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Artifact Driven CI/CD / artifact-driven-cicd

Artifact Driven CI/CD / artifact-driven-cicd

Cloud Native Days 2021 (#CNDO2021) のキーノート資料です

本セッションは CI/CD をこれから始めてみようという方はもちろん、CI/CD を何らか導入し始めたもののイマイチそのメリットがピンと来ていない方を対象に、本当にプロジェクトに役立つ CI/CD パイプラインの作成方法をお伝えします。CI/CD の成功の鍵は、パイプラインの中心をソースコードではなくアーティファクト(バイナリ)にすることにあります。この考え方は世の中の多くの CI ツールとは異なる考え方になるため、ある意味コペルニクス的発想の転換が求められます。本セッションでは実際に Cloud Native な DevOps 基盤である JFrog Platform を用いた CI/CD のデモを交えながら、この「アーティファクト・ドリブン」な CI/CD をお伝えしたいと思います。

In this session, we will show you how to create a CI/CD pipeline that is really useful for your project, not only for those who are just starting to use CI/CD, but also for those who have started to use CI/CD in some way but are not quite sure of its benefits. The key to success in CI/CD is to make the artifacts (binaries) the center of the pipeline instead of the source code, which is a different way of thinking than most CI tools out there, and requires a Copernican shift in thinking. In this session, I would like to share this "artifact driven" CI/CD with a demo of CI/CD using JFrog Platform, a cloud native DevOps infrastructure.

Tsuyoshi Miyake

March 11, 2021

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    Liquid Software § @tsuyoshi_miyake miyaket@jfrog.com
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  4. 24/7 Dedicated Support + DevOps Acceleration Service Arm BUILD TEST

    RELEASE DEPLOY On Premises & Multicloud VCS ACCESS FEDERATION ACL SSO JFrog Platform: Artifact Driven CI/CD Platform