VenueArc is the next-gen venue booking software to automate your venue. Comes with CRM, Contract Generator, Settlement Portal, and a modern events calendar
and provides a streamlined dynamic solution through innovation, automation and simplification An advanced set of user-centric features Venue booking, management, & handling made easy Manage booking calendar & add new events on the go VenueArc comes packed with Enterprise Booking Features to make your Venue booking experience better, faster and easier.
venues in a single booking calendar? Maybe color code each event, add a dozen statuses and print this entire view in PDF? This is exactly what VenueArc’s modern event booking calendar does plus a lot more. Not only is it easy to use, but it also comes bundled with views and filters to help you quickly find the event details. With VenueArc’s interactive calendar, you can hover to view everything from the start date of an event to the client it’s used for and click to get quick access to notes, event ops, and settlement power menus. The only master booking calendar you need to manage the lifecycle of all your venue events.
your guests more control over how they schedule their event. The biggest challenge for any event booking and management process is to book events that span multiple days, especially non-consecutive days. VenueArc offers the ability for users to book events for single date, multiple dates (yes, both consecutive and non-consecutive dates), single-week or even multi-week events. This allows you to maximize your venue bookings and make sure every single slot is booked. According to customer feedback, this is the biggest reason why venues love VenueArc.
is the contract information, where is the deposit schedule or where are the settlement and event documents? VenueArc exactly addresses this problem every venue manager face by providing super- easy access to all the event details, contract information, deposit schedule, financial details, event notes and documents. It comes packed with Client CRM and offers a central storage for all event documents and digital files Save more time with easy access to everything you need to manage your entire event ops.
and maintain not just the event notes but also notes for every performance. Have you struggled to keep up with an ever-increasing array of sticky notes all over the place? VenueArc helps you better organize the notes by giving the control back to you. Not only can you easily manage event notes, but you can also add notes for every performance separately. This saves you a lot of time and hassle, not to mention, eliminates the need to rummage through piles of diaries and sticky notes to find the right note at the right time. Capture event notes effortlessly with VenueArc. Always accessible and super-handy