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Introduction to Event Sourcing ...and cqrs

Introduction to Event Sourcing ...and cqrs

Event sourcing is a pattern for modeling the application’s business logic. It states that all changes to application state should be defined and stored as a sequence of events. Its advantages are many:

Gives freedom to refactor the business logic, allowing better response to new requirements.
Suitable for building scalable, highly concurrent, distributed systems.
Stored events give the true history of a system, which is required by law in some industries.
The system’s state can be reversed to any point in the past for retroactive debugging.
The required infrastructure is simple – no monstrous databases are involved.
Vladik will also describe CQRS, an architecture that goes hand in hand with Event Sourcing.

Vladik Khononov

July 29, 2015

More Decks by Vladik Khononov

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  1. – www.dictionary.com Model: A simplified representation of a system or

    phenomenon. – www.wikipedia.org לדומ: גוציי יטרואת לש תכרעמ תבכרומ , ותרטמש תוקחל תא תכרעמה םיטביהב םייתוהמ . לדומה וניא ראתמ לכ העפות תכרעמב , אלא סחייתמ םיטביהל םירדגומ םימצמוצמו הלש . לדומה ססובמ לע בוריק לש תואיצמה ךרדב לש הטשפה , דוחיא תויושי תומלעתהו םימרוגמ םתעפשהש הניא תיתוהמ .
  2. Good Domain Model • Not too much • Not too

    less • Sweet spot • The information we need • The information we will need
  3. Why domain models fail • We absolutely suck at predicting

    the future • No single model can suit all the use cases • Model transformations are painful
  4. • A customer has customer id number and a name

    • A customer has contact information: email, phone number • A customer can be in on of the following states: New, CallLater, Converted, NotInterested • A seller has seller id number, name and password • The selling home page contains a list of the customers in the following statuses: • New • CallLater (when scheduled call date is met)
  5. • Seller chooses a customer to call from the home

    page • Seller can change the customer’s status to “Converted”, “Not Interested” • Seller can schedule a future call by setting the future call date. The Customer’s status will change to “CallLater” • Seller can change name, email, and phone number
  6. enum Status { New, CallLater, Converted, NotInterested } class Customer

    { int Id; string Name; Status Status; DateTime? ScheduledCall; string Email; string PhoneNumber; } CREATE TABLE Customers ( ID INTEGER, Name CHAR(40), Email CHAR(40), PhoneNumber CHAR(40), Status INTEGER, ScheduledCall DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) class Seller { int Id; string Name; string Password; } CREATE TABLE Sellers ( ID INTEGER, Name CHAR(40), Password CHAR(40) PRIMARY KEY (ID) )
  7. • Seller can find customers by name, email, and/or phone

    number in the search page • The customers should be found by the current and the past values
  8. • If no new customers are available on the home

    page, it should display customers in the NotInterested status, if it was set more than a 30 days ago
  9. • Analysts should be able to review status changes history

    for each customer - change date and the new status
  10. class Seller { int Id; string Name; string Password; }

    CREATE TABLE Sellers ( ID INTEGER, Name CHAR(40), Password CHAR(40) PRIMARY KEY (ID) ) enum Status { New, CallLater, Converted, NotInterested } class Customer { int Id; string Name; Status Status; DateTime? ScheduledCall; string Email; string PhoneNumber; } CREATE TABLE Customers ( ID INTEGER, Name CHAR(40), Email CHAR(40), PhoneNumber CHAR(40), Status INTEGER, ScheduledCall DATETIME, PRIMARY KEY (ID) )
  11. Id Name Email Phone number Status Scheduled Call 10 John

    john@gmail.com 04-2342343 CallLater 27/10/2014
  12. Id Name Email Phone number Status Scheduled Call 10 John

    john@gmail.com 08-9876653 CallLater 27/10/2014
  13. Id Name Email Phone number Status Scheduled Call 10 John

    john@gmail.com 08-9876653 Converted
  14. Id Name Email Phone number Status Scheduled Call 10 John

    john@gmail.com 08-9876653 Converted
  15. class StatusChanged : IEvent { Status NewStatus; DateTime CreatedOn; int

    CreatedBy; } class FutureCallScheduled : IEvent { DateTime ScheduledCallTime; DateTime CreatedOn; int CreatedBy; } class ContactDetailsWereUpdated : IEvent { string NewName; string NewEmail; string NewPhone; DateTime CreatedOn; int CreatedBy; }
  16. class Customer { int Id; string Name; string Email; string

    PhoneNumber; Status Status; DateTime? ScheduledCall; List<IEvent> Events; … void Apply(StatusChanged e) { Status = e.NewStatus; Events.Add(e); } …. …. }
  17. class Customer { int Id; string Name; string Email; string

    PhoneNumber; Status Status; DateTime? ScheduledCall; List<IEvent> Events; … … void Apply(FutureCallScheduled e) { ScheduledCall = e.ScheduledCallTime; Events.Add(e); } … }
  18. class Customer { int Id; string Name; string Email; string

    PhoneNumber; Status Status; DateTime? ScheduledCall; List<IEvent> Events; … … … void Apply(ContactDetailsWereUpdated e) { Name = e.NewName; Email = e.NewEmail; PhoneNumber = e.NewPhoneNumber; Events.Add(e); } }
  19. Id Name Email Phone number Status Scheduled Call 10 John

    john@gmail.com 08-9876653 Converted
  20. class CustomerSearchModel { int Id; List<string> Names; List<string> Emails; List<string>

    PhoneNumbers; Status Status; DateTime? ScheduledCall; … … … void Apply(ContactDetailsWereUpdated e) { Names.Add(e.NewName); Emails.Add(e.NewEmail); PhoneNumbers.Add(e.NewPhoneNumber); } }
  21. class CustomerAnalysisModel { int Id; string Name; string Email; string

    PhoneNumber; List<StatusChange> StatusChanges; DateTime? ScheduledCall; … void Apply(StatusChanged e) { StatusChanges.Add( new StatusChange(e.CreatedOn, e.NewStatus) ); } …. …. }
  22. class Customer { int Id; string Name; string Email; string

    PhoneNumber; Status Status; DateTime? ScheduledCall; List<IEvent> Events; }
  23. class CustomerAnalysisModel { int Id; string Name; string Email; string

    PhoneNumber; List<StatusChange> StatusChanges; DateTime? ScheduledCall; }
  24. Good Domain Model • Not too much • Not too

    less • Sweet spot • The information we need • The information we might need
  25. Why domain models fail • We absolutely suck at predicting

    the future • No single model can suit all the use cases (e.g.: transactional processing, business intelligence, search) • Model transformations are painful
  26. • Event based models • Effective modeling • No future

    predicting required • Time machine • Retroactive debugging • Infrastructural freedom • Infinite scalability • Easy to scale writes • Easy to scale reads Conclusions
  27. Before you try this at home • Read “Implementing Domain

    Driven Design” by Vaughn Vernon • Read “Domain Driven Design” by Eric Evans • Follow Greg Young, Udi Dahan, DDD community • Read DDD/CQRS on Google Groups • Join http://meetup.com/DDD-IL :)