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February 14, 2019

More Decks by TakutoYoshimura

Other Decks in Technology


  1. クライアント構成定義(1/2) apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: app: client-app name:

    client-app namespace: default spec: progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 replicas: 2 revisionHistoryLimit: 10 selector: matchLabels: app: client-app strategy: rollingUpdate: maxSurge: 1 maxUnavailable: 1 type: RollingUpdate ~~
  2. クライアント構成定義(2/2) ~~ template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: client-app spec:

    containers: - image: us.gcr.io/sample-deploy-project/client-app:latest command: ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"] imagePullPolicy: Always name: client-sha256 resources: {} terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst restartPolicy: Always schedulerName: default-scheduler securityContext: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  3. サーバー構成定義(1/2) ~~ spec: containers: - image: us.gcr.io/hogehoge-project/app-ex:latest command: ["/bin/sh"] args:

    ["/opt/app_ex/app_start_prod.sh"] env: - name: "APP_EX_DB_USER" valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: "app-ex-repo" key: "APP_EX_DB_USER" - name: "APP_EX_DB_PASS" valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: "app-ex-repo" key: "APP_EX_DB_PASS" imagePullPolicy: Always name: vanking-server-sha256 ~~