLO creation in Site Reliability Engineering
- Developing various tools

OSS Contributions
As an OSS developer, I have developed the following software:

tfclean – A tool to remove applied moved blocks and import blocks.

terraform-j2md – A tool to generate readable Terraform plan outputs as markdown from JSON plan files.


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