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A practical guide to PHP serverless application...

November 18, 2021

A practical guide to PHP serverless applications - LeedsPHP

Slides in web format: https://leedsphp-serverless.netlify.app
Replay of the live talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BiidUPHXCM
Associated github repository: https://github.com/t-richard/leeds-php-demo

Talk abstract

This is a step-by-step guide to hosting your PHP applications in AWS Lambda, using an approach that you can apply to almost any API or Website.

Symfony Demo uses Twig, Webpack Encore, a database, sessions, console commands, ... Sounds familar? It is the perfect fit to test this out!

And if you're using another framework like Laravel: fear not, this will work for you too!

We'll see that we can host a fully-featured application without prior knowledge about AWS or Serverless technologies and instantly benefit from infinite scaling and on-demand pricing.

Then we will expand on more advanced use cases to get a broader picture of what a serverless PHP application can look like.

You'll get a clear view of what it takes, what the benefits are, and some of the constraints and limitations.


November 18, 2021

More Decks by Thibault

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  1. A practical guide to PHP serverless applications @t__richard - 17/11/2021

    - Leeds PHP - 03 / 76 Using symfony/demo as an example
  2. Let’s go 🚀 @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP -

    17 / 76 $ symfony new --demo leeds-talk
  3. Why the Symfony Demo? Complete sample project Symfony Twig Database

    Users & sessions Webpack Encore Console Commands … Self-contained by default Pre-built assets Seeded SQLite database @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 18 / 76
  4. Install Bref @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 19

    / 76 $ composer require bref/bref bref/symfony-bridge
  5. What is Bref? PHP runtimes for AWS Lambda Helpers to

    integrate with AWS services Deployment utilities Framework bridges Documentation @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 20 / 76 Bref provides
  6. A few config tweaks 🔧 @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds

    PHP - 21 / 76 // src/Kernel.php namespace App; + use Bref\SymfonyBridge\BrefKernel; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Kernel\MicroKernelTrait; use Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; - use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel as BaseKernel; use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollectionBuilder; - class Kernel extends BaseKernel + class Kernel extends BrefKernel { // ...
  7. A few config tweaks 🔧 @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds

    PHP - 22 / 76 # config/packages/framework.yaml framework: trusted_proxies: '' trusted_headers: [ 'x-forwarded-for', 'x-forwarded-proto', 'x-forwarded-port', 'x-forwarded-host' ]
  8. A few config tweaks 🔧 @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds

    PHP - 23 / 76 # config/packages/prod/monolog.yaml monolog: handlers: # ... nested: type: stream path: php://stderr
  9. serverless.yml @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 25 /

    76 service: symfony provider: name: aws region: us-east-1 stage: dev runtime: provided.al2 environment: APP_ENV: prod plugins: - ./vendor/bref/bref functions: web: events: - httpApi: '*' handler: public/index.php layers: - ${bref:layer.php-80-fpm} timeout: 28
  10. serverless.yml @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 26 /

    76 service: leeds-talk-blog provider: name: aws region: us-east-1 stage: dev runtime: provided.al2 environment: APP_ENV: prod plugins: - ./vendor/bref/bref functions: web: events: - httpApi: '*' handler: public/index.php layers: - ${bref:layer.php-80-fpm} timeout: 28
  11. serverless.yml @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 27 /

    76 service: leeds-talk-blog provider: name: aws region: eu-west-2 # London stage: dev runtime: provided.al2 environment: APP_ENV: prod plugins: - ./vendor/bref/bref functions: web: events: - httpApi: '*' handler: public/index.php layers: - ${bref:layer.php-80-fpm} timeout: 28
  12. Maybe it should be a bit more like… @t__richard -

    17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 29 / 76 $ composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader $ bin/console cache:clear --env=prod $ serverless deploy
  13. We need an efficient and reliable way of delivering assets

    @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 33 / 76
  14. Install Lift @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 34

    / 76 $ serverless plugin install -n serverless-lift
  15. What is Lift? Serverless Framework plugin Abstraction layer for AWS

    infrastructure Focused on use-cases, not infrastructure @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 35 / 76
  16. Server-side website @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 36

