I make the argument that we shouldn't be thinking of WordPress as either blog software or a CMS but as an application framework that can be used to power the back-end of any web app.
designed to support the development of dynamic websites, Web applications and Web services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities performed in Web development. For example, many frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating frameworks and session management, and often promote code reuse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application_framework Monday, 24 September 12
designed to support the development of dynamic websites, Web applications and Web services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities performed in Web development. For example, many frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating frameworks and session management, and often promote code reuse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application_framework Monday, 24 September 12
designed to support the development of dynamic websites, Web applications and Web services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities performed in Web development. For example, many frameworks provide libraries for database access, templating frameworks and session management, and often promote code reuse. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application_framework Monday, 24 September 12
support. • Super easy to jump in and get started. • Can run on literally any server. • Widely tested, runs 16.7% of the web, some of the largest sites in the world. Monday, 24 September 12
and nasty. • It doesn’t enforce a strict MVC structure. https://github.com/markjaquith/WordPress-Skeleton/ • People might think your not a real software engineer if your not using Ruby to build your web app. Monday, 24 September 12
site has the post_author set to the user that owns the site. • The site status is set to private to signify that users sites are private to them. • Meta information about the site like home_url, admin_url etc. are stored in post_meta. As are lists of backups, history items and plugins and themes that need updating. Sites Monday, 24 September 12
is a new term in that taxonomy • Doesn’t matter if 2 users unknowingly use the same group as each user only sees sites that they own. • We use a custom term_meta table to store things like whether a group is collapsed or not. Site Groups Monday, 24 September 12
use the HTTP API to communicate between the back-end and Plugin. • The Plugin hooks into the Core, Plugin & Theme update API’s to do the actual updates. Plugin Monday, 24 September 12