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Talks #61 - Marius Ogrean - .NET Framework and ...

Talks #61 - Marius Ogrean - .NET Framework and the Web

Având în vedere că framework-ul .NET este foarte vast și a fost dezvoltat în mulți ani e foarte greu să ții pasul cu toate tehnologiile noi dacă nu lucrezi constant cu ele și mai ales dacă nu citești despre ele. În acest talk aș vrea să prezint o imagine "de sus" a tehnologiilor .NET pentru aplicații web în ideea că noul CEO Microsoft a adus niște schimbări care fac tot mai mult ca Microsoft să devină cool. Pentru mine personal, nu era nevoie neapărat de așa ceva pentru că știam deja că este cool :)

Talks by Softbinator

February 25, 2015

More Decks by Talks by Softbinator

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Summary 1. Introduction of myself 2. General presentation of the

    .NET Framework 3. .NET Framework web technologies 4. ASP.NET MVC pipeline 5. Short code example
  2. 1. Introduction of myself • From Sibiu • 9 years

    experience in programming in small, medium, large and multinational companies • All types of projects: desktop, mobile, web, cloud, database • Main technology focus: Microsoft related technologies • Founded Busybiz 2014 • Interested in quality code and up to date technologies
  3. 2. General presentation of .NET Framework What Microsoft says: •

    The .NET Framework is a development platform for building apps for Windows, Windows Phone, Windows Server, and Microsoft Azure • It consists of the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library, which includes classes, interfaces, and value types that support an extensive range of technologies. • The .NET Framework provides a managed execution environment, simplified development and deployment, and integration with a variety of programming languages, including Visual Basic and Visual C#.
  4. 2. General presentation of .NET Framework  What I say:

    • Incredibly large set of classes that provide a high degree of productivity • Features: • Application virtual machine • IL – write application in whatever language • Just-in time compilation • Automatic memory management and garbage collection • Threading support: ThreadPool, Task Schedulers, synchronization constructs • AppDomains • CodeAccess • Interoperation with native code
  5. 2. General presentation of .NET Framework  .NET and other

    platforms: • Mono • Xamarin • .NET Core open source ( http://referencesource.microsoft.com/ )
  6. 3. .NET Framework web technologies  A short list: •

    Frontend • ASP.NET Web Forms • ASP.NET MVC • Sharepoint • Silverlight • Backend • WCF • Web API • SignalR