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Windows Azure Cloud 101 Basics - High level Overview

vamsi sistla
November 21, 2013

Windows Azure Cloud 101 Basics - High level Overview

This deck is an overview of Windows Azure Cloud Platform

vamsi sistla

November 21, 2013

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  1. Agenda  Azure Overview  Azure Overview  Supported OSs

    & Programming Languages  Azure Services/Products  Azure Websites  Azure Cloud Service  Azure Virtual Machines  Comparison of Websites/Cloud Service/Virtual Machines
  2. Azure Overview  Azure is Windows Cloud Service – that

    provides most of the common cloud paradigms – Platform as a Service (PAAS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS).  Azure Provides 4 different Execution Models for Running Your Application – as Websites, Cloud Services, Virtual Machines & Mobile Services. Azure calls them “Compute”.  Cloud Services is PAAS where as Virtual Machines is IAAS.  Azure Cloud Supports Following Operating Systems  Windows – Windows Server 2003 and 2008  Linux Versions – Centos, Debian, Fedora, Oracle Linux, Red Hat, Ubuntu  Azure Cloud Supports Following Programming Languages  ASP/ .NET, Node.Js, Java, Php, Python, Ruby  Azure App Store  Also comes with an App Store with about 30 to 40 Applications such as – Bing API, PubNub, SendGrid, AppDynamics, etc.
  3. Azure Websites  Azure Websites run in a Virtual Machine

    (VM)  You can run many websites within a VMs  It is platform as a service (PAAS) – which means, you will have less control on IIS settings; won’t be able to install and run third party DLLs, etc.  Front end code and application logic run in IIS in case of Azure Websites unlike other services.  One can deploy Azure Website using multiple methods – WebDeploy, GIT, FTP or TFS.  Websites can run in 3 different modes – Free, Shared and Standard. Free and Shared modes have limited resources compared to Standard mode.  To monitor load time and other performance metrics, Azure Websites provide Web end point setting.  By default all applications include websites run on 1 instance. For better redundancy and scale, you should add additional instances.  This is the least complicated and also least flexible execution model within Azure.  Azure provides a gallery of APP Frameworks, CMS and Wiki Tools – like Drupal, Django, Joomla, Wordpress, PhpStarter Kit, etc
  4. Azure – Cloud Services  Azure Cloud Service  Is

    a PAAS  Can deploy more complex architectures and applications.  You have build it locally and deploy using Visual Studio or WebMatrix.  A simple Cloud Service includes – a Web Role and Worker Role.  Web Role – is end user facing – the part of your application that interacts with the end user. Ex - Website  Worker role – is background applications that do the backend work and doesn’t really interact with end user. Ex – Encryption of a password, etc.  Web and Worker Roles run in their own Virtual Machines.
  5. Azure – Virtual Machines  Azure Virtual Machines  Is

    IAAS  Give you maximum control  Each Standalone VM will have its on IP Address  A Groups of VMs can be part of a Cloud Service (which means same IP address). Ideal for multi tier applications.  In Azure, Hyper-V allows you to move entire servers, entire file system from Cloud to local machine with just few clicks. This is a super powerful functionality – most system administrators love.  Managing, configuring and deploying Virtual Machines is the most important part of Cloud Administrators.
  6. Comparison Table – Web Sites vs Cloud vs Virtual Machine

    Windows Azure Web Sites are ideal for... Windows Azure Cloud Services are ideal for... Windows Azure Virtual Machines are ideal for... Modern Web Applications. Applications that consist of a client-side markup and scripting, server-side scripting and a database. You can scale out or up as needed. Multi-tier Applications. Applications that are composed of multiple tiers. Each tier can be scaled independently, with asynchronous background processing, like order processing, using both web and worker roles. Server Applications. Existing applications that leverage SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, SharePoint Server, etc. Continuous Development. Deploy directly from your source code repository by using Git or Team Foundation Service. Applications that Require Advanced Administration. Applications that require administrator access, remote desk"top" access, or running code with elevated privileges. Existing Line-of-business Applications. Choose an image from the gallery or upload your own VHD (Virtual Hard Disk). Popular Open Source Applications. Launch a website with a few clicks with such applications as WordPress, Joomla!, and Drupal. Create advanced, high-traffic open-source websites on Windows Azure. Applications that Require Advanced Networking. Applications that require network isolation with Windows Azure Virtual Network. Windows or Linux. Support for Windows Server and community/commercial versions of Linux. Connect virtual machines with Cloud Services to take advantage of PaaS services.