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How to invite a Front-End developer to dance?

How to invite a Front-End developer to dance?

A presentation made during the 2nd PHP Mauritius meetup (http://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/PHP-Mauritius-UG/), at Voila Hotel.

I tried to give some overview about the Front-End world and how Back-End and Front-End can understand each other and work more "hand by hand". We are moving to Full Stack developers that use daily JavaScript for Front and Back-End, it's then important for a Front-End to understand better Back, and for a Back-End to understand better the Front-End today.

Step 1: Learn to know the Front-End developer
and his tools
Step 2: Give him the choice to select his music
Step 3: Give him / her your phone number
(in JSON format, please)
Step 4: Wait, and leave him / her to call you "back"
Step 5: Ask the Front-End to dance with you

David Dias

July 22, 2016

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