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Docker machine, swarm and compose: the future o...

Docker machine, swarm and compose: the future of distributed apps

Talk about docker machine, swarm and compose given at RackSpace Solve SF 2015 with https://twitter.com/ehazlett

Victor Vieux

March 04, 2015

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  1. Timeline Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Jun Proposal DockerCon EU

    Open Repository First Release Candidate Machine Beta Release Machine 1.0
  2. Machine Beta: Features • Providers: EC2, DigitalOcean, VirtualBox • Management:

    Create, Remove, Start, Stop, … • Providers: Currently more than 10; 12 open PRs • Provisioning: Cloudinit for more OS choices, greater configuration control • TLS: Encryption & Authentication • Swarm Integration: Cluster management (create, scale, …) • Machine Server: REST API for integration DockerCon EU Beta Release
  3. Timeline Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Jun Proof of Concept

    Friday Demo Global Hack Day Open Proposal Swarm Team Created DockerCon EU Open Repository First Release Candidate Swarm Beta Release Swarm 1.0
  4. Swarm Beta: Features • Scheduler: Filters, Strategies (random, binpack) •

    Resource Management: Memory, CPU, Networking • Constraints: region=us-east, storage=ssd, … • Affinity: co-schedule containers • Expression Engine: ==, !=, regular expressions, … • TLS: Encryption & Authentication • “Pluggable” Discovery Backends: etcd, consul, zookeeper • API Parity to 76%: built-in proxy, attach, exec, images, … DockerCon EU Beta Release
  5. Swarm Beta: Integrations • Fully integrated with Machine • Partially

    integrated with Compose • Mesos integration has started. • Swarm image officially distributed through the Hub.
  6. • Isolated Docker development environments • Partially integrated with Swarm

    • Great for development, staging, and CI (not production yet) • Easily scale applications and services Compose: Features