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diagramize it

Taras Kalapun
February 07, 2014

diagramize it

Presentation about free & open source tools to produce diagrams from textural description

Taras Kalapun

February 07, 2014

Other Decks in Programming


  1. BLOCKDIAG blockdiag {! WeatherApi [shape = ellipse];! AdMob [shape =

    ellipse];! Cloud [shape = cloud];! User [shape = actor];! ! WeatherApi -> Cloud! AdMob -> Cloud! Cloud -> App! App -> User! }
  2. digraph G {! ranksep = 1! rankdir = TD! node

    [! shape = "record"! height = 0.50! fontsize = 10! margin = 0.20,0.05! ]! A2 [! label = "Customer]"! style = "filled"! fillcolor = ""! ]! node [! shape = "record"! height = 0.50! GRAPHVIZ
  3. GRAPHVIZ digraph G {! rankdir=LR;! ! subgraph clusterUser {label="User"; labelloc="b";

    peripheries=0; user};! user [shapefile="stick.png", peripheries=0, style=invis];! login [label="Log In", shape=ellipse];! ! user->login [arrowhead=none];! }
  4. GNU PIC .PS! ellipse "document";! arrow;! box "\fIgpic\fP(1)"! arrow;! box

    width 1.2 "\fIgtbl\/\fP(1) or \fIgeqn\/\fP(1)" "(optional)" dashed;! arrow;! box "\fIgtroff\/\fP(1)";! arrow;! ellipse "PostScript"! .PE http://floppsie.comp.glam.ac.uk/Glamorgan/gaius/web/pic.html
  5. digraph untitled {! rankdir=TD! size="4,4"! edge[fontsize="11" arrowhead=open]! start[shape=circle, label="", style=filled]!

    end[shape=doublecircle, label="", style=filled]! action1[shape=box,style=rounded, label="action"]! action2[shape=box,style=rounded, label="action"]! action3[shape=box,style=rounded, label="action"]! if1[shape=diamond, label="decision"]! if2[shape=diamond, label="decision"]! ! start -> action1! action1 -> if1[headport=n]! if1 -> action2[label="condition" tailport=w]! if1 -> action3[taillabel="condition" labeldistance=2.5 tailport=e]! action2 -> if2[headport=w]
  6. ACTDIAG actdiag {! write -> convert -> image! ! lane

    user {! label = "User"! write [label = "Writing reST"];! image [label = "Get diagram IMAGE"];! }! lane actdiag {! convert [label = "Convert reST to Image"];! }! }
  7. SEQDIAG seqdiag {! browser -> webserver [label = "GET /index.html"];!

    browser <-- webserver;! browser -> webserver [label = "POST /blog/comment"];! webserver -> database [label = "INSERT comment"];! webserver <-- database;! browser <-- webserver;! }
  8. .PS! ! copy "sequence.pic";! ! boxwid = 1.1;! movewid =

    0.5;! ! # Define the objects! object(C,"c:Client");! pobject(T);! object(P,"p:ODBCProxy");! ! # Message sequences! step();! active(C);! cmessage(C,T,":Transaction");! oconstraint("{Transient}");
  9. nwdiag {! network dmz {! address = "210.x.x.x/24"! ! //

    set multiple addresses (using comma)! web01 [address = "210.x.x.1, 210.x.x.20"];! web02 [address = "210.x.x.2"];! }! network internal {! address = "172.x.x.x/24";! ! web01 [address = "172.x.x.1"];! web02 [address = "172.x.x.2"];! db01;! db02;! }! }
  10. RACKDIAG rackdiag {! // define height of rack! 16U;! !

    // define rack items! 1: UPS [2U];! 3: DB Server! 4: Web Server 1 // put 2 units to r 4: Web Server 2! 5: Web Server 3! 5: Web Server 4! 7: Load Balancer! 8: L3 Switch! }
  11. ASCII DITAA +--------+ +-------+ +-------+! | | --+ ditaa +-->

    | |! | Text | +-------+ |diagram|! |Document| |!magic!| | |! | {d}| | | | |! +---+----+ +-------+ +-------+! : ^! | Lots of work |! +-------------------------+ http://ditaa.sourceforge.net
  12. digraph G {! graph [rankdir = LR];! ! node[shape=record];! Bar[label="{

    \"Bar\"|{<p1>pin 1|<p2> 2|<p3> 3|<p4> 4| <p5> 5} }"];! Foo[label="{ {<data0>data0|<data1>data1|<data2>data2|<data3>data3| <data4>data4}|\"Foo\" |{<out0>out0|<out1>out1|<out2>out2|<GND>gnd| <ex0>ex0|<hi>hi|<lo>lo} }"];! ! Bew[label="{ {<clk>clk|<syn>syn|<mux0>mux0|<mux1>mux1| <signal>signal}|\"Bew\" |{<out0>out0|<out1>out1|<out2>out2} }"];! Bar:p1 -> Foo:data0;! Bar:p2 -> Foo:data1;! Bar:p3 -> Foo:data2;! Bar:p4 -> Foo:data3;! Bar:p5 -> Foo:data4;