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must be Associated Interchangeable I want to describe the word’s Topic Function I want to Know what doc is about Recognize names Then I should run Wordrank (even on small corpus, 1m words) or Word2vec skipgram big window needs large corpus >5m words Word2vec skipgram small window or FastText or VarEmbed
- Factorise the co-occurence matrix (SVD/LSA) - GLoVe - EigenWords - WordRank - VarEmbed - FastText Disclaimer Word2vec is not the only word embedding in the world
the company it keeps” -J. R. Firth 1957 Richard Socher’s NLP course How to come up with an embeddig?
of seeing the context words given the word over. P(the|over) P(fox|over) P(jumped|over) P(the|over) P(lazy|over) P(dog|over) word2vec algorithm Used with permission from @chrisemoody
from @chrisemoody P(fox|over) P(v fox |v over )
from @chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT = P(v THE |v OVER )
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT
@chrisemoody Should depend on whether it’s the input or the output. P(v OUT |v IN ) “The fox jumped over the lazy dog” v IN v OUT
similarity. How similar are two vectors? Just dot product for unit length vectors v OUT * v IN Used with permission from @chrisemoody
1] Normalization term over all out words Used with permission from @chrisemoody