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Tools for the modern Front-End Developer's workflow

Tools for the modern Front-End Developer's workflow

A presentation about the modern tools used by Front-End developers today.

That presentation was done during the DevCon 2016 in Mauritius (http://www.devconmru.org/).

David Dias

May 21, 2016

More Decks by David Dias

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  1. -Wikipedia « The practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript

    for a website or web application so that a user can see and interact with them directly. »
  2. Choose the right tool for the right need. To save

    your time and do better your work.
  3. - Choose your text editor. - Create your repository (versioning).

    - Create your HTML file, CSS file and JS file. - Create an "architecture". (copy-paste previous folders used on a previous project) - Put manually your code on FTP.
  4. - Choose your text editor - Create your repository (versioning)

    - Choose the right framework, preprocessors, technologies... - Create your architecture and tasks - Put in place testing tools - Deploy automatically your application / website
  5. “Sandwich” (via xkcd) derives humor from the behavior of sudo

    CLI in real life... or not... *CLI = Command Line Interface
  6. Source editing with Devtools Workspaces Add local source files to

    workspace Stage persisted changes https://developers.google.com/web/tools/setup/setup-workflow?hl=en
  7. - Makes collaboration effortless - Fast (more than SVN) -

    Don't need internet to commit. - Flexible branching system (can develop features on parallel) - ...
  8. - Maintainability (DRY : Don't Repeat Yourself) - Variables -

    Modules - Conditional statements - Lot of features - Functions and much more
  9. - JavaScript Runtime at command line - Allows us to

    write JS outside the browser - Built on V8 JS engine - Written in C++ - Developed by Google - Compiles JS code to native before execution
  10. - Build fonts: convert icons in SVG to .ttf, .woff,

    .eot webfonts - Build images: optimize all layout's images (performance) - Dev reload: reload automatically the page after modifications - Dev js: concatenate and minify all JavaScript files - ...
  11. Jack Hsu - Grunt vs Gulp In Grunt, we must

    write intermediary files to disk In Gulp, we pipe the intermediary files in-memory to other streams
  12. $ npm install PACKAGE --save-dev $ npm install PACKAGE --save

    $ npm start (node app.js) $ npm test (karma start my.conf.js)