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Browsers that aden't <=8

Browsers that aden't <=8

With Windows XP killed by Microsoft, IE8 has less and less market share every week. That's why companies are deciding to drop the support for this ancient browser. In his presentation Wojtek will try to answer the question of viability of supporting IE8 in your projects. He will also tell you about things that you can start/stop using today if you drop the support. You will be amazed of what you can do in JavaScript right now - without fancy compilers, shims or hacks.

Wojtek Urbański

May 07, 2014

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    BY DROPPING SUPPORT FOR IE8! / Front-trends 2014 lightning talk, 07.05.2014r Wojtek Urbański @wojtiku
  2. ABOUT ME Front-end developer @ - ! Working on the

    JIRA team with meet.js co-organizer @wojtiku Spartez We are hiring Atlassian
  3. IS IT WORTH IT? IE 8 was almost 44% of

    all IE testing at Atlassian in last ~10 months 2159 - number of test VM with IE8 instances created Assuming one test session lasts for 1 hour… it’s 90 days (24h) or 270 man days (8h), ~13 man months! Atlassian is dropping IE8 support... just about now!
  4. IE USAGE STATCOUNTER.COM IE8 - 6.71% IE9 - 3.78% IE10

    - 4.13% IE11 - 8.97% RANKING.PL IE8 - 3.75% IE9 - 2.17% IE10 - 2.13% IE11 - 5.46% JIRA ONDEMAND IE8 - 6.34% IE9 - 9,55% IE10 - 7.05% IE11 - 9.34% Each website is different, check your stats Windows XP SP3 support ended on April 8th, 2014!
  5. addEventListener ALL THE THINGS! document.getElementById('my-button').addEventListener('click', handlerFunction); is better than function

    addEventHandler(elem, eventType, handler) { if (elem.addEventListener) elem.addEventListener (eventType, handler, false); else if (elem.attachEvent) elem.attachEvent ('on'+eventType, handler); } addEventHandler(document.getElementById('my-button'), 'click', handlerFunction);
  6. Object.defineProperty var o = {}, val = 1; Object.defineProperty(o, "propertyKey",

    { //visibility in the for(var x in o) loop enumerable: false, //ability to modify this descriptor or delete property from the object configurable: false, //value can’t be changed via assignment operator writable: true, // any valid JS value value: 123 // OR getter and setter! get: function() { return val * 2; } set: function(v) { val = v; } }); // you can get the descriptor with Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, "propertyKey"); // Object {value: "propertyKey", writable: true, enumerable: false, configurable: false}
  7. GETTERS AND SETTERS Imagine Backbone.js models like this this.model.attrName =

    123 instead of this this.model.set("attrName", 123)
  8. NATIVE-LIKE OBSERVER Check out and get/set like a boss Watch.JS

    //defining our object however we like var ex1 = { attr1: "initial value of attr1", attr2: "initial value of attr2" }; //defining a 'watcher' for an attribute watch(ex1, "attr1", function(){ alert("attr1 changed!"); }); //when changing the attribute its watcher will be invoked ex1.attr1 = "other value";
  9. PREVENTING MODIFICATIONS var o = {}; Object.preventExtensions(o); // no new

    properties Object.isExtensible(o); Object.seal(o); // no new properties, existing non-configurable Object.isSealed(o); Object.freeze(o); // object is immutable Object.isFrozen(o);
  10. LIST OF PROPERTIES var arr = ["a", "b", "c"]; Object.keys(arr);

    > ["0", "1", "2"] Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arr); > ["0", "1", "2", "length"]
  11. ECMASCRIPT 5 SUPPORT - ARRAYS Array map reduce lter every

    some forEach indexOf and more... Array.isArray var arr = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181]; arr .sort(function(a,b){ return b - a; }) .filter(function(item) { return item % 2 == 1 }) .map(function(item) { return item * 2; }) .forEach(function(item, idx, array) { console.log(idx + ": " + item); });
  12. JAVASCRIPT - OTHERS Function.prototype.bind - no more underscore! String.prototype.trim -

    no more $.trim! Immutable undefined Date.now Function.prototype.apply accepts array-like objects instead of just Arrays (e.g. arguments) (worked in IE8) Text Selection API Geolocation API Canvas
  13. PSEUDO CLASS SELECTORS : rst-child :last-child :nth-child() :only-of-type : rst-of-type

    :last-of-type :nth-of-type() :only-child :checked :enabled :disabled :empty :not
  14. + input:enabled + label { background: yellow; } input:checked +

    label { background: red; } input:disabled + label { background: silver; } <form method="post" action="/action"> <input type="checkbox" checked=""><label>a</label> <input type="checkbox"><label>b</label> <input type="checkbox" disabled=""><label>c</label> </form>
  15. CSS BACKGROUNDS multiple backgrounds RGBa/HSL colors background-size SVG in CSS

    backgrounds #foo { background: url(top.png) no-repeat top, url(bottom.png) no-repeat bottom, url(pattern.png) repeat-x; } #a { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5); } /*Red Green Blue Alpha*/ #b { background: hsla(350, 50%, 45%, 1); } /*Hue Saturation Lightness Alpha*/ #foo { background-size: cover, contain, 100% auto; }
  16. NEW CSS UNITS rem it’s like em, only better relative

    to :root element vw/vh vw - 1% of viewport witdh vh - 1% of viewport height vmin and vmax not supported be careful with font-sizing
  17. SVG SUPPORT Inline SVG in HTML SVG in IMG tag

    SVG in CSS backgrounds styling SVG via ll property

    Workers Web Sockets File and FileReader API IndexedDB Of ine web applications (push|pop|replace)State ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode classList PageVisibility API CSS3 Transitions CSS3 Text-shadow CSS Repeating Gradients CSS Gradients CSS3 Animation SVG lters