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Graphs are Feeding the World

Graphs are Feeding the World

Slides from a talk given at GraphConnect San Francisco, 21 October 2015

Video of this talk can be found on YouTube:


Modern agriculture has seen only four major transformations in the last century that started with the hybridization of crops including corn and the development of biotech traits; both of which dramatically improved farm productivity and profitability. More recently the application of molecular techniques to crop development combined with a nondestructive seed sampling process called seed chipping have increased the rate of yield gain in new hybrids and varieties of row crops such as corn, soybeans and cotton. The agricultural industry is currently in the midst of an information revolution that will enable farmers globally to meet the growing need for food, fuel and fiber as the world population climbs to 10 billion and a greater fraction shifts to an animal based diet. This information revolution requires the near real-time integration of multiple disparate data sources including ancestry, genomic, market and grower data. Each one of these data sources spans one or more decades and are complex in and of themselves. An example is the movement of seeds through the product development pipeline, beginning at the earliest recorded discovery breeding cross, and ending with the most recent commercialized products. Historically the constraints of modeling and processing this data within a relational database has made drawing inferences from this dataset complex and computationally infeasible at the scale required for modern analytics uses such as prescriptive breeding and genome-wide selection.

In this talk we present how we leveraged a polyglot environment, with a graph database implemented in Neo4j at the core, to enable this shift in agricultural product development. We will share examples of how the transformation of our genetic ancestry dataset into a graph has replaced months of computational effort. Our approach to polyglot persistence will be discussed via our use of a distributed commit log, Apache Kafka, to feed our graph store from sources of live transactional data. Finally, we will touch upon how we are using these technologies to annotate our genetic ancestry dataset with molecular genomics data in order to build a computational platform capable of imputing the genotype of every seed produced during new product development.

Tim Williamson

October 21, 2015

More Decks by Tim Williamson

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Our  Growing  Planet  Faces  Difficult  Challenges Sources: http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/; UN FAO

    Food Balance Sheet, “World Health Organization Global and regional food consumption patterns and trends”; The World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO-STAT), Monsanto Internal Calculations; @TimWilliate #MonDataScience Rising Population Growing enough for a growing world Global Population 1980 TODAY 2050 4.4B 7.1B 9.6B+ Limited Farmland Farmers will need to produce enough food with fewer resources to support our world population Acres per Person 1961 2050 1 <1/3 Changing Economies and Diets A growing global middle class is choosing animal protein – meat, eggs, and dairy – as a larger part of their diet Dietary Percentage of Protein 14% 1965 2030 9% Changing Climate Farmers are impacted by climate change in many ways: WATER AVAILABILITY ISSUES INCREASINGLY UNPREDICTABLE WEATHER INSECT RANGE EXPANSION WEED PRESSURE CHANGES CROP DISEASE INCREASES PLANTING ZONE SHIFTS
  2. Improved  Genetic  Gain  is  One  of  Several  Tools   Humanity

     has  to  Address  These  Challenges Sources: http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/feed-grains-database/feed-grains-yearbook-tables.aspx • 8  commodity  crops  and  18  vegetable  crop   families,  sold  in  160  countries Average US Corn Yield 1866 - 2014 Yield (Bushels/Acre) 0 45 90 135 180 Year 1865 1890 1915 1940 1965 1990 2015 @TimWilliate #MonDataScience 10,000 Years
  3. Genetic  Gain  is  Created  Through  Breeding  Cycles @TimWilliate #MonDataScience X

    Lab Data (Genotypes) Field Data (Phenotypes) Lab Data (Genotypes) Field Data (Phenotypes) Lab Data (Genotypes) Lab Data (Genotypes) Select the Best, Discard the Rest All Progeny of Two Parents Enter Best One Leaves to Become a Future Parent 1000’s crosses/year Dozens progeny/cross 5-10 locations/progeny $3-5 million/year Screening Field Trials
  4. Forcing  Genetic  Ancestry  Data  into  Rows  and  Columns • In

     our  relational  store,  genetic  ancestry  data  was  spread  across  a  hierarchy  of  ~11   tables  representing  a  total  of  ~895  million  rows   • Every  read  became  an  unpleasant  exercise  in  CONNECT BY PRIOR @TimWilliate #MonDataScience Plant Plant:Plant Relationship plant id attributes… plant id parent plant id parental role
  5. Given  a  Starting  Population,  Return  All  Ancestors Response Time (s)

    0 6 12 18 24 30 Depth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SQL on Oracle Exadata @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  6. Genetic  Ancestry  is  a  Naturally  Occurring  Graph • ~700  million

     nodes   • ~1.2  billion  relationships   • ~1.7  billion  properties @TimWilliate #MonDataScience :Plant :Plant :PARENT :Plant Inventory :Plant Inventory :PARENT :Planting :PLANTED :Selection :SELECTED :HARVESTED :INVENTORY
  7. Given  a  Starting  Population,  Return  All  Ancestors Response Time (s)

    0 6 12 18 24 30 Depth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SQL on Oracle Exadata Traversal Framework on Neo4j ~90x  Difference @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  8. Retrieving  Genetic  Ancestry  in  a  ‘RESTful’  Style 4 2 3