    / 76 # serverless.yml service: leeds-talk-blog provider: ... plugins: - ./vendor/bref/bref - serverless-lift functions: ... constructs: website: type: server-side-website assets: '/build/*': public/build '/favicon.ico': public/favicon.ico '/apple-touch-icon.png': public/apple-touch-icon.png '/robots.txt': public/robots.txt
  17. Exclude assets from Lambda @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP

    - 37 / 76 # serverless.yml service: leeds-talk-blog ... package: patterns: - '!assets/**' - '!node_modules/**' - '!public/build/**' - '!tests/**' - '!var/**' - 'var/cache/prod/**' - 'public/build/entrypoints.json' - 'public/build/manifest.json'
  18. SQL Database construct 🗄 @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP

    - 43 / 76 # serverless.yml service: leeds-talk-blog provider: ... environment: APP_ENV: prod # replaced by postgres://user:pass@host/dbName DATABASE_URL: ${construct:database.databaseUrl} plugins: ... functions: ... constructs: website: ... database: type: database/sql engine: postgres password: ${env:DB_PASSWORD}
  19. Enable pdo_pgsql PHP extension ⚙ @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds

    PHP - 44 / 76 ` ` # php/conf.d/php.ini extension=pdo_pgsql # you can configure more INI stuff here
  20. Deploying is so simple it becomes boring 😴 😪 @t__richard

    - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 45 / 76 $ serverless deploy
  21. See the logs 📜 @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP

    - 48 / 76 $ serverless logs -f web
  22. See the logs 📜 SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: relation

    "symfony_demo_post" does not exist @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 49 / 76
  23. The console function 🎮 @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP

    - 51 / 76 # serverless.yml ... functions: web: events: - httpApi: '*' handler: public/index.php layers: - ${bref:layer.php-80-fpm} timeout: 28 console: handler: bin/console layers: - ${bref:layer.php-80} - ${bref:layer.console} timeout: 120
  24. Back to our deployment script @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds

    PHP - 52 / 76 $ serverless deploy $ vendor/bin/bref cli leeds-talk-blog-dev-console -- doctrine:migration:migrate --no-interaction
  25. We’re done! 🎉 Deployed our code Served assets from a

    CDN Created a Database Executed migrations @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 54 / 76
  26. An application doesn’t need more, right!? Wait, I use sessions!

    What about queues? And HTTP cache? Where is my beloved crontab ? I need dev, staging & prod environments! I can’t keep those ugly domains! @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 55 / 76 ` `
  27. Wait, I use sessions! @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP

    - 57 / 76 Store them in a shared store like the Database or DynamoDB # config/services.yaml services: # ... Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler: arguments: - '%env(DATABASE_URL)%'
  28. Wait, I use sessions! @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP

    - 58 / 76 Store them in a shared store like the Database or DynamoDB # config/packages/framework.yaml framework: session: # ... handler_id: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\PdoSessionHandler
  29. What about queues? @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP -

    59 / 76 I want to use Symfony Messenger! $ composer require bref/symfony-messenger
  30. What about queues? @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP -

    60 / 76 I want to use Symfony Messenger! # serverless.yml service: leeds-talk-blog provider: name: aws environment: ... MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN: ${construct:jobs.queueUrl} constructs: ... jobs: type: queue alarm: thibault@widop.com worker: handler: bin/consumer.php timeout: 20 layers: - ${bref:layer.php-80}
  31. What about queues? @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP -

    61 / 76 I want to use Symfony Messenger!
  32. What about queues? @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP -

    62 / 76 I want to use Symfony Messenger! # bin/consumer.php <?php declare(strict_types=1); use Bref\Symfony\Messenger\Service\Sqs\SqsConsumer; use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv; require dirname(__DIR__).'/vendor/autoload.php'; (new Dotenv())->bootEnv(dirname(__DIR__).'/.env'); $kernel = new \App\Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool)$_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']); $kernel->boot(); // Return the Bref consumer service return $kernel->getContainer()->get(SqsConsumer::class);
  33. What about queues? @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP -

