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August 04, 2012




August 04, 2012

More Decks by takesako

Other Decks in Programming


  1. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE 【問題1】何をするプログラムでしょうか? 入力A < input #!perl -p0 s+¥.+map/¥e/g,$`.82/341x3^($^x3).$_+eg ................[LF] ................[LF]

    ..*.............[LF] ................[LF] ................[LF] ................[LF] ......*.........[LF] ................[LF] 出力A > output 0000000000000000[LF] 0111000000000000[LF] 01*1000000000000[LF] 0111000000000000[LF] 0000000000000000[LF] 0000011100000000[LF] 000001*100000000[LF] 0000011100000000[LF]
  2. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE 【問題1】何をするプログラムでしょうか? 入力B < input #!perl -p0 s+¥.+map/¥e/g,$`.82/341x3^($^x3).$_+eg ................[LF] ................[LF]

    ....***.....***.[LF] ...**.*....**.*.[LF] ..**......**....[LF] ...*****...*****[LF] ...*.*.*...*.*.*[LF] ...*.***...*.***[LF] 出力B > output 0000000000000000[LF] 0001232100012321[LF] 0013***20013***2[LF] 013**5*2013**5*2[LF] 01**654311**6543[LF] 014*****214*****[LF] 003*7*8*303*7*8*[LF] 002*4***202*4***[LF]
  3. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE 【解説】マジックナンバー 82/341 って何? #!perl -p0 s+¥.+map/¥e/g,$`.82/341x3^($^x3).$_+eg 割り算で 111 が並ぶ

    17byte の文字列を生成 する 98/880: 0.111363636363636 (17byte) 99/888: 0.111486486486486 (17byte) 37/997: 0.037111334002006 (17byte) 83/881: 0.094211123723042 (17byte) 77/934: 0.082441113490364 (17byte) 82/341: 0.240469208211144 (17byte)
  4. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Perl 5 “Hello, world!” package Earth;sub Greet{ %_=('Y','~');$_='$;=!(Middle Earth.age~~~<Eart~~~~~~~~~~~~~h

    .age)?!(defined$ti~~~~~~~~~~~mez~~~On e[2])?!(push@time~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Zone,loc ~altime())?rotation?~~~~~~~~~~~~~q~~?The Worl ~~d?:q:[¥w]::q=[¥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d~a-f]=:q?..~~ ~~~?:q:.:;"42b3d3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~728656c6c6f6 ~~~~~0277f627c64672~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b3072796e647 ~~~~~~~42b3b3rg7d"=Ym~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥$;~~*¥;p~~~~u ~~~~~~~~~sh@_,$&;bless~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$c~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~o~ntine~~~~~nt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~s=¥~~~~~~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pangaea~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;{l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ocal@_;local$; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~="o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cean";$^A=(defi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ed$continents)? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(vec(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$;, YYsplit(¥' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥',${¥$;}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)%3,YYsplit( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~q??,$;)**2-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(($;=Ytr/oa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~eiu//)**2))=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=28160)?q: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.::q?!?:¥'?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥';}$^A=Ys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:¥Q.¥E:pack(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥'h*¥',j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oin(q(),~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~grep{$_= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ym,$,,}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~split(" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",@_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[0])) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~):e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gexe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;$d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~="s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ort~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<= ~~~~~~~~~~~~>,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~YY ~~~~~~~~~~~@_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~';; s,(~|¥r|¥n|¥s),,g;s.Y.¥x7e.g; eval};Greet;'the world'; http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=329174 by jbware on Feb 15, 2004 at 21:08 UTC (#329174=obfuscated)
  5. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Perl6 言語仕様 (language specification) 1. Apocalypse(黙示録)  Larry Wall

    が Perl6 のデザインについて語る  Perl6 の歴史的な文書(33個のRFCがベース) 2. Exegesis(注釈)  Perl6 を用いたサンプルコードや Perl5 との比較  黙示録を Damian Conway が詳細に解説 3. Synopsis(概要)  Perl6 の最新の言語仕様が書かれている  黙示録のダイジェスト版
  6. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Why Perl 6 ? (モチベーション) Perl 5 は・・・ 場当たり的な拡張を繰り返し

    既に Perl5 のコードは理解不能な領域に C でゴリゴリ 職人技 (needs more C hacker) Perl 6 の目指す方向 せめて OO らしく 他の言語で良いところは取り入れよう 後方互換性は無視 コンパイラと実行環境の分離 Parrot で VM 化 No more C hacker
  7. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE 救世主 Pugs の登場 Pugs = Perl6 User’s Golfing System

    Yet another Perl6 implementation → Perl6 が動いた! 2005/02/06 (1|2)+(3|4)→(4|5|6)
  8. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE 5秒でわかる Perl 6 メソッドを -> ではなく . で書けるように なった

    Perl 5 $obj->method(); Perl 6 $obj.method(); → これで Perl も立派なOO言語の仲間入り!
  9. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE 配列とハッシュのアクセス方法が変更 はじめての人にもわかりやすく 変数のプレフィクス $@% ルールが変更 Perl5 Perl6 my @array

    = (1, 2, 3); my %hash = ('a'=> 1); # 配列のメンバにアクセス my $x = $array[0]; # ハッシュのメンバにアクセス my $y = $hash{'a'} my @array = (1, 2, 3); my %hash = ('a'=> 1); # 配列のメンバにアクセス my $x = @array[0]; # ハッシュのメンバにアクセス my $y = %hash{'a'}
  10. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Perl 6 で失ったもの ~後方互換性~ 文字列の連結 .(ドット)→ ~(チルダ)に Perl5 #