    :PARENT {parental_role: male} :PARENT {parental_role: female} 1 5 :PARENT {parental_role: female} :PARENT {parental_role: female} 6 :PARENT {parental_role: female} /population/1/ancestors RESTful  Resource {“nodes”: [ {“id”: 1}, {“id”: 2}, {“id”: 3}, {“id”: 4}, {“id”: 5}, {“id”: 6} ], “relationships”: [ {“from”: 1, “to”: 2, “relation”: “PARENT”}, {“from”: 2, “to”: 3, “relation”: “PARENT”}, {“from”: 2, “to”: 4, “relation”: “PARENT”}, {“from”: 3, “to”: 5, “relation”: “PARENT”} {“from”: 4, “to”: 6, “relation”: “PARENT”} ]} @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  9. Building  a  Grammar  for  Ancestral  Milestones /population/1/binary-­‐cross RESTful  Resource {

    “male”: {“id”: 4}, “female”: {“id”: 3} } 4 2 3 :PARENT {parental_role: male} :PARENT {parental_role: female} 1 5 :PARENT {parental_role: female} :PARENT {parental_role: female} 6 :PARENT {parental_role: female} @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  10. Pruning  Genetic  Ancestry  Trees  ‘On  the  Fly’ /population/1/ancestors?until-­‐first=binary-­‐cross RESTful  Resource

    {“nodes”: [ {“id”: 1}, {“id”: 2}, {“id”: 3}, {“id”: 4} ], “relationships”: [ {“from”: 1, “to”: 2, “relation”: “PARENT”}, {“from”: 2, “to”: 3, “relation”: “PARENT”}, {“from”: 2, “to”: 4, “relation”: “PARENT”} ]} 4 2 3 :PARENT {parental_role: male} :PARENT {parental_role: female} 1 5 :PARENT {parental_role: female} :PARENT {parental_role: female} 6 :PARENT {parental_role: female} @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  11. Ancestry-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  is  Released  September  2014 REST API (Ancestry-as-a-Service) Data Scientists

    Application Developers • >30  elements  of  RESTful  grammar   • ~120  applications  and  data  scientists   •  >  600  million  REST  requests   • 10x  performance  boost     • 1  month  analysis  now  takes  3  hours @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  12. Real-­‐Time  Reads  Require  Real-­‐Time  Data • Ingestion  volume  is  ~10

     million  writes/day  (not  a  write  heavy  flow)   • https://github.com/MonsantoCo/goldengate-­‐kafka-­‐adapter Field + Lab Applications { “table”: “foo” “type”: “INSERT” “columns”: [ { “name”: “bar”, “before”: “fizz”, “after”: “buzz” } ] } REST API REST API (Ancestry-as-a-Service) POST /population PUT /population/1234 PUT /population/parents DELETE /population @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  13. Layering  Genotype  Data  Over  Ancestry  Trees Genotype  nodes  act  

    as  simple  pointers  to   remote  systems   which  store  the  raw   data @TimWilliate #MonDataScience :Plant :Plant :PARENT :Plant Inventory :Plant Inventory :PARENT :Planting :PLANTED :Selection :SELECTED :HARVESTED :INVENTORY :Genotype :HAS_GENOTYPE :Genotype :HAS_GENOTYPE
  14. Retrieving  Ancestry  Trees  Annotated  with  Genotypes   {“nodes”: [ {“id”:

    1, “genotypes”: [{“id”: 123}]}, {“id”: 2}, {“id”: 3}, {“id”: 4, “genotypes”: [{“id”: 456}]}, {“id”: 5, “genotypes”: [{“id”: 789}]} ], “relationships”: [ {“from”: 1, “to”: 2, “relation”: “PARENT}”, {“from”: 2, “to”: 3, “relation”: “PARENT}”, {“from”: 3, “to”: 4, “relation”: “PARENT”}, {“from”: 3, “to”: 5, “relation”: “PARENT”} ]} 3 2 1 :Genotype {marker_count: 300} :Genotype {marker_count: 60,000} :Genotype {marker_count: 60,000} 5 4 /population/1/ancestors?until=genotyped-­‐ancestor&props=genotypes @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  15. Estimate  the  Genotype  of  Every  Seed  Produced Genotypes Field +

    Lab Applications REST API REST API (Ancestry-as-a-Service) Genotype Estimation Engine Genotype Annotated Ancestry Trees Required Genotype DataSets Estimated Genotypes New Estimated Genotypes Messages @TimWilliate #MonDataScience
  16. Let’s  Revisit  the  Flow  of  a  Breeding  Cycle @TimWilliate #MonDataScience

    X Lab Data (Genotypes) Estimate Hi-Res Genotypes Lab Data (Genotypes) Field Data (Phenotypes) Lab Data (Genotypes) Lab Data (Genotypes) Select the Best, Discard the Rest All Progeny of Two Parents Enter Best One Leaves to Become a Future Parent 1000’s crosses/year Dozens progeny/cross 1 genotype/progeny < $1 million/year Genome-Wide Selection Width of Pipeline Increases to Accommodate More Crosses
  17. Constructing  Coancestry  Matrices A B C E D G F

    A B C D E F G A 1 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 B 1 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 C 1 0 0 0.5 0.5 D 1 0 0 0 E 1 0 0 F 1 0 G 1 Coancestry(A) • Consider  a  reduced  ancestor  tree  only  between  crosses   • A  progeny  inherits  50%  of  its  genetics  from  each  parent   • Key  input  for  a  large  class  of  predictive  genetic  analysis  algorithms @TimWilliate #MonDataScience