Original deck in Japanese: https://speakerdeck.com/toshihue/presales-engineer-career-bridging-tech-biz-ja
Event page: https://event.shoeisha.jp/devsumi/20250213/session/5594
Would you like to take a look into the world of presales engineering? A presales engineer is not just a demo resource, but an important bridge between technology and business, tackling problem-solving in a highly rewarding position.
Based on my experience as a presales engineer at a multinational company, I will comprehensively share the actual duties and ways of engaging with customers. Furthermore, I will explain the real level of English and technical skills required during interviews and after joining, sharing personal anecdotes. I will also address questions such as, "Is it okay if I’m not good at sales talk?" and "What skills can be leveraged?" You may even realize that many of the skills you already possess are closely related to presales.
I hope presales engineering can become a new step in your career journey.