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An Android Dev start to Kotlin MPP

An Android Dev start to Kotlin MPP

Roberto Orgiu

November 16, 2020

More Decks by Roberto Orgiu

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Premises I want to reuse my knowledge I am an

    Android Dev I don’t want to be x-plat
  2. @Serializable data class DayLight( val image: String, val color: String,

    val reason: String, val date: String ) @Serializable data class Lights( val todayColor: String, val picture: String, val calendar: List<DayLight> ) :shared
  3. class LightRepository { private val httpClient = HttpClient { install(JsonFeature)

    { val json = Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true } serializer = KotlinxSerializer(json) } } suspend fun getLights() : Lights = httpClient.get(LIGHTS_ENDPOINT) } :shared
  4. :android class LightsViewModel : ViewModel() { private val repository by

    lazy { LightRepository() } private val _state : MutableLiveData<Lce<Lights>> = MutableLiveData() val state : LiveData<Lce<Lights>> get() = _state fun loadLights() { _state.postValue(Lce.Loading) viewModelScope.launch { try { val lights = repository.getLights() _state.postValue(Lce.Success(lights)) } catch(e: Exception) { _state.postValue(Lce.Error(e)) } } } }
  5. val state : LiveData<Lce<Lights>> get() = _state fun loadLights() {

    _state.postValue(Lce.Loading) viewModelScope.launch { try { val lights = repository.getLights() _state.postValue(Lce.Success(lights)) } catch(e: Exception) { _state.postValue(Lce.Error(e)) } }
  6. Delete all .iml files in the project Close project and

    IDE Delete .idea directory Re-import the project
  7. extension ContentView { enum LoadableLights { case loading case result(Lights)

    case error(String) } class ViewModel: ObservableObject { let repo : LightRepository @Published var lights = LoadableLights.loading init(repo: LightRepository){ self.repo = repo self.loadLights() } func loadLights() { self.lights = .loading repo.getLights(completionHandler: { lights, error in if let lights = lights { self.lights = .result(lights) } else { self.lights = .error(error?.localizedDescription ?? "error") } }) } } }
  8. self.repo = repo self.loadLights() } func loadLights() { self.lights =

    .loading repo.getLights(completionHandler: { lights, error in if let lights = lights { self.lights = .result(lights) } else { self.lights = .error(error?.localizedDescription ?? "e } }) }
  9. private func listView() -> AnyView { switch viewModel.lights { case

    .loading: return AnyView(Text("Loading...").multilineTextAlignment(.center)) case .result(let lodableLights): return AnyView(LightsView(lights: lodableLights)) case .error(let description): return AnyView(Text(description).multilineTextAlignment(.center)) } }
  10. Q&A