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Intro to Database Design with Airtable

April 21, 2018

Intro to Database Design with Airtable

Part of a series of workshops leading up to the Houston Hackathon 2018. https://www.meetup.com/sketchcity/events/249779121/

In this workshop we will cover the basics of Database Design with Airtable. Please bring your laptop and prior to the workshop sign up for an account at: http://airtable.com/ .
We will discuss the what and why of databases, strategize on how we might design a database to fit different needs, and gain hands-on experience by building one.


April 21, 2018

More Decks by Wanjun

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  1. Intro to Database Design April 2018 Please go to: bit.ly/databasedesign

    To give us your email and collaborate on workshop materials
  2. Goals + Agenda 9:00 - 9:30: Introductions + Housekeeping 9:30

    - 10:00: Overview of Database and Database Design 10:00 - 11:00 Make a Database in Airtable 11:00 - 12:00 Design your own database + Share
  3. A database is an organized collection of data that can

    be accessed, managed, and updated.
  4. Meta Data - Name, Type, Size, and Description of Data

    Name Type Description Student Name Text Student’s Name Student ID Number Unique identification number for each student Date of Birth Date Student’s Date of Birth in the Format “01/01/1990” Vaccination Boolean Whether or not a student is vaccinated - T or F. Photo Image Student’s photo for ID. Address ??? Student’s Home Address
  5. Address Name Type Description Street Number + Text Street address

    in the format 1234 Adams Street. Apartment or Suite Number Number Optional apartment or Suite number. City Text Name of the City. State Characters One of 50 U.S. States in the format ‘AB’. Zip Code Number Zip code number 12345.
  6. Books Name Type Title Text Year Published Number Price Currency

    On Loan True or False ISBN Some complicated number Author Own set of data
  7. Define Data and Metadata about one of the Following. You

    have 5 minutes. You are: City of Houston. Keeping track of Potholes in Houston. You are: Fashion editor of a magazine. Editorial Calendar for your writers. You are: Fantasy Baseball Fanatic. Baseball Teams in MLB. You are: Entrepreneur. Parts inventory of a Drone startup.
  8. Do any of those data have more data? Trade with

    a neighbor. Define and see if their data has more data. Work with your neighbors. Take 5 Minutes.
  9. Consider: What information might you want to ask your database?

    -> Tables, Linking to Tables, Field Types Who are the users? -> Share Views, Filtering and Sorting How are you getting data? -> Collaborators, Forms