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Docker Meetup Paris #1

Docker Meetup Paris #1

* Intro to Docker
* Installing Docker
* Basic Commands
* Demo: Simple deployment
* Questions

Victor Vieux

October 02, 2013

More Decks by Victor Vieux

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  1. Outline •  Intro to Docker •  Installing Docker •  Basic

    commands •  Demo: Simple deployment •  Questions
  2. Quick survey •  How many people have heard of Docker

    before this Meetup ? •  How many people have tried Docker ? •  How many people are using Docker in production ?
  3. Origins of Docker •  Docker is a rewrite of similar

    code that currently powers the dotCloud PaaS •  Original version written in Python (like dotCloud PaaS), now written in Go •  It’s a young project (~6 months), but with a huge community.
  4. Docker Timeline •  January 2013 Docker started as an internal

    project inside of dotCloud •  March 21, 2013 Solomon gives Docker lightning talk a PyCon US •  March 27, 2013 Docker 0.1 released to Public •  September 4, 2013 Docker merged into Openstack for the Havana release •  September 19, 2013 Partnership with Red Hat around OpenShift •  September 27, 2013 Docker 0.6.3 released
  5. In the first 6 months •  6000+ Github stars • 

    150+ Contributors •  50,000+ docker index pull •  100’s of projects built on top of Docker – UIs (DockerUI, Shipyard, Dockland…) – Open Source PaaS (DEIS, Flynn, Dokku…) – Continuous Deployment (Strider…) •  1700’s Dockerized applications on Github
  6. What is Docker ? “Docker is an open-source engine to

    easily create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. The same container that a developer builds and test on a laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs, OpenStack cluster, public clouds and more.”
  7. How does Docker work ? •  LinuX Containers (LXC) • 

    Control Groups & Namespaces •  AUFS •  Client – Server with an HTTP API
  8. LinuX Containers (LCX) •  Let’s your run a Linux system

    within another Linux system •  A container is a group of processes on a Linux box, put together is an isolated environment •  From the inside, it looks like a VM •  From the outside, it looks like normal processes •  “chroot on steroids”
  9. Why Containers? •  Speed: Boots in seconds •  Footprint: 100-1000

    containers on one machine. Small disk requirements
  10. Control Groups & Namespaces Linux kernel feature to limit, account

    and isolate resource usage, such as: – CPU – Memory – Disk I/O
  11. AUFS   •  File system that implements union mount.  

        •  Supports Copy On Write (COW):       # mount –t aufs –o br=/files1:/files2 none /files       # mount –t aufs –o br=/tmp=rw:/bin=ro none /files    
  12. Installations •  Ubuntu Linux •  Binaries •  Using Vagrant More

    on: http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/installation
  13. Installation: Ubuntu Linux •  AUFS support $> sudo apt-get update

    $> sudo apt-get intall linux-image-extra-`uname –r` •  Add Docker repository $> sudo sh –c “curl https://get.docker.io/gpg | apt-key add -” $> sudo sh –c “echo deb http://get.docker.io/ubuntu docker \ main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list” •  Install $> sudo apt-get update $> sudo apt-get install lxc-docker
  14. Installation: Binaries •  Get the docker binary $> wget –output-document=docker

    https://get.docker.io/builds/\ Linux/x86_64/docker-latest $> chmod +x docker •  Run the docker daemon $> sudo ./docker –d & •  Use your own system startup script  
  15. Installation: Vagrant •  Clone the Docker repository $> git clone

    https://github.com/dotcloud/docker.git •  Startup the vagrant image $> vagrant up   •  SSH into the image $> vagrant ssh •  Docker client works on Mac
  16. Classic: hello world •  Get one base image (ubuntu, centos,

    busybox,…) $> docker pull ubuntu •  List images on your system $> docker images     •  Print hello world $> docker run ubuntu:12.10 echo “hello world”  
  17. Detached mode •  Run  in  Docker  using  the  detach  flag

     (-­‐d)   $> docker run –d ubuntu sh –c “while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done” •  Get  container’s  id   $> docker ps •  A:ach  to  the  container   $> docker attach <container_id>   •  Stop/Start/Restart  the  container   $> docker stop <container_id>  
  18. Containers vs Images •  Remove a file from an image

    $> docker run busybox rm /etc/passwd •  The file is still there ?? $> docker run busybox cat /etc/passwd •  Commit the newly created to an image $> docker ps –n=2 #get the container’s id $> docker commit <id> vieux/broken-busybox   •  The file is gone $> docker run vieux/broken-busybox cat /etc/passwd
  19. Public Index & Network •  Pull an apache image from

    the public index $> docker search apache $> docker pull creack/apache2 •  Run the image and check the ports $> docker run –d creack/apache2 $> docker ps •  Expose public ports $> docker run –d –p 8888:80 –p 4444:443 creack/apache2 $> docker ps  
  20. Creating your 1st app: the interactive way •  Using docker

    in interactive mode $> docker run –i –t ubuntu bash root@82c63ee50c3d:/# root@82c63ee50c3d:/# apt-get update […] root@82c63ee50c3d:/# apt-get install memcached […] root@82c63ee50c3d:/# exit •  Commit the image $> docker commit `docker ps –q –l` vieux/memcached •  Start the image $> docker run –d –p 11211 –u daemon vieux/memcached memcached
  21. Creating your 1st app: the boring way •  Multiple run

    / commit $> docker run ubuntu apt-get update $> $ID=(docker commit `docker ps –q –l`) $> docker run $ID apt-get install memcached $> docker commit `docker ps –q –l vieux/memcached •  Define default configuration at commit $> docker commit –run=‘{“Entrypoint”: [“memcached”]}’ […] •  Start the image $> docker run –d –p 11211 –u daemon vieux/memcached
  22. Creating your 1st app: the scripted way •  Write a

    Dockerfile # Memcached FROM ubuntu MAINTAINER Victor Vieux <[email protected]> RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get install –y memcached ENTRYPOINT [“memcached”] USER daemon EXPOSE 11211 •  Buid the image $> docker build –t=vieux/memcached . •  Start the image $> docker run –d vieux/memcached memcached
  23. Volumes and bind mounts •  Put your persistent data in

    a volume $> $ID=(docker run –d –v /var/lib/mysql vieux/mysql) •  So you can re use it in another container $> docker run –d –volumes-from=$ID vieux/mysql   •  Bind mounts $> docker run –d –v /home/vv:/home <image> •  Supports read only / read write $> docker run –d –v host/path:container/path:rw <image>
  24. Other commands •  docker cp #copy a file from container

    to host •  docker diff #print container changes •  docker top #display running processes inside a container •  docker rm/rmi #delete container/image •  docker wait #wait until container stop and print exit code More on: http://docs.docker.io/en/latest/commandline/cli
  25. Local development •  App running in prod http://ks3100989.kimsufi.com:8080/ •  Build

    local  $> docker build –t=gcm . •  Test local $> docker run –p 49200:8080 gcm  http://localhost:49200 •  Change some files •  Rebuild & test $> docker build –t=gcm . $> docker run –p 49200:8080 gcm
  26. Push to prod •  Tag image in order to push

    it $> docker tag gcm ks3100989.kimsufi.com:5000/gcm •  Push image to local registry $> docker push ks3100989.kimsufi.com:5000/gcm •  On production server, download image $> docker pull ks3100989.kimsufi.com:5000/gcm •  Restart the container $> docker stop <container_id> $> docker run –d –p 8080:8080 <image>