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February 26, 2014



February 26, 2014


  1. Intruduction • Shuichi Wada / @wadap • Born in 1981

    / 32 years old • Nanapi’s Co-Founder / Chief Technology Officer • PHP, Ruby, elisp, Objective-C, Linux… • I love emacs!
  2. タイトルテキスト • QA Application
 “Answer” for iPhone • You can

    get a quick answer within 5minues. • It was launched in December 2013 w *UJTCBTFEPO1)1BOE 0CKFDUJWF$ *OUSPEVDFPVSTFSWJDF
  3. Biography • I joined Rakuten in 2005
 I was ServerEngineer.

    But I had majored in economics at univercity. • I was starting Nanapi in 2009 with my company’s President.
  4. Work of my daily • I improve the technical level

    of the company. • I adopt the engineers and designers. • I do all server work.
 There is only one person I'm Server-Engineer. • I’m a leader of engineer for NewBusiness