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Technical Writing for Non-Writers

Technical Writing for Non-Writers

You need to write (technical) texts now and then? But you are not sure how to structure them, how to phrase your content, or how to best address your readers? This workshop shows you how to optimize texts to make them easier to understand (and translate). Get to know universal principles that can be applied to a wide variety of text types - including release notes, bug reports, error messages, or e-mails.

Tanja Roth

May 26, 2017

Other Decks in Education


  1. Tanja Roth SUSE Documentation Team Technical Documentation Specialist taroth@suse.com Technical

    Writing for Non-Writers openSUSE Conference Nuremberg, May 26th 2017
  2. About Me Tanja Roth • technical writer for + 15

    years • in mechanical engineering, medical technology, information technology • joined SUSE in 2005 • plays drums and percussion • organizes community drum circles Photos: private
  3. Contents • basic principles • best practices • quality assurance

    • exercise: analyzing and optimizing a text
  4. Basic Principle #1 change perspective! ➢ take audience’s point of

    view Image: https://unsplash.com change perspective! ➢ take audience’s point of view change perspective! ➢ take audience’s point of view change perspective! ➢ take audience’s point of view change perspective! ➢ take audience’s point of view
  5. Basic Principle #2 make it easy for the reader •

    to mentally process the information • to follow the instructions • to remember the information
  6. Basic Principle #3 consider readers ... • who are frustrated

    • who don't have much time • who work in a noisy environment • who don't speak the document's language as their first language
  7. Basic Principles Conclusion KISS (Keep It Simple and Short) •

    short sentences • simple grammar • simple words
  8. Information Types • distinguish descriptive vs. task-based • descriptive: basic

    information, concepts, reference • task-based: how to achieve a certain goal? • most documentations are a mixture of both types • for orientation: clearly separate the types (e. g. title, layout)
  9. Writing Target Group, Function • know your audience – level

    of details (newbie vs. experienced user) – involve the reader: 'you' • form follows function – what is the purpose of … a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a section? e. g. instruction? description? warning?
  10. Writing Consistency • be consistent choice of words, spelling, punctuation

    • be parallel phrases and structure • be short
  11. Writing 'Empty Calories'? An effective business requirements analysis should be

    performed to determine the right level of security and hardening to be applied to a server or defined as part of a baseline server build. To find the right level of security and hardening for a server, analyze your business requirements.
  12. Structure Approaches: top-down vs. bottom-up create outline then fill in

    details first write down details then organize them
  13. Structure General Principle • the following principle can be applied

    to most text types: – intro: invite reader in – brief background: state the problem – share the news: name the solution – get technical: how to solve? – conclusion: important facts, next steps
  14. Example Structure (General Principle) As a car driver, you have

    probably found yourself in the following situation: Getting stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. As no help is in sight, you need to change the tire yourself: 1. Apply the hand brake and put the car into a parking position. 2. Place a heavy object in front of the tires. 3. Take out the spare tire and the jack. […] After you have successfully installed the new tire, put the old tire in the trunk and take it to a mechanic.
  15. Structure Readers' Perspective • complex information: split into chunks –

    Miller's Law: magical number 7 ± 2 • different types of readers: – reading from A-Z, browsing, searching table of contents • task analysis – focus on goals – does structure reflect the user's goals?
  16. Structure Order, Hierarchy • first things first: what all users

    need to know, need to know early, is not optional 4.1 Managing User Accounts 4.2 Enforcing Password Policies 4.3 Managing Quotas • flat hierarchy – 3 levels: 1. – 1.1 – 1.1.1 – be pragmatic, not scientific – avoid 'lonely sections': 1. – 1.1 – 2. – 2.1 – 2.2
  17. Titles How to Phrase • what is it about? •

    does title reflect the information type? – descriptive: use nouns (Types of Fencing) – task-based: use verbs (Installing 'Foo') • distinctive information first – How to install 'foo' → Installing 'Foo' – How to set up 'foo' → Setting up 'Foo' – How to test 'foo' → Testing 'Foo'
  18. Sentences General • rule of thumb: one idea, one sentence

