feature and its nearest opinion expression, which is also used in (Hu and Liu, 2004). • SVM-1 To compare with tree kernel based approaches used in (Kobayashi et al., 2007) • SVM-2 is designed to compare the effectiveness of cross-domain performances. The features used are simple bag of words and POS-Tags between opinion expressions and product features. • SVM-WTree uses head words of opinion expressions and product features in the word-level dependency tree, as the previous works in information extraction. Then conducts tree kernel proposed by Culotta and Sorensen (2004). • SVM-PTree denotes the results of this paper’s treekernel based SVM. Stanford parser (Klein and Manning, 2002) and Sundance (Riloff and Phillips, 2004) are used as lexical dependency parser and shallow parser. • OERight is the result of SVM-PTree with correct opinion expressions. • PFRight is the result of SVM-PTree with correct product features.