    63 / 76 I want to use Symfony Messenger! # config/packages/messenger.yaml framework: messenger: transports: async: dsn: '%env(MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN)%' options: auto_setup: false routing: 'Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage': async
  34. And HTTP cache? It already works thanks to the Server-side

    construct! @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 64 / 76 class BlogController extends AbstractController { /** * @Route("/", defaults={"page": "1", "_format"="html"}, methods="GET", name="blog_index") * @Route("/rss.xml", defaults={"page": "1", "_format"="xml"}, methods="GET", name="blog_rss") * @Route("/page/{page<[1-9]\d*>}", defaults={"_format"="html"}, methods="GET", name="blog_index_paginated") * @Cache(smaxage="10") */ public function index(Request $request, int $page, string $_format, PostRepository $posts, TagRepository $tags): Response { ... } }
  35. Where is my beloved crontab ? @t__richard - 17/11/2021 -

    Leeds PHP - 65 / 76 ` ` # serverless.yml ... functions: ... console: handler: bin/console layers: - ${bref:layer.php-80} - ${bref:layer.console} timeout: 120 events: - schedule: # cron(minutes hours day month weekday year) rate: cron(0 12 ? * MON-FRI *) # Monday to Friday at noon input: '"app:list-users --send-to=thibault@widop.com"'
  36. I need dev, staging & prod environments! @t__richard - 17/11/2021

    - Leeds PHP - 66 / 76 service: leeds-talk-blog provider: name: aws region: eu-west-2 # London stage: dev runtime: provided.al2 environment: ...
  37. I need dev, staging & prod environments! @t__richard - 17/11/2021

    - Leeds PHP - 67 / 76 $ serverless deploy --stage=dev $ serverless deploy --stage=staging $ serverless deploy --stage=production $ serverless deploy --stage=marketing-demo $ serverless deploy --stage=acme-corp-tenant
  38. I can’t keep those ugly domains! @t__richard - 17/11/2021 -

    Leeds PHP - 68 / 76 # serverless.yml ... constructs: website: # ... domain: blog.leedsphp.org certificate: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456615250:certificate/0a28e63d-d3a9-4578-9f8b-14347bfe8123
  39. I can’t keep those ugly domains! @t__richard - 17/11/2021 -

    Leeds PHP - 69 / 76 # serverless.yml ... constructs: website: # ... domain: - www.leedsphp.org - leedsphp.org redirectToMainDomain: true certificate: arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:123456615250:certificate/0a28e63d-d3a9-4578-9f8b-14347bfe8123
  40. I can’t keep those ugly domains! @t__richard - 17/11/2021 -

    Leeds PHP - 70 / 76 # serverless.yml ... constructs: website: # ... domain: - www.${env:DOMAIN_NAME} - ${env:DOMAIN_NAME} redirectToMainDomain: true certificate: ${env:CERTIFICATE_ARN}
  41. We’re done! 🎉 Deployed our code Served assets from a

    CDN Created a Database Executed migrations Stored sessions in the database Added Symfony Messenger Scheduled CRON jobs Enabled HTTP caching Deployed to multiple environments Configured domains @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 71 / 76
  42. ✅ Benefits Autoscaling built-in Paying for usage, not uptime High

    security and availability Less infrastructure to manage yourself Easy deployment and replication Quick ramp-up thanks to Bref, Serverless framework and Lift Fast major/minor/patch PHP updates @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 72 / 76
  43. @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 73 / 76

    Thibault Richard @t__richard Nodejs 16 was released in April and still no support on Lambda. Python 3.9 release was in Oct 2020 and support was announced 15 days ago. Meanwhile, the @brefphp community is actively working on supporting @official_php 8.1 even before RC1 is available. PHP is dead they say 4:24 PM · Aug 30, 2021 43 1 Copy li… Tweet your reply
  44. ❌ Constraints Platform constraints 28 seconds HTTP timeout 15 minutes

    event timeout Readonly & ephemeral filesystem Cold-starts Database is still a fixed resource Paradigm shift Best suited for greenfield projects @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 74 / 76
  45. Thank you so much for coming tonight 🤩 @t__richard Symfony

    & Bref Slack 💌 thibault@widop.com ⭐ github.com/brefphp/bref ⭐ github.com/getlift/lift @t__richard - 17/11/2021 - Leeds PHP - 76 / 76 It’s question time!