    メソッド呼び出し $obj->method(); sub func { return "x"; } # 文字列の連結 my $a = "str"; my $b = $a.func(); Perl6 一時期 ” _ ” という案もあったが…スペース入れるのが面倒 # メソッド呼び出し $obj.method(); sub func { return "x"; } # 文字列の連結 my $a = "str"; my $b = $a~func();
  11. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE () 括弧省略 if, for, while, do ブロックでの(括弧省略) キータイプの量が少なくなった Perl5

    Perl6 if ($a eq $b) { print "a=b¥n"; } while ($i > 0) { $i--; } if $a eq $b { say "a=b"; } while $i > 0 { $i--; }
  12. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Piping operators(<==, ==>) Perl6 @result = map { floor($^x

    / 2) } grep { /^ ¥d+ $/ } @data; @result <== map { floor($^x / 2) } <== grep { /^ ¥d+ $/ } <== @data; @data ==> grep { /^ ¥d+ $/ } ==> map { floor($^x / 2) } ==> @result;
  13. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Parrot Parrot Assembler (PASM) PASM set I1, 33 set

    I2, 5 mod I3, I1, I2 if I3, REMA print "5 is an integer divisor of 33" branch DONE REMA: print "5 divides 33 with remainder " print I3 DONE: print "¥n" end 33÷5=6、余り2 を計算する (5 into 33 is 6, remainder 2)

    ARRAYS HASHES $scalar item list sink whole: @array[] %hash{} @array Str flat/lol element: @array[0] %hash{'a'} %hash Num lazy/eager/hyper (or) %hash<a> &code Bool slice: @array[0,2] %hash{'a','b'} COMPOSERS (or) %hash<a b> TWIGILS [ ] array $normal-lexical { } block/hash AUTOMATIC DEREFERENCE $?compiler-constant < > quotewords &($foo)(1,2) == $foo(1,2) $*dynamic-or-global (,) parcel @($foo)[1] == $foo[1] $.public-accessor :() signature %($foo){'bar'} == $foo<bar> $!private-attribute ¥() capture @(@($foo)[1])[2] == $foo[1][2] $^positional-param $:named-parameter CONTROL SYNTAX $=pod-info for LIST { } # implicit $_ arg $<named-match-capture> for LIST -> $a, $b { } # explicit args $~slang-variable while/until EXPR { } repeat while/until EXPR { } # do at least once OPERATOR PRECEDENCE loop { } loop (a;b;c) { } # parens required! .method .[] i if EXPR { } elsif EXPR { } else { } ++ -- unless EXPR { } # no else allowed! ** given EXPR { when EXPR { } default { } } unary + - ~ ! ? ^ EXPR if EXPR for LIST; # list comprehension
  15. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Perl 6 cheat sheet »ö« * / % %%

    div next, last, redo # loop controls + - proceed, succeed # switch controls x xx TYPES ~ Bool Bit Int Rat FatRat UInt Num Complex int32 complex64 etc. & Str Cat Blob Char Byte Codepoint Grapheme Buf buf8 buf32 utf8 | ^ IO Mu Any Cool Junction Whatever Match sleep abs sin temp Parcel Capture Signature <=> leg cmp .. but SCOPE DECLARATORS Pair Range Set Bag ~~ > == gt eq === eqv !op my lexical scope KeyHash KeySet KeyBag && our package scope Scalar Array Hash Code || ^^ // min max has instance scope Enum Order TrigBase ??!! ff anon no scope at all Block Routine Sub = := op= => state persistent lexical Method Regex so not augment benign parasitic Failure Exception , : supersede deadly parasitic Instant Duration X Xop Z Zop ... Date DateTime say die map etc. OPERATOR DOMAINS and Numeric: == !==(!=) + < > <=> <= >= or xor Stringy: eq !eq(ne) ~ lt gt leg le ge <== ==> Value: eqv !eqv before after cmp !after !before ObjectID: === !===

    reduce listop to A op B op C... perl6.org #perl6 irc.freenode.net op= A = A op B rakudo.org #parrot irc.perl.org !op !(A op B) »op« hyper/vectorize REGEX METACHARS REGEX MODIFIERS Zop zip with op ^ $ string begin/end :i ignore case Xop cross with op ^^ $$ line begin/end :m ignore marks Rop reverse args + one or more :g global Sop sequentialize * zero or more :r ratchet ? zero or one :s sigspace SPECIAL VARIABLES **1..3 repeat in range :4th nth occurrence $_ current topic () capture to $0,$1 :4x n times $/ regex result [] no capture $! error object <foo> subrule REGEX CHARCLASSES @*ARGS command line <[]> character class . == anychar, ¥N non ¥n @*INC include path | parallel or ¥s == <space>, ¥S non %*ENV environment || serial or ¥d == <digit>, ¥D non $*PID process id « » word boundary ¥w == <+alpha+digit+[_]>
  17. LIGHTWEIGHTLANGUAGEDECADE Second System Syndrome (The Mythical Man-Month)  2度目にデザインするシステ ムは失敗作になりやすい説

     1度目のデザインは自分の能力 を把握していないので慎重に  3度目のデザインは何が普遍的 で何が特殊なものか分かるので 正確に作ることができる  しかし2度目のデザインでは、 最初のデザインで抑えたアイデ ア・装飾を思い切り詰め込んで しまうので失敗作になりやすい 人月の神話―狼人間を撃つ銀の弾はない ISBN: 4894716658 → Perl6 は構想10年!