Third world. Hippie. Redneck. Shithole. Religious. Crazy. Ghetto.
Last June I went to Malawi for vacation. Naturally, I figured in 2.5 weeks I could probably solve Africa's problems along the way. That's not exactly the way things turned out.
families take care of one another’s children, esp in case of death • Judicially: There’s government courts, but there’s 3+ levels of community arbitration
families take care of one another’s children, esp in case of death • Judicially: There’s government courts, but there’s 3+ levels of community arbitration before it reaches the magistrate
families take care of one another’s children, esp in case of death • Judicially: There’s government courts, but there’s 3+ levels of community arbitration before it reaches the magistrate • Financially: The heads of each family
families take care of one another’s children, esp in case of death • Judicially: There’s government courts, but there’s 3+ levels of community arbitration before it reaches the magistrate • Financially: The heads of each family contribute money
families take care of one another’s children, esp in case of death • Judicially: There’s government courts, but there’s 3+ levels of community arbitration before it reaches the magistrate • Financially: The heads of each family contribute money to a common village account.
families take care of one another’s children, esp in case of death • Judicially: There’s government courts, but there’s 3+ levels of community arbitration before it reaches the magistrate • Financially: The heads of each family contribute money to a common village account. They can take out at 10% interest
families take care of one another’s children, esp in case of death • Judicially: There’s government courts, but there’s 3+ levels of community arbitration before it reaches the magistrate • Financially: The heads of each family contribute money to a common village account. They can take out at 10% interest to invest in housing/agriculture/business/etc.
measure reality, but also use reality to measure your beliefs. If the idiot keeps getting it right, it might not be them who is the idiot.” @george__mack via Twitter (paraphrasing Nasim Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness)
was one of very few travelers there on holiday. Almost all foreigners I met served as volunteers. Others were doctors in training from Europe, and some were researchers.
bystander and eavesdropper; not a high-profile philanthropist with big schemes but just a humble helper.” Paul Theroux Peace Corps Volunteer, Malawi 1963