The Swiss-Army Chainsaw of Perl is now the full carpentry shop of Raku.
Which new tools are the Shiniest? Sharpest? Most-likely-to-cut-you-est?
Should other languages be inspired, or warned by its evolution?
Come see how the power of the 100-year language moved it from Perl 6.0 to First-of-its-Name.
Multiple paradigms, chained data flows, Types, Sets, Lazy Lists, Async.
Lurking among the many additions are a few key bits, that take Raku from Wow to Whoa!
Those bits also trigger most of the divergence from old mindsets and Perl solutions.
All the new moving parts fit like clockwork! Success!
But more tools, working together in new ways, means more to teach. Far more than was planned for.
Also relevant to Perl 7, and any other languages planning a growth phase.