    • first things first ✗ The PIN, which must not be noted on the credit card, consists of 4 digits. ✔ The PIN consists of 4 digits. Do not note the PIN on the credit card. • instructions: where to act? what to do? ✗ Search for 'foo bar' in /etc/hosts. ✔ In /etc/hosts, search for 'foo bar'.
  19. Sentences Avoid Interruptions • particles: move to beginning or to

    end however, nevertheless, therefore, for example, if necessary ... ✗ They are not, however, marked as installed in the package manager. ✔ However, they are not ... • same goes for (long) commands • phrasal verbs: keep together ✗ You can gracefully shut the server down. ✔ ... shut down the server.
  20. Sentences Avoid Ambiguities • titles ✗ Clone Resource Agent Requirements

    ✔ Requirements for Clone Resource Agents • “-ING” forms of verbs: what are they referring to? ✗ Encrypt the password using 'grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2'. ✔ Encrypt the password by using 'grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2'.
  21. Words and Phrases Keep It Simple • utilize ✔ use

    • indicate ✔ show, tell, say • prerequisite ✔ requirement • able to ✔ can • in order to ✔ to
  22. Words and Phrases Filler Words • avoid “filler words” –

    simple, simply – just – basically – easy, easily • avoid unnecessary modification – already existing – completely new
  23. Instructions • task: use steps, arrange in order of use

    • name goal and requirements (upfront) • one action per step • 7-10 steps, if more: split up into separate procedures • if user needs to take action, use active voice: the system is configured → configure the system • background or concepts: before the procedure, not within!
  24. Warnings • add before step/action where danger arises • American

    standard ANSI Z535: – signal word – type and source of danger (e. g. in title) – possible consequences – how to avoid danger? Warning: Loss of Data Installing SUSE Manager on a physical machine will completely erase any data on the hard disk that is used for installation. Before you start the installation process, create a backup of your hard disks.
  25. Summary • 3 basic principles • information types • writing

    • structure • titles • sentences • words and phrases • instructions • warnings
  26. Done? Not yet... • quality assurance: – technical review –

    structural review – language review • remove unnecessary information (target group!) • get peer review
  27. Example Text • see etherpad.opensuse.org • tasks (~ 20 minutes):

    – identify functions of snippets (descriptions, requirements, individual steps, warnings, results, goals) – identify problems (structure? titles? sentences? words? lists? procedures? warnings?) – rewrite and try to optimize
  28. “If I had more time, I would have written a

    shorter letter.” attributed to H.D. Thoreau, Voltaire, Augustin, Mark Twain, Blaise Pascal
  29. Further Reading - 1 DeRespinis, Francis et al. The IBM

    Style Guide - Conventions for Writers and Editors ISBN 978-0-13-210130-1 (416 p., 2011) Hargis, Gretchen et al. Developing Quality Technical Documentation – A Handbook for Writes and Editors ISBN 978-0131477490 (445 p., 2004) Kohl, John R. The Global English Style Guide: Writing Clear, Translatable Documentation for a Global Market ISBN 978-1-59994-657-3 (310 p., 2008)
  30. Further Reading - 2 Achtelig, Marc How to Write That

    F***ing Manual – Ohne Umschweife zu benutzerfreundlichen Handbüchern und Hilfen Bilingual edition: English + German ISBN 978-3-943860-01-6 (256 p., 2012) SUSE Documentation Style Guide
  31. License This slide deck is licensed under the Creative Commons

    Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. It can be shared and adapted for any purpose (even commercially) as long as Attribution is given and any derivative work is distributed under the same license. Details can be found at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ General Disclaimer This document is not to be construed as a promise by any participating organisation to develop, deliver, or market a product. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. openSUSE makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this document, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The development, release, and timing of features or functionality described for openSUSE products remains at the sole discretion of openSUSE. Further, openSUSE reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. All openSUSE marks referenced in this presentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of SUSE LLC, in the United States and other countries. All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Credits Template Richard Brown rbrown@opensuse.org Design & Inspiration openSUSE Design Team http://opensuse.github.io/branding-guidelines/