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Implementing a retro-style game using Jetpack C...

Implementing a retro-style game using Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose is the new native declarative UI framework for Android. But with Compose for Desktop it's available on other platforms, too. So why not take a look?

In this talk we learn about key concepts like composable functions, state, and recomposition. And we'll do so in a fun way: we'll write a game. A retro-style game, that is. So, expect a brief reminiscence of the home computer era of the early 1980s.

Here's a short outline:
Showing character - how early games were made
A Jetpack Compose primer
Moving around
Simple game physics

The game is called Compose Dash. You can find its source code on GitHub: https://github.com/tkuenneth/compose_dash

Thomas Künneth

September 30, 2021

More Decks by Thomas Künneth

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  1. • Showing character (What are home computers??) • Moving around

    • Simple game physics https://unsplash.com/photos/MdmcpX2ofRk
  2. • Showing character (What are home computers??) • Moving around

    • Simple game physics https://unsplash.com/photos/MdmcpX2ofRk
  3. • 8 Bit CPU • Clock Speed < 4MHz •

    < 1 MIPS (PS4: 200000) • RAM <= 64 KB • Usually programmed in BASIC
  4. Hi Res Graphics • Usually 320 x 200 pixels or

    less • Typically 2 or 4 colors • Painting was slow • Usually wasn‘t used for games Later home computers were more powerful
  5. • Showing character (What are home computers??) • Moving around

    • Simple game physics https://unsplash.com/photos/MdmcpX2ofRk
  6. Jetpack Compose Mini Primer New native Android UI toolkit Based

    on Kotlin functions Declarative Define UI the way it should be at some point in time No need to modify component trees Updates occur when they are needed
  7. Composable functions • Building blocks for a Compose UI •

    Annotated with @Composable • Invoke other composables • Can be previewed using @Preview
  8. State Data that changes over time Can be used in

    composable functions Changes in state trigger a recomposition
  9. • Showing character (What are home computers??) • Moving around

    • Simple game physics https://unsplash.com/photos/MdmcpX2ofRk
  10. Autonomous movements using coroutines • We used coroutines to •

    move the player • let rocks and gems fall • Using launch rather simplistic • More complex scenarios can behandled using Flows • Must be coupled with lifecycle
  11. Movement and game physics • Based on SnapshotStateList • Element

    changes trigger recompositions • Easy conversion between index and x, y • Coroutines for autonomous movements
  12. Tips • Recompositions can happen very often • Composables must

    be fast • No heavy computations • No network • No I/O